diff options
5 files changed, 464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f95e3b1cdb07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Generated by mksrcinfo v8
+# Thu Dec 31 03:35:27 UTC 2015
+pkgbase = bitcoind-unlimited-git
+ pkgdesc = Bitcoin Unlimited versions of bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, and bitcoin-tx
+ pkgver = 20151227.bffc279
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ install = bitcoin.install
+ arch = i686
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = MIT
+ makedepends = autoconf
+ makedepends = automake
+ makedepends = binutils
+ makedepends = expect
+ makedepends = gcc
+ makedepends = git
+ makedepends = libtool
+ makedepends = make
+ makedepends = pkg-config
+ depends = boost
+ depends = boost-libs
+ depends = miniupnpc
+ depends = openssl
+ provides = bitcoin
+ provides = bitcoin-unlimited
+ provides = bitcoin-cli
+ provides = bitcoin-daemon
+ provides = bitcoin-tx
+ conflicts = bitcoin
+ conflicts = bitcoin-unlimited
+ conflicts = bitcoin-cli
+ conflicts = bitcoin-daemon
+ conflicts = bitcoin-qt
+ conflicts = bitcoin-tx
+ backup = etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
+ backup = etc/logrotate.d/bitcoin
+ source = git+
+ source = bitcoin.conf
+ source = bitcoin.logrotate
+ sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = 00362da5b6c9ab3dd19b195751eb0f54bdb796d7b4bc825cb9be4ea0261c22b8
+ sha256sums = 7bf4bdad419c1ee30b88c7e4190707c5ff250da8b23d68d5adf14043f8e2ac73
+ sha512sums = SKIP
+ sha512sums = f26ca0c80e78f650a52840e52217a93fcbe1f61546f0dc7aa0cab11adb7448d28b01bca7a37ccbfd7d4f6ca37aae34470d309cd884854c1cc95b66e9f9bf3952
+ sha512sums = ec2a33c546e60d14249652de0249352bbda57ee4b293715b3eaf7d37c0e9a904894dddb02ad63cad2780510fb9866fdc6421a5ed15649f63967eaae5cbb59f3b
+pkgname = bitcoind-unlimited-git
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3454a4cd2f15
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Maintainer: Uncle Hunto <unclehunto äτ ÝãΗ00 Ð0τ ÇÖΜ>
+# Contributor: Andy Weidenbaum <>
+pkgdesc="Bitcoin Unlimited versions of bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, and bitcoin-tx"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ 'boost-libs'
+ 'miniupnpc'
+ 'openssl')
+ 'automake'
+ 'binutils'
+ 'expect'
+ 'gcc'
+ 'git'
+ 'libtool'
+ 'make'
+ 'pkg-config')
+ bitcoin.conf
+ bitcoin.logrotate)
+ '00362da5b6c9ab3dd19b195751eb0f54bdb796d7b4bc825cb9be4ea0261c22b8'
+ '7bf4bdad419c1ee30b88c7e4190707c5ff250da8b23d68d5adf14043f8e2ac73')
+ 'f26ca0c80e78f650a52840e52217a93fcbe1f61546f0dc7aa0cab11adb7448d28b01bca7a37ccbfd7d4f6ca37aae34470d309cd884854c1cc95b66e9f9bf3952'
+ 'ec2a33c546e60d14249652de0249352bbda57ee4b293715b3eaf7d37c0e9a904894dddb02ad63cad2780510fb9866fdc6421a5ed15649f63967eaae5cbb59f3b')
+ 'etc/logrotate.d/bitcoin')
+provides=('bitcoin' 'bitcoin-unlimited' 'bitcoin-cli' 'bitcoin-daemon' 'bitcoin-tx')
+conflicts=('bitcoin' 'bitcoin-unlimited' 'bitcoin-cli' 'bitcoin-daemon' 'bitcoin-qt'
+ 'bitcoin-tx')
+pkgver() {
+ cd "$srcdir/BitcoinUnlimited"
+ git log -1 --date=short --format="%cd.%h" | sed "s|-||g"
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir/BitcoinUnlimited"
+ msg2 'Building...'
+ ./
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sbindir=/usr/bin \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/bitcoin \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --sharedstatedir=/usr/share/bitcoin \
+ --localstatedir=/var/lib/bitcoin \
+ --enable-hardening \
+ --with-gui=no \
+ --with-gnu-ld
+ make
+package() {
+ cd "$srcdir/BitcoinUnlimited"
+ msg2 'Installing license...'
+ install -Dm 644 COPYING -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname%%-*}"
+ msg2 'Installing man pages...'
+ install -Dm 644 contrib/debian/manpages/bitcoind.1 \
+ -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1"
+ install -Dm 644 contrib/debian/manpages/bitcoin-cli.1 \
+ -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1"
+ install -Dm 644 contrib/debian/manpages/bitcoin.conf.5 \
+ -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man5"
+ msg2 'Installing documentation...'
