diff options
authorAlfredo Palhares2023-06-26 18:50:00 +0100
committerAlfredo Palhares2023-06-26 18:50:00 +0100
commit003a9530fe690099d64db56b5350df43c3be35d6 (patch)
parent7b2acbc58d60f62c38f6cba73324e566d6dce193 (diff)
upgpkg: joplin 2.11.11-1
upstream release
2 files changed, 156 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 4f02f1a15e82..0f732d97f7ed 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
pkgbase = joplin
- pkgver = 2.10.19
+ pkgver = 2.11.11
pkgrel = 1
url =
install = joplin.install
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ pkgbase = joplin
source = joplin.desktop
source =
source =
- source = joplin-2.10.19.tar.gz::
+ source = joplin-2.11.11.tar.gz::
sha256sums = c7c5d8b0ff9edb810ed901ea21352c9830bfa286f3c18b1292deca5b2f8febd2
sha256sums = a450284fe66d89aa463d129ce8fff3a0a1a783a64209e4227ee47449d5737be8
sha256sums = 16aed6c4881efcef3fd86f7c07afb4c743e24d9da342438a8167346a015629e0
- sha256sums = c347e038c75292d9aebca779d8f6444699fb46dbb56edd09c8cba76773ef7119
+ sha256sums = 2ad3137a3500d04cc6d9f544472c521842f0c49b1012129cbb8fa634f46ae50c
pkgname = joplin
pkgdesc = A note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities - CLI App
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 191e51c4fcd7..0616d5928cae 100644
@@ -8,211 +8,210 @@
pkgname=('joplin' 'joplin-desktop')
depends=('electron' 'gtk3' 'libexif' 'libgsf' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'libwebp' 'libxss' 'nodejs>=17.3'
- 'nss' 'orc' 'rsync' 'libvips')
+'nss' 'orc' 'rsync' 'libvips')
optdepends=('libappindicator-gtk3: for tray icon')
arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
makedepends=('git' 'npm' 'yarn' 'python' 'rsync' 'jq' 'yq' 'electron' 'libgsf' 'node-gyp>=8.4.1' 'libvips')
source=("joplin.desktop" "" ""
- "joplin-${pkgver}.tar.gz::${pkgver}.tar.gz")
- 'a450284fe66d89aa463d129ce8fff3a0a1a783a64209e4227ee47449d5737be8'
- '16aed6c4881efcef3fd86f7c07afb4c743e24d9da342438a8167346a015629e0'
- 'c347e038c75292d9aebca779d8f6444699fb46dbb56edd09c8cba76773ef7119')
+ 'a450284fe66d89aa463d129ce8fff3a0a1a783a64209e4227ee47449d5737be8'
+ '16aed6c4881efcef3fd86f7c07afb4c743e24d9da342438a8167346a015629e0'
# local npm cache directory
## Sets up a local cache to prevent the redownloding the packages on rebuilds
_get_cache() {
- if [[ "${_yarn_cache}" =~ ^/ ]]; then
- printf "%s" "${_yarn_cache}"
- else
- printf "%s" "${srcdir}/${_yarn_cache}"
- fi
+ if [[ "${_yarn_cache}" =~ ^/ ]]; then
+ printf "%s" "${_yarn_cache}"
+ else
+ printf "%s" "${srcdir}/${_yarn_cache}"
+ fi
_get_yarn_bin() {
- local yarn_bin=$(yq ".yarnPath" ${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/.yarnrc.yml)
- #Remove quotes
- yarn_bin="${yarn_bin%\"}"
- yarn_bin="${yarn_bin#\"}"
- printf "%s" "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/${yarn_bin}"
+ local yarn_bin=$(yq ".yarnPath" ${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/.yarnrc.yml)
+ #Remove quotes
+ yarn_bin="${yarn_bin%\"}"
+ yarn_bin="${yarn_bin#\"}"
+ printf "%s" "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/${yarn_bin}"
prepare() {
- local cache=$(_get_cache)
- local yarn_bin=$(_get_yarn_bin)
- msg2 "Yarn cache directory: $cache"
- msg2 "Yarn binary: ${yarn_bin}"
+ local cache=$(_get_cache)
+ local yarn_bin=$(_get_yarn_bin)
+ msg2 "Yarn cache directory: $cache"
