diff options
5 files changed, 654 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..57272fcb9e8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Generated by mksrcinfo v8
+# Wed Dec 21 10:55:21 UTC 2016
+pkgbase = nslink
+ pkgdesc = TTY driver and firmware update for Comtrol DeviceMaster, RTS, LT, PRO, 500, UP, RPSH-SI, RPSH, and Serial Hub console terminal device server
+ pkgver = 7.15
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ install =
+ arch = i686
+ arch = x86_64
+ license = GPL
+ depends = glibc
+ depends = openssl
+ depends = python2
+ depends = sed
+ depends = groff
+ depends = tcl
+ depends = tk
+ depends = util-linux
+ depends = linux
+ depends = dkms
+ depends = linux-headers
+ options = !zipman
+ backup = etc/nslink.conf
+ source =
+ source =
+ source =
+ source = nslinktool.systemd.patch
+ sha256sums = f166dc53d53c856a790b4c21f40f3f9df66684aa687fa84b502a795a8130dafc
+ sha256sums = d21c5eeefdbf08a202a230454f0bf702221686ba3e663eb41852719bb20b75fb
+ sha256sums = 5fb100b904cd9af08f8af57a95b3d7a336e09183e8449eaace4c65ecc7b9685a
+ sha256sums = 84e7cdfda9e077d904f8cc3e981b9e330d3851ee6edf4529fcbeac61cd53e029
+pkgname = nslink
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2accf29ecb5f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com
+_opt_DKMS=1 # This can be toggled between installs
+#_opt_defaultmode='666' # default: 660
+# Todo: Implement defaultmode
+# Todo: Test secure mode
+# Todo: python tools should be updated to python3
+# Todo: nslinkadmin ethdevname needs to be adjustable when launched from command line, not "eth0".
+# Todo: nslinktool add systemd support
+# Todo: nslinktool needs an eth selector
+# Todo: nslinktool what does the "Load" button do?
+# Todo: nslinktool Config Driver needs an up down button to reorder entries
+# Todo: separate firmware updater
+# Todo: Comtrol icons for nslinktool and the firmware updater
+# Todo: The IP is backwards in /proc/driver/nslink/status
+# Uninstall cleanup: sudo rm -f /etc/nslink.conf*
+set -u
+pkgdesc='TTY driver and firmware update for Comtrol DeviceMaster, RTS, LT, PRO, 500, UP, RPSH-SI, RPSH, and Serial Hub console terminal device server'
+# UP is not explicitly supported by NS-Link
+_pkgdescshort="Comtrol DeviceMaster ${pkgname} TTY driver"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('glibc' 'openssl' 'python2' 'sed' 'groff' 'tcl' 'tk' 'util-linux')
+_verwatch=('' '.*/devicemaster-linux-\([0-9\.]\+\)\.tar\.gz' 'l')
+source+=('' 'nslinktool.systemd.patch')
+ 'd21c5eeefdbf08a202a230454f0bf702221686ba3e663eb41852719bb20b75fb'
+ '5fb100b904cd9af08f8af57a95b3d7a336e09183e8449eaace4c65ecc7b9685a'
+ '84e7cdfda9e077d904f8cc3e981b9e330d3851ee6edf4529fcbeac61cd53e029')
+if [ "${_opt_DKMS}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ depends+=('linux' 'dkms' 'linux-headers')
+ makedepends+=('linux-headers')
+prepare() {
+ set -u
+ cd "${_srcdir}"
+ # Fix permissions
+ find -type 'f' -perm '/111' -exec chmod 644 '{}' '+'
+ chmod 755 *.sh *.py 'nslinktool'
+ local _ver="$(sed -n -e 's:^#define\sSI_VERSION\s"\([^"]\+\).*$:\1:p' 'version.h')"
+ if [ "${pkgver}" != "${_ver}" ]; then
+ echo "Version mismatch ${pkgver} != ${_ver}"
+ set +u
+ false
+ fi
+ unset _ver
+ # Minor fixes to Makefile
+ sed -i -e '# Fix a path' \
+ -e 's:/lib/:/usr/lib/:g' \
+ -e '# These lines look dangerous so well disable them' \
+ -e 's:^ifneq "$(wildcard /usr/src/.*$:ifneq "ArchLinux" "ArchLinux":g' \