+ install -dm 755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/bitcoin"
+ for _doc in \
+ $(find doc -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.md" -printf '%f\n') \
+ release-notes; do
+ cp -dpr --no-preserve=ownership doc/$_doc \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/bitcoin/$_doc"
+ done
+ msg2 'Installing bitcoin...'
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+ msg2 'Installing bitcoin.conf...'
+ install -Dm 600 "$srcdir/bitcoin.conf" -t "$pkgdir/etc/bitcoin"
+ msg2 'Installing bitcoin.service...'
+ install -Dm 644 "$srcdir/BitcoinUnlimited/contrib/init/bitcoind.service" \
+ -t "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system"
+ msg2 'Installing bitcoin.logrotate...'
+ install -Dm 644 "$srcdir/bitcoin.logrotate" "$pkgdir/etc/logrotate.d/bitcoin"
+ msg2 'Installing bash completion...'
+ install -Dm 644 contrib/bitcoind.bash-completion \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/bitcoind"
+ msg2 'Cleaning up pkgdir...'
+ find "$pkgdir" -type d -name .git -exec rm -r '{}' +
+ find "$pkgdir" -type f -name .gitignore -exec rm -r '{}' +
diff --git a/bitcoin.conf b/bitcoin.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2e279e4669fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitcoin.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+## bitcoin.conf configuration file. Lines beginning with # are comments.
+# Network-related settings:
+# Run on the test network instead of the real bitcoin network.
+# Run a regression test network
+# Connect via a SOCKS5 proxy
+# Bind to given address and always listen on it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6
+# Bind to given address and whitelist peers connecting to it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6
+## Quick Primer on addnode vs connect ##
+## Let's say for instance you use addnode= ##
+## addnode will connect you to and tell you about the ##
+## nodes connected to In addition it will tell ##
+## the other nodes connected to it that you exist so ##
+## they can connect to you. ##
+## connect will not do the above when you 'connect' to it. ##
+## It will *only* connect you to and no one else.##
+## ##
+## So if you're behind a firewall, or have other problems ##
+## finding nodes, add some using 'addnode'. ##
+## ##
+## If you want to stay private, use 'connect' to only ##
+## connect to "trusted" nodes. ##
+## ##
+## If you run multiple nodes on a LAN, there's no need for ##
+## all of them to open lots of connections. Instead ##
+## 'connect' them all to one node that is port forwarded ##
+## and has lots of connections. ##
+## Thanks goes to [Noodle] on Freenode. ##
+# Use as many addnode= settings as you like to connect to specific peers
+# Alternatively use as many connect= settings as you like to connect ONLY to specific peers
+# Listening mode, enabled by default except when 'connect' is being used
+# Maximum number of inbound+outbound connections.
+# JSON-RPC options (for controlling a running Bitcoin/bitcoind process)
+# server=1 tells Bitcoin-Qt and bitcoind to accept JSON-RPC commands
+# Bind to given address to listen for JSON-RPC connections. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6.
+# This option can be specified multiple times (default: bind to all interfaces)
+# You must set rpcuser and rpcpassword to secure the JSON-RPC api
+# How many seconds bitcoin will wait for a complete RPC HTTP request.
+# after the HTTP connection is established.
+# By default, only RPC connections from localhost are allowed.
+# Specify as many rpcallowip= settings as you like to allow connections from other hosts,
+# either as a single IPv4/IPv6 or with a subnet specification.
+# NOTE: opening up the RPC port to hosts outside your local trusted network is NOT RECOMMENDED,
+# because the rpcpassword is transmitted over the network unencrypted.
+# server=1 tells Bitcoin-Qt to accept JSON-RPC commands.
+# it is also read by bitcoind to determine if RPC should be enabled
+# Listen for RPC connections on this TCP port:
+# You can use Bitcoin or bitcoind to send commands to Bitcoin/bitcoind
+# running on another host using this option:
+# Use Secure Sockets Layer (also known as TLS or HTTPS) to communicate
+# with Bitcoin -server or bitcoind (will be removed in core 0.12)
+# OpenSSL settings used when rpcssl=1
+# Transaction Fee Changes in 0.10.0
+# Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: 0)
+# Create transactions that have enough fees (or priority) so they are likely to
+# begin confirmation within n blocks (default: 2).
+# This setting is over-ridden by the -paytxfee option.
+# Miscellaneous options
+# Pre-generate this many public/private key pairs, so wallet backups will be
+# valid for both prior transactions and several dozen future transactions.
