diff options
7 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c01cc8d49a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+pkgbase = karaokemugen-git
+ pkgdesc = Karaoke playlist manager/player app used in parties or events.
+ pkgver = 3.2.0.rc1.r15.g1a01c9c8
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ install = karaokemugen.install
+ arch = x86_64
+ arch = i686
+ license = MIT
+ makedepends = git
+ makedepends = npm
+ makedepends = typescript
+ makedepends = yarn
+ makedepends = nodejs>=12
+ depends = mpv
+ depends = ffmpeg
+ depends = postgresql
+ depends = electron
+ provides = karaokemugen
+ conflicts = karaokemugen
+ source = karaokemugen::git+
+ source = karaokemugen-lib::git+
+ source =
+ source =
+ source = database-tweak.diff
+ source = database.json
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = SKIP
+ md5sums = 1673054cbeb6b80097dae4601cf35959
+ md5sums = 6efac0086021d7a7abcf637aae17cc99
+ md5sums = c1807f76ea2d800999910fe66e56fe73
+ md5sums = 0f887855e641ec949ce7c6b69d79ad1e
+pkgname = karaokemugen-git
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..417984cc4307
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Maintainer: leonekmi <>
+pkgdesc="Karaoke playlist manager/player app used in parties or events."
+arch=(x86_64 i686)
+depends=('mpv' 'ffmpeg' 'postgresql' 'electron')
+makedepends=('git' 'npm' 'typescript' 'yarn' 'nodejs>=12')
+ 'karaokemugen-lib::git+'
+ ''
+ ''
+ 'database-tweak.diff'
+ 'database.json')
+ 'SKIP'
+ '1673054cbeb6b80097dae4601cf35959'
+ '6efac0086021d7a7abcf637aae17cc99'
+ 'c1807f76ea2d800999910fe66e56fe73'
+ '0f887855e641ec949ce7c6b69d79ad1e')
+# Please refer to the 'USING VCS SOURCES' section of the PKGBUILD man page for
+# a description of each element in the source array.
+pkgver() {
+ cd "$srcdir/${pkgname%-git}"
+ # Git, tags available
+ git describe --long --tags | sed -e 's/^v//' -e 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
+prepare() {
+ cd "$srcdir/${pkgname%-git}"
+ git submodule init
+ git config submodule.src/lib.url $srcdir/${pkgname%-git}-lib
+ git submodule update
+ patch --forward -p1 -i '../database-tweak.diff'
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir/${pkgname%-git}"
+ # Prepare dependencies
+ export HOME="$srcdir/$pkgname-home"
+ export XDG_CACHE_HOME="$srcdir/$pkgname-cache"
+ export npm_config_devdir="$srcdir/$pkgname-npm-dev"
+ export npm_config_cache="$srcdir/$pkgname-npm-cache"
+ yarn global add electron-builder
+ yarn install
+ yarn installFrontend
+ yarn installSystemPanel
+ # Build and package with electron-builder
+ export NODE_ENV='production'
+ yarn build
+ yarn buildFrontend
+ yarn buildSystemPanel
+ "$(yarn global dir)/node_modules/.bin/electron-builder" --dir
+package() {
+ cd "$srcdir/${pkgname%-git}"
+ # Application itself
+ install -dm775 "$pkgdir/opt/${pkgname%-git}"
+ cp -r --no-preserve=ownership,mode packages/linux-unpacked/* "$pkgdir/opt/${pkgname%-git}/"
+ install -dm775 "$pkgdir/opt/${pkgname%-git}/app"
+ chmod -R 775 "$pkgdir/opt/${pkgname%-git}/"
+ # Symlinks for configuration
+ install -dm775 "$pkgdir/etc/${pkgname%-git}"
+ cp "config.sample.yml" "$pkgdir/opt/${pkgname%-git}/app/config.sample.yml"
+ cp "$srcdir/database.json" "$pkgdir/opt/${pkgname%-git}/app/database.json"
+ ln -s "$pkgdir/opt/${pkgname%-git}/app/database.json" "$pkgdir/etc/${pkgname%-git}/database.json"
+ ln -s "$pkgdir/opt/${pkgname%-git}/app/config.yml" "$pkgdir/etc/${pkgname%-git}/config.yml"
+ # License
+ install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname%-git}"
+ cp --no-preserve=ownership,mode "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname%-git}/LICENSE"
+ # Runtimes
+ install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin/"
+ cp "$srcdir/" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/karaokemugen"
+ cp "$srcdir/" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/karaokemugen-install"
+ chmod 755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin/karaokemugen" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/karaokemugen-install"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/database-tweak.diff b/database-tweak.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a2f45ce46b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database-tweak.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/config.sample.yml b/config.sample.yml
+index 4dcd6cef..570333a1 100644
+--- a/config.sample.yml
++++ b/config.sample.yml
+@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ System:
+ Postgres:
+ Windows: app/bin/postgres/bin/
+ OSX: app/bin/postgres/bin/
+- Linux: app/bin/postgres/bin/
++ Linux: /usr/bin/
+ Repositories:
+ - Name:
+ Online: true
diff --git a/database.json b/database.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a77d8602b152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "sql-file": true,
+ "defaultEnv": "prod",
+ "prod": {
+ "driver": "pg",
+ "user": "karaokemugen_app",
+ "password": "musubi",
+ "host": "localhost",
+ "database": "karaokemugen_app",
+ "port": 5432,
+ "schema": "public",
+ "superuser": "postgres",
+ "superuserPassword": null,
+ "bundledPostgresBinary": false
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..af2598a483bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# _ __ _ __ __
+# | |/ /__ _ _ _ __ _ ___| |_____ | \/ |_ _ __ _ ___ _ _
+# | ' </ _` | '_/ _` / _ \ / / -_) | |\/| | || / _` / -_) ' \
+# |_|\_\__,_|_| \__,_\___/_\_\___| |_| |_|\_,_\__, \___|_||_|
+# |___/
+# This script creates the database and do some checks to make
+# Karaoke Mugen App working.
