diff options
3 files changed, 325 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index f6826a9a9035..0d779b6fece4 100644
@@ -1,165 +1,260 @@
-# Maintainer: Grey Christoforo <first name at last name dot net>
-## This PKGBUILD creates an Arch Linux package for the proprietary MATLAB application.
-## In order to build the package, the user must supply:
-## 1) a plain text file installation key as file `matlab.fik`
-## and
-## 2) the software tarball as `matlab.tar` from MATLAB ISO image or as downloaded by the installer
-## A typical matlab tarball structure looks like this:
-#├── activate.ini*
-#├── archives/
-#│   ├── common/
-#│   └── glnxa64/
-#│   ├── matlab/
-#│   ├── matlab_code_analyzer/
-#│   ├── matlabconnector/
-#│   ├── matlabdata/
-#│   ├── matlab_desktop_glnxa64_1535004605.enc*
-#│   ├── matlab_desktop_glnxa64_1535004605.xml*
-#│   ├── ... other toolbox/product files & folders go here
-#├── bin/
-#├── help/
-#├── install*
-#├── installer_input.txt*
-#├── install_guide.pdf*
-#├── java/
-#├── license_agreement.txt*
-#├── patents.txt*
-#├── readme.txt*
-#├── sys/
-#├── trademarks.txt*
-#├── ui/
-#└── VersionInfo.xml*
-## Maybe you'd create this archive like this:
-## 1) download the matlab installer form themathworks, let's imagine that file is ~/Downloads/matlab_R2019b_glnxa64.zip
-## 2) extract it: unzip ~/Downloads/matlab_R2019b_glnxa64.zip -d ~/matlab
-## 3) run the installer almost completely through manually: ~/matlab/install -downloadFolder ${HOME}/matlab/dl -destinationFolder ${HOME}/matlab/deleteme
-## you must enter all your proper license info here, the purpose of this is to get the toolbox files you'll need for the offline install later
-## when you see that the installer has finished downloading everything, press the Cancel button in the gui and end the installer early
-## you don't really want the installer to extract/decrypt the files it has downloaded
-## 4) delete anything that might have started to be installed in the above step: rm -rf ~/matlab/deleteme
-## 5) now you can create the tarball you'll need here: tar -cvf matlab.tar -C ~/matlab/ .
-## You can get your file installation key (that you must manually put into matlab.fik) from https://mathworks.com/licensecenter
-## Then maybe you could make the matlab.fik file you need for this package like this:
-## echo "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-..." > matlab.fik
-## This PKGBUILD no longer attempts to activate the product.
-## The user will be prompted to undertake their activation method of choice when the GUI is first run.
-## Activation could be automated by running /opt/matlab/bin/activate_matlab.sh after this package is installed.
-## Activation could be further automated in matlab.install (a file that doesn't exist at this time)
-## This package will conflict with /usr/bin/mex from texlive-bin
-## You could fix that by installing it with the pacman option --overwrite /usr/bin/mex
-## /ust/bin/mex from texlive-bin is just a symlink
-# partial install
+# Maintainer: Batuhan Baserdem <lastname dot firstname at gmail>
+# Matlab packaging for archlinux
-# as of R2019b Update 4, MATLAB's version number is:
pkgdesc='A high-level language for numerical computation and visualization'
- 'glu'
- 'gstreamer0.10-base'
- 'gtk2'
- 'libunwind'