+ -e '# We can force this one true' \
+ -e 's:^ifneq "$(wildcard /usr/lib/.*$:ifneq "ArchLinux" "0":g' \
+ 'Makefile'
+ #cp -p '' '' # testmode for diff comparison
+ sed -i -e '# Fix some paths' \
+ -e 's: /lib/: /usr/lib/:g' \
+ -e 's: /sbin: /usr/bin:g' \
+ -e 's:"/sbin:"/usr/bin:g' \
+ -e 's:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:g' \
+ -e 's:/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:g' \
+ -e '# I suspect this folder for systemd is wrong even on RedHat' \
+ -e 's:/etc/systemd/system:/usr/lib/systemd/system:g' \
+ -e '# make package compatible' \
+ -e 's:"/etc/:"${DESTDIR}/etc/:g' \
+ -e 's: /etc/: "${DESTDIR}"/etc/:g' \
+ -e 's:"/usr/:"${DESTDIR}/usr/:g' \
+ -e 's: /usr/: "${DESTDIR}"/usr/:g' \
+ -e '# Disable module management and message' \
+ -e 's:^\s\+echo\s-n\s"Rebuilding:# &:g' \
+ -e 's:^.*depmod -a:# &:g' \
+ -e '# Disable systemd management' \
+ -e 's:^\s\+systemctl:# &:g' \
+ -e '# Get rid of the start messages lest someone believes them' \
+ -e 's:^\s\+if\s\[\s"$WillStart"\s=\syes\s\]:return\n&:g' \
+ ''
+ if [ -s '' ]; then
+ echo 'Disable testmode to build'
+ set +u
+ false
+ fi
+ # Switch to python2
+ sed -i -e '# Why using local on just this one?' \
+ -e 's:/usr/local/bin/python:/usr/bin/python:g' \
+ -e 's:/usr/bin/python:&2:g' \
+ *.py 'nslinktool'
+ # The command line tool is unusable without the proper ethernet card in it.
+ # There's a parameter but who would know! We'll add a searchable string
+ # that a launcher can modify.
+ sed -i -e 's:"eth0":"'"${_opt_ethernet_data}${_opt_ethernet_keystring}"'":g' 'nslinkadmin.c'
+ # nslinktool has the same problem but it's a GUI app. The best we can
+ # do is start with the right network card. It really needs to become
+ # a dropdown.
+ local _neweth
+ local _neweths=($(ip addr | grep ' UP ' | cut -d':' -f2))
+ if [ "${#_neweths[@]}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ _neweth="s:eth0:${_neweths[0]}:g"
+ else
+ _neweth='#'
+ fi
+ # Fix nslinktool. We'll get rid of the tabs while we're here.
+ cp -p 'nslinktool' 'nslinktool.orig'
+ sed -e '# Fix paths and enable our fixed admin tool:g' \
+ -e 's:/usr/sbin/nslinkadmin:/usr/bin/nslinkadmin.exec:g' \
+ -e 's:/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:g' \
+ -e '# Cosmetic cleanup for simpler patch editing' \
+ -e 's:\s\+$::g' \
+ -e '# Ethernet fix from above' \
+ -e "${_neweth}" \
+ 'nslinktool.orig' | expand -i > 'nslinktool'
+ rm 'nslinktool.orig'
+ unset _neweth _neweths
+ # Patch systemd code into the GUI tool
+ ##diff -c5 'nslinktool.orig' 'nslinktool' > '../../nslinktool.systemd.patch'
+ patch -c -b -p0 < "${srcdir}/nslinktool.systemd.patch"
+ # Fix up the firmware downloaders
+ cd "${srcdir}/${_srcdir2}"
+ # Fix permissions
+ find -type 'f' -perm '/111' -exec chmod 644 '{}' '+'
+ chmod 755 *.py
+ sed -i -e '# Cosmetic cleanup for simpler patch editing' \
+ -e 's:\s\+$::g' \
+ -e '# Switch to python2' \
+ -e 's:/usr/bin/python:&2:g' \
+ *.py
+ # Patch usage and help into command line tool
+ ##diff -c5 '' '' > '../../'
+ patch -c -b -p0 < "${srcdir}/"
+ set +u
+build() {
+ set -u
+ cd "${_srcdir}"
+ make -j1 QUIET=0
+ set +u
+package() {
+ set -u
+ cd "${_srcdir}"
+ if [ "${_opt_DKMS}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ # I don't want Linux version info showing on AUR web. After a few months 'linux<0.0.0' makes it look like an out of date package.