+# From AUR package karaokemugen-git
+check_postgres() {
+ sudo -u postgres -g postgres pg_ctl status -D /var/lib/postgres/data &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 4 ]; then
+ echo -e "${_COL_YELLOW_}Postgres is not initialized, initializing..."
+ sudo -H -u postgres -g postgres initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
+ check_postgres
+ elif [ $? -eq 3 ]; then
+ echo -e "${_COL_YELLOW_}Postgres is not running, starting..."
+ sudo systemctl restart postgresql
+ check_postgres
+ else
+ echo -e "${_COL_GREEN_}Postgres seems OK."
+ fi
+check_mugen() {
+ if [ -f "/opt/karaokemugen/karaokemugen" ]; then
+ echo -e "${_COL_GREEN_}Karaoke Mugen is installed in /opt/karaokemugen."
+ else
+ echo -e "${_COL_BRED_}Karaoke Mugen is not installed in /opt/karaokemugen. Exiting."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+setup_postgres() {
+ echo -e "${_BEGIN_}Creating the karaokemugen_app database..."
+ # Create the DB for Mugen
+ # Check if the DB already exists
+ sudo -u postgres -g postgres -H -- psql -d karaokemugen_app -c ""
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "${_COL_YELLOW_}karaokemugen_app database is existing, do you want to keep its content or reset it?"
+ select dbch in "Keep data" "Reset database"; do
+ case $dbch in
+ "Keep data" ) echo -e "${_COL_GREEN_}karaokemugen_app database will be used." ; return 0;; # TODO : maybe do some integrity checks
+ "Reset database" ) sudo -u postgres -g postgres -G -- psql -c "DROP DATABASE karaokemugen_app; DROP ROLE IF EXISTS karaokemugen_app;";;
+ esac
+ done
+ fi
+ # Creating the database
+ sudo -u postgres -g postgres -H -- psql -c "CREATE DATABASE karaokemugen_app ENCODING 'UTF8';"
+ sudo -u postgres -g postgres -H -- psql -c "CREATE USER karaokemugen_app WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'musubi'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE karaokemugen_app TO karaokemugen_app;"
+ sudo -u postgres -g postgres -H -- psql -d karaokemugen_app -c "CREATE EXTENSION unaccent;"
+ echo -e "${_COL_GREEN_}karaokemugen_app database created!"
+apply_config() {
+ # TODO : interactively ask for some options (location of medias, etc...)
+ sudo tee /opt/karaokemugen/config.yml > /dev/null <<EOT
+ JwtSecret: $(uuid)
+ Binaries:
+ Postgres:
+ Linux: /usr/bin/
+create_system_group() {
+ if grep -q "^karaokemugen:" /etc/group; then
+ echo -e "${_BEGIN_}Using the existing ${_COL_YELLOW_}karaokemugen${_COL_BBLUE_} system group..."
+ else
+ echo -e "${_BEGIN_}Creating ${_COL_YELLOW_}karaokemugen${_COL_BBLUE_} system group..."
+ sudo groupadd karaokemugen
+ fi
+add_user_to_group() {
+ echo -e "${_BEGIN_}Adding you (${_COL_YELLOW_}$USER${_COL_BBLUE_}) to ${_COL_YELLOW_}karaokemugen${_COL_BBLUE_} group..."