+ msg2 "Yarn binary: ${yarn_bin}"
- msg2 "Disabling husky (git hooks)"
- sed -i '/"husky": ".*"/d' "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/package.json"
+ msg2 "Disabling husky (git hooks)"
+ sed -i '/"husky": ".*"/d' "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/package.json"
- # There are so many people
- msg2 "Checking Node PATH"
- local w_node=$(which node)
- if [[ $w_node != "/usr/bin/node" ]]; then
- msg2 "WARNING: Using path ${w_node} beware its not the defualt path, check if you are using nvm or similar"
- fi
+ # There are so many people
+ msg2 "Checking Node PATH"
+ local w_node=$(which node)
+ if [[ $w_node != "/usr/bin/node" ]]; then
+ msg2 "WARNING: Using path ${w_node} beware its not the defualt path, check if you are using nvm or similar"
+ fi
- msg2 "Tweaking .yarnrc"
- yq -i -y ".cacheFolder=(\"${cache}\")" "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/.yarnrc.yml"
+ msg2 "Tweaking .yarnrc"
+ yq -i -y ".cacheFolder=(\"${cache}\")" "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/.yarnrc.yml"
- msg2 "Tweaking lerna.json"
- local tmp_json="$(mktemp --tmpdir="$srcdir")"
- local lerna_json="${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/lerna.json"
+ msg2 "Tweaking lerna.json"
+ local tmp_json="$(mktemp --tmpdir="$srcdir")"
+ local lerna_json="${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/lerna.json"
- msg2 "Deleting app-mobile"
- rm -r "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-mobile"
- rm -r "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-clipper"
+ msg2 "Deleting app-mobile"
+ rm -r "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-mobile"
+ rm -r "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-clipper"
- if [[ ${pkgver} == 2.9.17 ]]; then
+ if [[ ${pkgver} == 2.9.17 ]]; then
- msg2 "******************* BEGIN: TEMPORARY FIX FOR VERSION 2.9.17 ONLY **********************"
+ msg2 "******************* BEGIN: TEMPORARY FIX FOR VERSION 2.9.17 ONLY **********************"
# Let yarn resolve version ^2.12.1 of nan package to 2.17.0 instead of 2.15.0 (
local package_json=${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/package.json
cp $package_json $package_json.bak
jq '. + {"resolutions": {"nan@^2.12.1": "2.17.0"}}' $package_json.bak > $package_json
- msg2 "******************* END: TEMPORARY FIX FOR VERSION 2.9.17 ONLY ************************"
+ msg2 "******************* END: TEMPORARY FIX FOR VERSION 2.9.17 ONLY ************************"
- fi
+ fi
build() {
- local cache=$(_get_cache)
- local yarn_bin=$(_get_yarn_bin)
- msg2 "Yarn cache directory: $cache"
- cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}"
- # Force Lang
- # INFO:
- export LANG=en_US.utf8
- msg2 "Installing dependencies through Yarn 3..."
- # FSevents is on the optinal dependencies and its Mac Only
- eval $yarn_bin
- msg2 "Building the workspace"
- $yarn_bin workspace @joplin/lib install
- $yarn_bin workspace @joplin/renderer install
- $yarn_bin workspace @joplin/app-desktop install
- $yarn_bin workspace @joplin/app-desktop run electron-builder build --linux
+ local cache=$(_get_cache)
+ local yarn_bin=$(_get_yarn_bin)
+ msg2 "Yarn cache directory: $cache"
+ cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}"
+ # Force Lang
+ # INFO:
+ export LANG=en_US.utf8
+ msg2 "Installing dependencies through Yarn 3..."