+ local _kernelversionsmall="$(pacman -Q linux)" # this differs from uname -r. pacman: 4.0, uname: 4.0.0
+ _kernelversionsmall="${_kernelversionsmall#* }"
+ _kernelversionsmall="${_kernelversionsmall%-*}"
+ # prevent the mksrcinfo bash emulator from getting these vars!
+ eval 'conf''licts=("linux>${_kernelversionsmall}" "linux<${_kernelversionsmall}")'
+ eval 'dep''ends+=("linux=${_kernelversionsmall}")'
+ fi
+ # This installer expects the system folders to already exist
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"{'/usr/bin','/etc',"/usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc",'/usr/lib/systemd/system'}
+ DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" \
+ INIT='systemd' \
+ sh -e -u '' "$(uname -r)" install
+ # Fix paths in the service file
+ sed -i -e 's:/sbin/:/usr/bin/:g' "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/nslink.service"
+ # Root only permissions on executables. Easier than hacking UID 0 into them.
+ find "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/" -type 'f' -perm /111 -exec chmod 744 '{}' '+'
+ # Preserve an original copy of the config file
+ install -Dpm644 "${pkgdir}/etc/nslink.conf" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/nslink/nslink.conf.orig"
+ # Desktop file for NS-Link
+ install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Comtrol NS-Link Administration
+GenericName=Device Server Manager
+Comment=DeviceMaster NS-Link for Comtrol Device Servers
+Exec=gksudo -k -u root nslinktool
+ ) "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/nslinktool.desktop"
+ # Generate launcher
+ mv "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"/{'nslinkadmin','nslinkadmin.exec'}
+ install -Dm755 <(cat << EOF
+# Automatically generated by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR
+# A launcher to detect UP ethernet interfaces and sed the selected on into a temp executable.
+# The executable has been compiled with a special string that we can replace.
+set -e
+set -u
+neweths=(\$(ip addr | grep ' UP ' | cut -d':' -f2))
+if [ "\${DEBUG}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ if [ "\${EUID}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo 'Must not be root'
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ adminbin='./nslinkadmin.exec'
+ admintmp="\${adminbin}.tmp"
+ cp -pn "\${adminbin}" "\${adminbin}.bak"
+ neweths+=(Arch Linux)
+ if [ "\${EUID}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo 'Must be root'
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ adminbin='/usr/bin/nslinkadmin.exec'
+ admintmp="/tmp/nslinkadmin.tmp.\$$"
+case "\${#neweths[@]}" in
+ echo 'No network cards are available in the UP state. Try ip addr'
+ exit 2
+ ;;
+ neweth="\${neweths[0]}"
+ #echo "Auto selecting only NIC \${neweth}" # The next program shows this so we don't need to.