- 'libxp'
- 'libxpm'
- 'libxtst'
- 'nss'
- 'portaudio'
- 'python'
- 'qt5-svg'
- 'qt5-webkit'
- 'qt5-websockets'
- 'qt5-x11extras'
- 'xerces-c')
-optdepends=('gcc6: For MEX support')
- "local:///matlab.fik")
-md5sums=("SKIP" "SKIP")
-OPTIONS=(!strip staticlibs)
+makedepends=('gendesk' 'python' 'findutils' 'libselinux')
+# For 2020a; from https://hub.docker.com/r/mathworks/matlab-deps/dockerfile
+# Some of the dependencies are probably not needed; if in case contact the maintainer
+ 'ca-certificates'
+ 'lsb-release'
+ 'alsa-lib'
+ 'atk'
+ 'libcap'
+ 'libcups'
+ 'libdbus'
+ 'fontconfig'
+ 'libgcrypt'
+ 'gdk-pixbuf2'
+ 'gst-plugins-base'
+ 'gstreamer'
+ 'gtk2'
+ 'krb5'
+ 'nspr'
+ 'nss'
+ 'pam'
+ 'pango'
+ 'cairo'
+ 'libselinux'
+ 'libsm'
+ 'libsndfile'
+ 'libx11'
+ 'libxcb'
+ 'libxcomposite'
+ 'libxcursor'
+ 'libxdamage'
+ 'libxext'
+ 'libxfixes'
+ 'libxft'
+ 'libxi'
+ 'libxmu'
+ 'libxrandr'
+ 'libxrender'
+ 'libxslt'
+ 'libxss'
+ 'libxt'
+ 'libxtst'
+ 'libxxf86vm'
+ 'procps-ng'
+ 'xorg-server-xvfb'
+ 'x11vnc'
+ 'sudo'
+ 'zlib')
+# These I got from arch before and afraid to play around
+ 'gcc6'
+ 'gconf'
+ 'glu'
+ 'gstreamer0.10-base'
+ 'libunwind'
+ 'libxp'
+ 'libxpm'
+ 'portaudio'
+ 'qt5-svg'
+ 'qt5-webkit'
+ 'qt5-websockets'
+ 'qt5-x11extras'
+ 'xerces-c')
+provides=('matlab-licenses' 'matlab-engine-for-python' 'matlab-bin')
+ "matlab.fik"
+ "matlab.lic"
+ "matlab.script")
+# Limit products to lower size, set this to true to do a partial install
+# Example list of products for a partial install; check README.md for details
+ #---MATLAB Product Family---#
+ "Curve_Fitting_Toolbox" # Math and Optimization
+ "Database_Toolbox" # Database Access and Reporting
+ "Deep_Learning_Toolbox"
+ "Global_Optimization_Toolbox"
+ "GPU_Coder"
+ "MATLAB_Coder" # Code Generation
+ "MATLAB_Compiler" # Application Deployement
+ "MATLAB_Compiler_SDK"
+ "Optimization_Toolbox"
+ "Parallel_Computing_Toolbox" # Parallel computing
+ "Partial_Differential_Equation_Toolbox"
+ "Reinforcement_Learning_Toolbox"
+ "Statistics_and_Machine_Learning_Toolbox" # AI, Data Science, Statistics
+ "Symbolic_Math_Toolbox"
+ "Text_Analytics_Toolbox"
+ #---Application Products---#
+ "Audio_Toolbox"
+ "Bioinformatics_Toolbox" # Computational Biology
+ "Computer_Vision_Toolbox"
+ "Image_Processing_Toolbox" # Image Processing and Computer Vision
+ "Signal_Processing_Toolbox" # Signal Processing
+ "Wavelet_Toolbox"
prepare() {
- msg2 'Generating .desktop launcher file'
- gendesk -f -n --pkgname "${pkgname}" \
- --pkgdesc "${pkgdesc}" \
- --categories "Development;Education;Science;Mathematics;IDE" \
- --exec "${_install_dir}/bin/matlab -desktop"
- msg2 'Reading file installation key from matlab.fik'
- _fik=$(grep -o [0-9-]* matlab.fik)
- msg2 'Modifying the installer settings'
- sed -i "s,^# destinationFolder=,destinationFolder=${pkgdir}${_install_dir}," installer_input.txt
- sed -i "s,^# agreeToLicense=,agreeToLicense=yes," installer_input.txt
- sed -i "s,^# mode=,mode=silent," installer_input.txt
- sed -i "s,^# outputFile=,outputFile=${srcdir}/installer_output.txt," installer_input.txt
- sed -i "s,^# fileInstallationKey=,fileInstallationKey=${_fik}," installer_input.txt
- if [ ! -z ${_products+isSet} ]; then
- msg2 'Building a package with a subset of the licensed products.'