+ # FSevents is on the optinal dependencies and its Mac Only
+ eval $yarn_bin
+ msg2 "Building the workspace"
+ $yarn_bin workspace @joplin/lib install
+ $yarn_bin workspace @joplin/renderer install
+ $yarn_bin workspace @joplin/app-desktop install
+ $yarn_bin workspace @joplin/app-desktop run electron-builder build --linux
#FIXME: These checks fail on some machines, even with the exit 0
# Something related with the number of allowed processes I guess
check() {
- cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}"
- msg2 "Not Running any tests for now"
- #npm run test || exit 0
+ cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}"
+ msg2 "Not Running any tests for now"
+ #npm run test || exit 0
package_joplin() {
- pkgdesc="A note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities - CLI App"
- depends=('coreutils' 'libsecret' 'nodejs' 'python')
- local cache=$(_get_cache)
- local yarn_bin=$(_get_yarn_bin)
- msg2 "Yarn cache directory: $cache"
- msg2 "Packaging CLI with Repo Gulp"
- cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-cli/"
- gulp_bin=$($yarn_bin bin gulp)
- msg2 "Using gulp: ${gulp_bin}"
- ${gulp_bin} build
- $yarn_bin pack
- msg2 "Installing package"
- mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/share/joplin/"
- mv package.tgz "${pkgdir}/usr/share/joplin/"
- cd "${pkgdir}/usr/share/joplin/"
- $yarn_bin init
- # FIXME: The repo wran crashed
- # You also need to pipe yes, for depeendy
- yes | yarn add ./package.tgz
- msg2 "Fixing Directories Permissions"
- # Non-deterministic race in npm gives 777 permissions to random directories.
- # See for details.
- find "${pkgdir}/usr" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +
- msg2 "Removing References to \$pkgdir"
- find "$pkgdir" -name package.json -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "/_where/d"
- msg2 "Fixing Permissions set by npm"
- # npm gives ownership of ALL FILES to build user
- #
- chown -R root:root "${pkgdir}"
- msg2 "Installing LICENSE"
- install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/LICENSE" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/"
- msg2 "Installing Startup Script"
- cd "${srcdir}"
- install -Dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/joplin"
+ pkgdesc="A note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities - CLI App"
+ depends=('coreutils' 'libsecret' 'nodejs' 'python')
+ local cache=$(_get_cache)
+ local yarn_bin=$(_get_yarn_bin)
+ msg2 "Yarn cache directory: $cache"
+ msg2 "Packaging CLI with Repo Gulp"
+ cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-cli/"
+ gulp_bin=$($yarn_bin bin gulp)
+ msg2 "Using gulp: ${gulp_bin}"
+ ${gulp_bin} build
+ $yarn_bin pack
+ msg2 "Installing package"
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/share/joplin/"
+ mv package.tgz "${pkgdir}/usr/share/joplin/"
+ cd "${pkgdir}/usr/share/joplin/"
+ $yarn_bin init
+ # FIXME: The repo wran crashed
+ # You also need to pipe yes, for depeendy
+ yes | yarn add ./package.tgz
+ msg2 "Fixing Directories Permissions"
+ # Non-deterministic race in npm gives 777 permissions to random directories.
+ # See for details.
+ find "${pkgdir}/usr" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +
+ msg2 "Removing References to \$pkgdir"
+ find "$pkgdir" -name package.json -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "/_where/d"
+ msg2 "Fixing Permissions set by npm"
+ # npm gives ownership of ALL FILES to build user
+ #
+ chown -R root:root "${pkgdir}"
+ msg2 "Installing LICENSE"
+ install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/LICENSE" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/"
+ msg2 "Installing Startup Script"
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ install -Dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/joplin"
package_joplin-desktop() {
- pkgdesc="A note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities - Desktop"
- depends=('electron' 'gtk3' 'libexif' 'libgsf' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'libwebp' 'libxss' 'nodejs'
- 'nss' 'orc')
- optdepends=('libappindicator-gtk3: for tray icon')
- conflicts=('joplin-desktop-electron')
- # ./generateSha512.js fails if AppImage is not built
- mkdir -p "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-desktop/dist/"
- touch "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-desktop/dist/AppImage"
- #cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-desktop/node_modules/@joplin/"
- #ln -sf "../../../fork-uslug" "."
- msg2 "Building Desktop with packaged Electron..."
- cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-desktop/"
- #electron_dir="/usr/lib/electron"
- #electron_version=$(cat /usr/lib/electron/version)
- #msg2 "Using Electron Version ${electron_version}"
- ## Current version of electron does not work
- ##USE_HARD_LINKS=false yarn run dist -- --publish=never --linux --x64 \
- #sed -i "s/const forceAbiArgs = '--force-abi 89';/const forceAbiArgs = ''/" tools/electronRebuild.js
- #gulp electronRebuild
- ##DEBUG="electron-rebuild" USE_HARD_LINKS=false yarn run dist -- --publish=never \
- ## --dir="dist/"
- # # --dir="dist/" -c.electronDist=$electron_dir -c.electronVersion=$electron_version
- # # FIXME: Using packaged electron breaks the interface
- msg2 "Packaging the desktop..."
- # TODO: Cleanup app.asar file
- cd dist/linux-unpacked/
- mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/share/joplin-desktop"
- cp -R "." "${pkgdir}/usr/share/joplin-desktop"
- msg2 "Installing LICENSE..."
- cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/"
- install -Dm644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
- msg2 "Installing startup script and desktop file..."
- cd "${srcdir}"
- install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/ "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/joplin-desktop"
- install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/joplin.desktop -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications"
- msg2 "Installing icons"
- local -r src_icon_dir="${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-desktop/build/icons"
- local -i size
- for size in 16 22 24 32 36 48 64 72 96 128 192 256 512; do
- [[ -f "${src_icon_dir}/${size}x${size}.png" ]] &&
- install -Dm644 \
- "${src_icon_dir}/${size}x${size}.png" \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps/joplin.png"
- done
+ pkgdesc="A note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities - Desktop"
+ depends=('electron' 'gtk3' 'libexif' 'libgsf' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'libwebp' 'libxss' 'nodejs'
+ 'nss' 'orc')
+ optdepends=('libappindicator-gtk3: for tray icon')
+ conflicts=('joplin-desktop-electron')
+ # ./generateSha512.js fails if AppImage is not built
+ mkdir -p "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-desktop/dist/"
+ touch "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-desktop/dist/AppImage"
+ #cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-desktop/node_modules/@joplin/"
+ #ln -sf "../../../fork-uslug" "."
+ msg2 "Building Desktop with packaged Electron..."
+ cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-desktop/"
+ #electron_dir="/usr/lib/electron"
+ #electron_version=$(cat /usr/lib/electron/version)
+ #msg2 "Using Electron Version ${electron_version}"
+ ## Current version of electron does not work
+ ##USE_HARD_LINKS=false yarn run dist -- --publish=never --linux --x64 \
+ #sed -i "s/const forceAbiArgs = '--force-abi 89';/const forceAbiArgs = ''/" tools/electronRebuild.js
+ #gulp electronRebuild
+ ##DEBUG="electron-rebuild" USE_HARD_LINKS=false yarn run dist -- --publish=never \
+ ## --dir="dist/"
+ # # --dir="dist/" -c.electronDist=$electron_dir -c.electronVersion=$electron_version
+ # # FIXME: Using packaged electron breaks the interface
+ msg2 "Packaging the desktop..."
+ # TODO: Cleanup app.asar file
+ cd dist/linux-unpacked/
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/share/joplin-desktop"
+ cp -R "." "${pkgdir}/usr/share/joplin-desktop"
+ msg2 "Installing LICENSE..."
+ cd "${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/"
+ install -Dm644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
+ msg2 "Installing startup script and desktop file..."
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/ "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/joplin-desktop"
+ install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/joplin.desktop -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications"
+ msg2 "Installing icons"
+ local -r src_icon_dir="${srcdir}/joplin-${pkgver}/packages/app-desktop/build/icons"
+ local -i size
+ for size in 16 22 24 32 36 48 64 72 96 128 192 256 512; do
+ [[ -f "${src_icon_dir}/${size}x${size}.png" ]] &&
+ install -Dm644 \
+ "${src_icon_dir}/${size}x${size}.png" \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps/joplin.png"
+ done