+ ;;
+ echo 'Available UP network cards'
+ idx=0
+ for neweth in "\${neweths[@]}"; do
+ idx=\$((idx+1))
+ echo -n "\${idx}-\${neweth} "
+ done
+ echo ''
+ wantidx=-1
+ while [ "\${wantidx}" -lt 0 ]; do
+ echo -n "Select network card or 0 to quit:"
+ read wantidx
+ if [ -z "\${wantidx}" ] || [[ ! "\${wantidx}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [ "\${wantidx}" -lt 0 ] || [ "\${wantidx}" -gt "\${idx}" ]; then
+ wantidx=-1
+ fi
+ if [ "\${wantidx}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ done
+ neweth="\${neweths[\$((wantidx-1))]}"
+if [ "\${DEBUG}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ set -x
+# These values are compiled into the executable by the PKGBUILD and must not be changed here
+neweth="\$(printf "%-${#_opt_ethernet_data}s" "\${neweth}")"
+neweth="\${neweth// /\\\\x00}" # binary replace
+set +e
+umask 077
+rm -f "\${admintmp}"
+sed -e 's:${_opt_ethernet_data}${_opt_ethernet_keystring}:'"\${neweth}${_opt_ethernet_keystring}:" "\${adminbin}" > "\${admintmp}"
+chmod 700 "\${admintmp}"
+if [ "\${DEBUG}" -eq 0 ] || [ "\$(stat -c '%s' "\${adminbin}")" -eq "\$(stat -c '%s' "\${adminbin}.bak")" ]; then
+ trap "{ rm -f "\${admintmp}"; exit 255; }" SIGINT
+ set +e
+ "\${admintmp}" "\$@"
+ rv="\$?"
+ if [ "\${DEBUG}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ rm "\${admintmp}"
+ fi
+exit "\${rv}"
+ ) "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/nslinkadmin"
+ # DKMS
+ if [ "${_opt_DKMS}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ install -Dpm644 'nslink.h' 'nslink_int.h' 'version.h' 'nslink.c' 'Makefile' -t "${pkgdir}/usr/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/"
+ install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF
+# Automatically generated by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR
+# Using all processors doesn't compile this tiny module any faster.
+MAKE[0]="make -j1 all QUIET=1"
+CLEAN[0]="make -j1 clean"
+# Placing the DKMS generated module in a different location than the standard install prevents conflicts when PKGBUILD _opt_DKMS is toggled
+ ) "${pkgdir}/usr/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/dkms.conf"
+ #make -C "${pkgdir}/usr/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/" clean
+ sed -i -e '# No DKMS instructions say to do this but it works and keeps the MAKE line real simple' \
+ -e 's:$(shell uname -r):$(KERNELRELEASE):g' \
+ -e 's:`uname -r`:$(KERNELRELEASE):g' \
+ -e 's:$(KVER):$(KERNELRELEASE):g' \
+ -e '# Get rid of make lines so make all makes the module' \
+ -e 's:^\s\+make\s:#&:g' \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/Makefile"
+ fi
+ # Install firmware updaters
+ cd "${srcdir}/${_srcdir2}"
+ install -Dpm755 *.py -t "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
+ install -Dpm644 'README.txt' -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/nslink/"
+ # Desktop file for GUI firmware updater
+ install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Comtrol Update Firmware
+GenericName=Device Server Manager
+Comment=Manage Firmware on Comtrol Device Servers
+ ) "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/"
+ set +u
+set +u
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..05cc640a4826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+*** Tue Dec 20 17:11:29 2016
+--- Tue Dec 20 17:15:37 2016
+*** 257,268 ****
+ del args[0]
+ if e is None:
+ e = b
+! host = args[0]
+! filename = args[1]
+ if not zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
+ binfile = open(filename,"rb")
+ else:
+ archsuffix = {3:".bin", 5:".nxbin"}
+--- 257,275 ----
+ del args[0]
+ if e is None:
+ e = b
+! try:
+! host = args[0]
+! filename = args[1]
+! except:
+! print "Usage: [-rqsg] [-b <addr] [-e <addr>] <hostname> <filename>"
+! print "filename as .cmtl is preferred. .bin (ARM7) and .nxbin (Cortex-M) also work"