- for _product in "${_products[@]}"; do
- sed -i "/^#product.${_product}$/ s/^#//" installer_input.txt
- done
- fi
+ # Extract file installation key
+ _fik=$(grep -o '[0-9-]*' "${srcdir}/${pkgname}.fik")
+ # Modify the installer settings'
+ _set="${srcdir}/${pkgname}/installer_input.txt"
+ sed -i "s|^# destinationFolder=|destinationFolder=${srcdir}/build|" "${_set}"
+ sed -i "s|^# fileInstallationKey=|fileInstallationKey=${_fik}|" "${_set}"
+ sed -i "s|^# agreeToLicense=|agreeToLicense=yes|" "${_set}"
+ sed -i "s|^# licensePath=|licensePath=${srcdir}/matlab.lic|" "${_set}"
+ # Select products if partialinstall is set
+ if [ "${partialinstall}" = 'true' ]; then
+ for _prod in "${products[@]}"; do
+ sed -i 's|^#\(product.'"${_prod}"'\)|\1|' "${_set}"
+ done
+ fi
+ # Desktop file
+ # Implemented a fix for intel gpus with mesa 20;
+ # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MATLAB#OpenGL_acceleration
+ # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Intel_graphics#Old_OpenGL_Driver_(i965)
+ gendesk -f -n \
+ --pkgname "${pkgname}" \
+ --pkgdesc "${pkgdesc}" \
+ --categories "Development;Education;Science;Mathematics;IDE" \
+ --mimetypes "application/x-matlab-data;text/x-matlab" \
+ --exec 'sh -c '\''if [ "${MATLAB_INTEL_OVERRIDE}" = "yes" ] ; then exec env MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=i965 matlab -desktop ; else exec matlab -desktop ; fi'\'
-package() {
- msg2 'Starting MATLAB installer'
- ## I assume it's a bad idea, but I had to unset a few vars to prevent
- ## fakeroot from slowing the matlab installer to a crawl (commented out by default)
- unset LD_PRELOAD
- ./install -t -inputFile "${srcdir}/installer_input.txt"
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- msg2 'Matlab installer done without error'
- else
- meg2 'Error encountered while running matlab installer'
- fi
- export LD_PRELOAD="$LDP"
- msg2 'Installing license agreement file'
- install -D -m644 "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/license_agreement.txt" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/tmw/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
- #msg2 'Creating links for license.dat'
- #mv "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/licenses" "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/licenses.bak"
- #ln -s "/etc/matlab/licenses/" "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/licenses"
- msg2 'Creating links for executables'
- install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
- for _executable in deploytool matlab mbuild mcc mex; do
- ln -s "${_install_dir}/bin/${_executable}" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_executable}"
- done
- msg2 'Installing .desktop launcher files'
- install -D -m644 "${pkgname}.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop"
- install -D -m644 "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/help/matlab/matlab_env/matlab_desktop_icon.png" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/${pkgname}.png"
+build() {
+ # Using the installer with the -inputFile parameter will automatically
+ # cause the installation to be non-interactive