+# Pay an optional transaction fee every time you send bitcoins. Transactions
+# with fees are more likely than free transactions to be included in generated
+# blocks, so may be validated sooner. (default: 0.00)
+# Spam control options
+# Fees smaller than this (in satoshi) are considered zero fee
+# (relaying and mining) (default: 0.00005)
+# Rate-limit free transactions to <n>*1000 bytes per minute
+# (will be obsolete in core 0.12) (default: 15)
diff --git a/bitcoin.install b/bitcoin.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..09d71386cd54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitcoin.install
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+post_install() {
+ _mkuser
+ _mkssl
+ # disable Copy-On-Write (btrfs directories only)
+ for _dir in /srv/bitcoin; do
+ _is_btrfs "$_dir" && _disable_cow "$_dir"
+ done
+ chown -R $_bc_user:$_bc_group /etc/bitcoin /srv/bitcoin
+ printf "%b\n" "$bitcoin"
+post_upgrade() {
+ _mkuser
+ chown -R $_bc_user:$_bc_group /etc/bitcoin /srv/bitcoin
+ printf "%b\n" "$bitcoin"
+post_remove() {
+ _rmuser
+ rm -rf /srv/bitcoin
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# helper functions for creating bitcoin-core user / group
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+_mkuser() {
+ getent passwd $_bc_user &>/dev/null || {
+ echo -n "Creating bitcoin user... "
+ grep -E "^$_bc_group:" /etc/group >/dev/null || groupadd $_bc_group
+ useradd -m -d /etc/bitcoin -g $_bc_group -s /usr/bin/nologin $_bc_user 2>/dev/null
+ echo "done"
+ }
+_rmuser() {
+ echo -n "Removing bitcoin user... "
+ userdel -rf $_bc_user 2>/dev/null
+ echo "done"
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# helper function for enabling SSL in bitcoin-core
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+_mkssl() {
+ echo -n "Enabling SSL..." #
+ mkdir -p /{etc,srv}/bitcoin
+ openssl genrsa -out /etc/bitcoin/server.pem 2048
+ expect <<EOF | perl -ne 'print if /-----BEGIN\sCERTIFICATE-----/../-----END\sCERTIFICATE-----/' > /etc/bitcoin/server.cert
+ spawn openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 3650 -key /etc/bitcoin/server.pem
+ expect "Country*" {
+ send "\r"
+ }
+ expect "State*" {
+ send "\r"
+ }
+ expect "Locality*" {
+ send "\r"
+ }
+ expect "Organization*" {
+ send "\r"
+ }
+ expect "Organizational*" {
+ send "\r"
+ }
+ expect "Common*" {
+ send "\r"
+ }
+ expect "Email*" {
+ send "\r"
+ }
+ expect eof
+ echo "done"
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# helper functions for disabling btrfs Copy-On-Write (CoW)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# check if dir is btrfs
+_is_btrfs() {
+ if [[ $(findmnt --target $1 --output FSTYPE --noheadings) == 'btrfs' ]]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# disable btrfs CoW
+_chattrify() {
+ # original dir, with trailing slash stripped if it exists
+ _orig_dir=$( echo "$1" | sed 's@/$@@' )
+ # if original dir exists, back it up
+ [[ -d "$1" ]] && mv "$1" "${_orig_dir}"_old
+ # re-make original dir
+ mkdir -p "$1"
+ # set permissions on re-made dir
+ chmod "$2" "$1"
+ # disable btrfs CoW on re-made dir
+ chattr +C "$1"
+ # recursive copy to restore backed up dir while maintaining disabled CoW
+ [[ -d "${_orig_dir}"_old ]] \
+ && find "${_orig_dir}"_old -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp -R '{}' "$1" \;
+ # set ownership on re-made dir
+ chown -R $3:$4 "$1"
+ # purge backed up dir
+ [[ -d "${_orig_dir}"_old ]] && rm -rf "${_orig_dir}"_old
+_disable_cow() {
+ _chattrify "$1" "700" "$_bc_user" "$_bc_group"
+read -d '' bitcoin <<'EOF'
+## ##
+## Bitcoin Core ##
+## ____________ ##
+## ##
+## To start bitcoin-core: ##
+## ##
+## # systemctl start bitcoin ##
+## ##
+## To communicate with bitcoin-core as a normal user: ##
+## ##
+## $ mkdir -p ~/.bitcoin ##
+## $ cat > ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf <<'EOF' ##
+## rpcconnect= ##
+## rpcport=8332 ##
+## rpcuser=bitcoin ##
+## rpcpassword=secret ##
+## rpcssl=1 ##
+## EOF ##
+## ##
+## $ bitcoin-cli getmininginfo ##
+## ##
+## Config: /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf ##
+## Blockchain: /var/lib/bitcoind ##
+## Documentation: /usr/share/doc/bitcoin ##
+## ##
diff --git a/bitcoin.logrotate b/bitcoin.logrotate
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..159f63f266ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitcoin.logrotate
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ rotate 5
+ copytruncate
+ daily
+ missingok
+ notifempty
+ compress
+ delaycompress
+ sharedscripts