+! print "For more help:"
+! print "less +96 -S /usr/share/nslink/README.txt"
+! sys.exit(1)
+ if not zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
+ binfile = open(filename,"rb")
+ else:
+ archsuffix = {3:".bin", 5:".nxbin"}
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..740dc98dac19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+post_upgrade() {
+ set -u
+ mandb -q
+ systemctl daemon-reload
+ # Handle the module update if DKMS doesn't
+ if [ ! -d /usr/src/nslink-*/ ]; then
+ depmod -a
+ if systemctl -q is-enabled 'nslink.service'; then
+ systemctl start 'nslink.service'
+ fi
+ fi
+ set +u
+post_install() {
+ set -u
+ if [ -f "${_tp_config}" ] && [ -f "${_tp_configps}" ] && diff -q "${_tp_config}" "${_tp_config_orig}"; then
+ mv "${_tp_configps}" "${_tp_config}"
+ fi
+ set +u
+ post_upgrade
+ if systemctl -q is-enabled 'nslink.service' && ! systemctl -q is-active 'nslink.service'; then
+ # We can't auto start the service because DKMS hasn't made the module yet
+ echo 'Please start the service with'
+ echo " systemctl start 'nslink.service'"
+ fi
+pre_upgrade() {
+ set -u
+ if [ ! -d /usr/src/nslink-*/ ]; then
+ systemctl stop 'nslink.service' # also rmmod the module
+ fi
+ set +u
+pre_remove() {
+ set -u
+ systemctl stop 'nslink.service' # pre_upgrade
+ set +u
+post_remove() {
+ set -u
+ mandb -q
+ systemctl daemon-reload
+ set +u
diff --git a/nslinktool.systemd.patch b/nslinktool.systemd.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1d81f560bd8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nslinktool.systemd.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+*** nslinktool.orig Tue Dec 20 16:30:33 2016
+--- nslinktool Tue Dec 20 16:30:52 2016
+*** 980,1001 ****
+ def configDriver(self):
+ ConfigEditor(root,"/etc/nslink.conf")
+ def runScript(self,cmdString):
+! # figure out where the driver control shellscript is
+! scriptPath = None;
+! for path in ("/etc/rc.d/init.d/nslink", "/etc/rc.d/nslink", "/etc/init.d/nslink", "/etc/nslink"):
+! if os.access(path,os.X_OK):
+! scriptPath = path
+! break
+! if not scriptPath:
+! MessageDialogOK(self.root,"\n\nCan't %s the driver\nThe script isn't installed in any of the usual places.\n\n" % cmdString,)
+! return
+! status,output = commands.getstatusoutput("%s %s" % (scriptPath,cmdString))
+! if status:
+! MessageDialogOK(self.root,"\n\n Error trying to %s driver \n\n%s\n\n" % (cmdString,output))
+ def startDriver(self):
+ self.runScript("start")
+ self.driverStatus()
+--- 980,990 ----
+ def configDriver(self):
+ ConfigEditor(root,"/etc/nslink.conf")
+ def runScript(self,cmdString):
+! commands.getstatusoutput("systemctl %s 'nslink.service'" % (cmdString))
+ def startDriver(self):
+ self.runScript("start")
+ self.driverStatus()
+*** 1006,1046 ****
+ def restartDriver(self):
+ self.runScript("restart")
+ self.driverStatus()
+ def findSymlinks(self):
+! enabledSymlinks = []
+! disabledSymlinks = []
+! rcDir = None
+! for path in ("/etc/rc.d/rc%d.d","/etc/rc%d.d"):
+! if os.access(path % 2,os.R_OK):
+! rcDir = path
+! if not rcDir:
+! raise "rcN.d directories not found\nYou must have a non-standard installation"
+! else:
+! for n in (2,3,4,5):
+! path = (rcDir % n) + "/S95nslink"
+! if os.access(path,os.R_OK):
+! enabledSymlinks.append(path)
+! path = (rcDir % n) + "/K05nslink"
+! if os.access(path,os.R_OK):
+! disabledSymlinks.append(path)
+ return (enabledSymlinks,disabledSymlinks)
+ def disableDriver(self):
+ try:
+ enabledLinks,disabledLinks = self.findSymlinks()
+ if (not enabledLinks) and disabledLinks:
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,"\n\n Driver already disabled \n\n")
+ elif (not enabledLinks) and (not disabledLinks):
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,"\n\n Driver symlinks not installed in standard locations \n\n")