+ "${srcdir}/${pkgname}/install" -inputFile "${srcdir}/${pkgname}/installer_input.txt"
+ # Create spoofing for Python API
+ # https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/matlab-engine-for-python/
+ cd "${srcdir}/build/extern/engines/python"
+ # Getting appropriate python version for spoofing
+ _matminor="$(find "${srcdir}/build/extern/engines/python" \
+ -name 'matlabengineforpython3*.so' |
+ sort |
+ sed 's|.*matlabengineforpython3_\([0-9]\)\.so|\1|g' |
+ tail -1)"
+ echo 'import sys' > "${srcdir}/sitecustomize.py"
+ echo "sys.version_info = (3, ${_matminor}, 0)" >> "${srcdir}/sitecustomize.py"
-if ${_partialinstall} && [ -z ${_products+isSet} ]; then
- _products=(
- #"Curve_Fitting_Toolbox"
- # fill in toolboxes/products here as needed for a partial install
- # hint: look in your installer_input.txt file for names to use here
- )
+package() {
+ # Install the python API
+ # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_external/install-the-matlab-engine-for-python.html
+ cd "${srcdir}/build/extern/engines/python"
+ PYTHONPATH="${srcdir}" python setup.py \
+ install --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize 1
+ # Spoofing trick to fool matlab into believing 3.8 is supported
+ _matminor="$(find "${srcdir}/build/extern/engines/python" \
+ -name 'matlabengineforpython3*.so' |
+ sort |
+ sed 's|.*matlabengineforpython3_\([0-9]\)\.so|\1|g' |
+ tail -1)"
+ _prefix="$(python -c 'import sys; print(sys.prefix)')"
+ _pytminor="$(python -c 'import sys; print(sys.version_info.minor)')"
+ # Correct file names
+ if [[ "${_pytminor}" != "${_matminor}" ]]; then
+ mv "${pkgdir}/${_prefix}/lib/python3".{"${_matminor}","${_pytminor}"}
+ _egginfo="$(ls "${pkgdir}/${_prefix}/lib/python3.${_pytminor}/site-packages/"*"-py3.${_matminor}.egg-info")"
+ mv "${_egginfo}" "${_egginfo%py3."${_matminor}".egg-info}py3.${_pytminor}.egg-info"
+ sed -i "s|sys.version_info|(3, $_matminor, 0)|" \
+ "${pkgdir}/${_prefix}/lib/python3.${_pytminor}/site-packages/matlab/engine/__init__.py"
+ fi
+ # Fix erronous referances in the _arch.txt files
+ errstr="${srcdir}/build/extern/engines/python/"
+ trustr="${instdir}/extern/engines/python/"
+ for _dir in \
+ "${srcdir}/build/extern/engines/python/build/lib/matlab/engine" \
+ "${pkgdir}/${_prefix}/lib/python3.${_pytminor}/site-packages/matlab/engine" \
+ ; do
+ sed -i "s|${errstr}|${trustr}|" "${_dir}/_arch.txt"
+ done
+ # Moving files from build area
+ install -dm 0755 "$(dirname "${pkgdir}/${instdir}")"
+ mv "${srcdir}/build" "${pkgdir}/${instdir}"
+ # Copying license
+ install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}/license_agreement.txt" \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
+ # Symlink executables'
+ install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
+ for _executable in deploytool matlab mbuild mcc; do
+ ln -s "${instdir}/bin/${_executable}" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_executable}"
+ done
+ # This would otherwise conflict with mixtex
+ ln -s "${instdir}/bin/mex" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mex-${pkgname}"
+ # Why is this in this directory, I wonder...
