diff options
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index f986d7080801..05d64d7666ea 100644
@@ -10,22 +10,18 @@ provides=('anki-sync-server')
depends=('python' 'python-pip')
makedepends=('portaudio' 'git')
-optdepends=('python-pyqt5: dependency of bundled anki client'
+optdepends=('python-pyqt5: dependency of bundled anki client'
'python-pyqtwebengine: dependency of bundled anki client'
-'python-decorator: dependency of bundled anki client'
'python-beautifulsoup4: dependency of bundled anki client'
-'python-markdown: dependency of bundled anki client'
-'python-requests: dependency of bundled anki client'
'python-send2trash: dependency of bundled anki client'
-'libvpx>=1.8.0-1: dependency of bundled anki client'
-'double-conversion>=3.1.4-1: dependency of bundled anki client'
-'qt5-base>=5.12.2-1.1: dependency of bundled anki client'
-'qt5ct>=0.38-1: dependency of bundled anki client'
-'qt5-svg>=5.12.2-1: dependency of bundled anki client'
-'portaudio: dependency of pyaudio which is a dependency of bundled anki'
+'python-pyaudio: dependency of bundled anki client'
+'python-requests: dependency of bundled anki client'
+'python-decorator: dependency of bundled anki client'
+'python-markdown: dependency of bundled anki client'
+'python-psutil: dependency of bundled anki client'
'mpv: optional dependency of bundled anki client'
-'python2-webob: if you want to run the server as a user other than the supplied anki-sync-server user'
-'python2-decorator: if you want to run the server as a user other than the supplied anki-sync-server user'
+'python-webob: if you want to run the server as a user other than the supplied anki-sync-server user'
+'python-decorator: if you want to run the server as a user other than the supplied anki-sync-server user'