+ if grep -q "^karaokemugen:" /etc/group; then
+ sudo usermod -a -G karaokemugen $USER
+ echo -e "${_COL_GREEN_}Successfully added ${_COL_YELLOW_}$USER${_COL_GREEN_} to ${_COL_YELLOW_}karaokemugen${_COL_GREEN_} group"
+ else
+ echo -e "${_BEGIN_}You need first to install Karaoke Mugen by executing ${_COL_YELLOW_}\`karaokemugen-install\`${_COL_BBLUE_}."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# use colors only if we have them
+if [[ $(which tput > /dev/null 2>&1 && tput -T "${TERM}" colors || echo -n '0') -ge 8 ]] ; then
+ _COL_YELLOW_='\e[0;33m'
+ _COL_GREEN_='\e[0;32m'
+ _COL_LIGHTGREY_='\e[0;37m'
+ _COL_BRED_='\e[1;31m'
+ _COL_BBLUE_='\e[1;34m'
+ _COL_BWHITE_='\e[1;37m'
+ _COL_DEFAULT_='\e[0m'
+ _BEGIN_="${_COL_BRED_}-> ${_COL_BBLUE_}"
+while getopts ":g" opt; do
+ case ${opt} in
+ g )
+ #target=$OPTARG
+ echo -e "${_COL_YELLOW_}You may have to enter your sudo password"
+ add_user_to_group
+ echo -e "${_BEGIN_}Done! You need to restart your session to apply these changes."
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ \? )
+ echo "Invalid option: $OPTARG" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND -1))
+echo -e "${_BEGIN_}Welcome to the Karaoke Mugen installer!"
+echo -e "${_COL_YELLOW_}⚠️ You may have to enter your sudo password a couple times during this installation."
+echo -e "${_COL_YELLOW_}This script may not work if you tweaked your PostgreSQL configuration."
+echo -e "${_COL_YELLOW_}If you encounter any problems during installation, contact the package maintainer."
+echo -e "${_COL_YELLOW_}The installation will begin in 5 seconds."
+sleep 5
+echo -e "${_BEGIN_}Doing some initial checks..."
+sudo chown -R root:karaokemugen /opt/karaokemugen
diff --git a/karaokemugen.install b/karaokemugen.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d1aefa87b931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/karaokemugen.install
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+post_install() {
+ echo "TIP: This package ships with tools to help you with Karaoke Mugen installation"
+ echo "- karaokemugen-install interactively creates the initial configuration and helps you with database setup."
+ echo "- karaokemugen launches the app with Electron UI."
+post_remove() {
+ # Eventually make the user think of resources directories
+ echo
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..5640ca9d501e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# _ __ _ __ __
+# | |/ /__ _ _ _ __ _ ___| |_____ | \/ |_ _ __ _ ___ _ _
+# | ' </ _` | '_/ _` / _ \ / / -_) | |\/| | || / _` / -_) ' \
+# |_|\_\__,_|_| \__,_\___/_\_\___| |_| |_|\_,_\__, \___|_||_|
+# |___/
+# This script runs Karaoke Mugen app (with some check to avoid some disasters)
+# From AUR package karaokemugen-git
+# use colors only if we have them
+if [[ $(which tput > /dev/null 2>&1 && tput -T "${TERM}" colors || echo -n '0') -ge 8 ]] ; then
+ _COL_YELLOW_='\e[0;33m'
+ _COL_LIGHTGREY_='\e[0;37m'
+ _COL_BRED_='\e[1;31m'
+ _COL_BBLUE_='\e[1;34m'
+ _COL_BWHITE_='\e[1;37m'
+ _COL_DEFAULT_='\e[0m'
+# Check if the user is in the karaokemugen group
+if groups | grep -q '\bkaraokemugen\b'; then
+ # Check if postgres is running
+ if lsof -Pi :5432 -sTCP:LISTEN -t >/dev/null ; then
+ echo "Starting Karaoke Mugen..."
+ else
+ echo -e "${_COL_YELLOW_}Postgres seems down... Trying to start Karaoke Mugen anyway."
+ fi
+ # Launch Karaoke Mugen
+ cd /opt/karaokemugen/
+ PORTABLE_EXECUTABLE_DIR=/opt/karaokemugen /opt/karaokemugen/karaokemugen
+ echo -e "${_COL_BRED_}->${_COL_DEFAULT_} ${_COL_YELLOW_}WARNING:${_COL_DEFAULT_} You don't have the rights to access the Karaoke Mugen app"
+ echo -e "${_COL_BBLUE_}You can grant yourself the access to Karaoke Mugen by executing the ${_COL_YELLOW_}\`karaokemugen-install -g\`${_COL_BBLUE_} command"