+ ln -s "${instdir}/bin/glnxa64/mlint" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mlint"
+ # Install desktop files
+ install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}.desktop" \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop"
+ # Create backup directories
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/bin/glnxa64/mexopts"
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/sys/os/glnxa64"
+ # Link mex options to ancient libraries
+ sysdir="bin/glnxa64/mexopts"
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/${sysdir}"
+ cp "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/gcc_glnxa64.xml" \
+ "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/${sysdir}/"
+ sed -i "s/gcc/gcc-6/g" "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/gcc_glnxa64.xml"
+ cp "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/g++_glnxa64.xml" \
+ "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/${sysdir}/"
+ sed -i "s/g++/g++-6/g" "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/g++_glnxa64.xml"
+ cp "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/gfortran.xml" \
+ "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/${sysdir}/"
+ sed -i "s/gfortran/gfortran-6/g" "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/gfortran.xml"
+ cp "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/gfortran6.xml" \
+ "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/${sysdir}/"
+ sed -i "s/gfortran/gfortran-6/g" "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/gfortran6.xml"
+ # Remove unused library files
+ # <MATLABROOT>/sys/os/glnxa64/README.libstdc++
+ sysdir="sys/os/glnxa64"
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/${sysdir}"
+ mv "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/"{libstdc++.so.6.0.22,libstdc++.so.6} \
+ "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/${sysdir}/"
+ mv "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/libgcc_s.so.1" \
+ "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/${sysdir}/"
+ mv "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/"{libgfortran.so.3.0.0,libgfortran.so.3} \
+ "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/${sysdir}/"
+ mv "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/${sysdir}/"{libquadmath.so.0.0.0,libquadmath.so.0} \
+ "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/${sysdir}/"
+ # make sure MATLAB can find libgfortran.so.3
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/bin"
+ cp "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/bin/matlab" "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/backup/bin"
+ sed -i 's|LD_LIBRARY_PATH="`eval echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH`"|LD_LIBRARY_PATH="`eval echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH`:/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/'$(pacman -Q gcc6 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d- -f1)'"|g' "${pkgdir}/${instdir}/bin/matlab"
+ # https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=236821
+ # These steps were deleted cause matlab switched to new freetype
+ # Install the script file to make scripting easier with matlab
+ install -Dm 0755 "${srcdir}/matlab.script" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/matscript"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a892d4b0a3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# MATLAB: Archlinux integration
+This PKGBUILD creates an Arch Linux package for MATLAB
+Additionally; it also builds python engine.
+***WARNING***, this package NEEDS you to obtain the files; as the files are too large to host elsewhere.
+## Tips
+* You probably want to run this locally; since the package will be large.
+If you are managing your own repos; depending on bandwidth and size constrants;
+exclude this package from your workflow.
+(Partial install is around 8 GB; and full install about 16 GB)
+* Turn off compression if this package will only be installed on the build machine;
+this cuts a fair amount of time from the build and compression is unneccessary on local machines.
+# Requirements
+Besides the dependencies; the source files MUST be present at the directory.
+The user MUST supply;
+* **matlab.fik**: Plain text file installation key
+* **matlab.lic**: License file
+* **matlab.tar**: Software tarball
+Then run `makepkg -s` from the PKGBUILD directory to build the package.
+## File Installation Key & Licence File:
+[Here is the current link to the instructions](https://www.mathworks.com/help/install/ug/install-using-a-file-installation-key.html)
+File installation key identifies this specific installation of matlab.
+The license file authorizes that this key can use the toolboxes.
+Follow the steps;
+* Go to [License center](https://www.mathworks.com/licensecenter) on mathworks
+* On install and activate tab; select (or create) an appropriate license
+* Navigate to download the license file and the file installation key
+* Download the **license file** and put the file in the repository
+* Copy and paste the **file installation key** in a plain text file
+## Tarball
+**To run the installer, libselinux is needed!**
+* [Download the matlab installer](https://www.mathworks.com/downloads)
+* Unpack and launch the installer
+* After logging in and accepting license; select
+`Advanced Options > I want to download without installing`
+from the top dropdown menu.
+* Select the toolboxes you want in the `PKGBUILD`.
+(Alternatively install them all)
+* Download the files to an empty directory called `matlab`
+* After downloading; from the parent directory; do
+`tar --create --verbose --file matlab.tar.gz .../matlab`
+to create the tarball.
+# Tips
+## Large files
+To transport large files in fat32 media (most flash drives); use split and cat;
+* **Split**: `split --bytes 3G --numeric-suffixes=0 matlab.tar.gz matlab.tar.gz.`
+* **Concatenate**: `cat matlab.tar.gz.* > matlab.tar.gz`
+## Modules
+Matlab comes with a [lot of products](https://www.mathworks.com/products.html).
+Most are not needed; check PKGBUILD to pick and choose appropriately.
diff --git a/matlab.script b/matlab.script
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b9195d2581c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab.script
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# vim:ft=sh
+if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -x "$1" ]; then
+ matlab -batch "$1"
+ echo 'Need executable file as an argument'
+ exit 1