+ else:
+! for l in enabledLinks:
+! i = string.find(l,"S95nslink")
+! if i >= 0:
+! nl = l[:i] + "K05" + l[i+3:]
+! os.rename(l,nl)
+ except:
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,["\n\n Error disabling driver\n"] + traceback.format_exception_only(sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value))
+ self.driverStatus()
+ def enableDriver(self):
+--- 995,1019 ----
+ def restartDriver(self):
+ self.runScript("restart")
+ self.driverStatus()
+ def findSymlinks(self):
+! (disabledSymlinks,enabledSymlinks) = commands.getstatusoutput("systemctl -q is-enabled 'nslink.service'")
+! disabledSymlinks = min(1,disabledSymlinks)
+! enabledSymlinks = 1-disabledSymlinks
+! #print "Enable=%d Disable=%d\n" % (enabledSymlinks,disabledSymlinks)
+ return (enabledSymlinks,disabledSymlinks)
+ def disableDriver(self):
+ try:
+ enabledLinks,disabledLinks = self.findSymlinks()
+ if (not enabledLinks) and disabledLinks:
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,"\n\n Driver already disabled \n\n")
+ elif (not enabledLinks) and (not disabledLinks):
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,"\n\n Driver symlinks not installed in standard locations \n\n")
+ else:
+! commands.getstatusoutput("systemctl disable 'nslink.service'")
+ except:
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,["\n\n Error disabling driver\n"] + traceback.format_exception_only(sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value))
+ self.driverStatus()
+ def enableDriver(self):
+*** 1049,1063 ****
+ if (not disabledLinks) and enabledLinks:
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,"\n\n Driver already enabled \n\n")
+ elif (not enabledLinks) and (not disabledLinks):
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,"\n\n Driver symlinks not installed in standard locations \n\n")
+ else:
+! for l in disabledLinks:
+! i = string.find(l,"K05nslink")
+! if i >= 0:
+! nl = l[:i] + "S95" + l[i+3:]
+! os.rename(l,nl)
+ except:
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,["\n\n Error enabling driver \n"] + traceback.format_exception_only(sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value))
+ self.driverStatus()
+ def driverStatus(self):
+--- 1022,1032 ----
+ if (not disabledLinks) and enabledLinks:
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,"\n\n Driver already enabled \n\n")
+ elif (not enabledLinks) and (not disabledLinks):
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,"\n\n Driver symlinks not installed in standard locations \n\n")
+ else:
+! commands.getstatusoutput("systemctl enable 'nslink.service'")
+ except:
+ MessageDialogOK(self.root,["\n\n Error enabling driver \n"] + traceback.format_exception_only(sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value))
+ self.driverStatus()
+ def driverStatus(self):
+*** 1089,1099 ****
+ elif disabledLinks and (not enabledLinks):
+ self.enableStatus.set("Driver startup: disabled")
+ else:
+ self.enableStatus.set("Driver startup: unknown")
+ except:
+! self.enableStatus.set("Driver startup: unknown")
+ def showHelp(self):
+ s,o = commands.getstatusoutput(r"(echo '.pl 1000i'; cat /usr/share/man/man8/nslinktool.8; echo '.pl \n(nlu+8') | groff -man -Tascii | col -b | expand")
+ if s:
+ MessageDialog("\n\n Error formatting nslinktool man page: \n" + o + "\n\n")
+--- 1058,1068 ----
+ elif disabledLinks and (not enabledLinks):
+ self.enableStatus.set("Driver startup: disabled")
+ else:
+ self.enableStatus.set("Driver startup: unknown")
+ except:
+! self.enableStatus.set("Driver startup: error")
+ def showHelp(self):
+ s,o = commands.getstatusoutput(r"(echo '.pl 1000i'; cat /usr/share/man/man8/nslinktool.8; echo '.pl \n(nlu+8') | groff -man -Tascii | col -b | expand")
+ if s:
+ MessageDialog("\n\n Error formatting nslinktool man page: \n" + o + "\n\n")