diff options
5 files changed, 1601 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d34c77a07595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+pkgbase = nzbget-systemd
+ pkgdesc = Systemd service and config for NZBGet
+ pkgver = 0.1
+ pkgrel = 2
+ url =
+ install = nzbget.install
+ arch = any
+ license = GPL
+ depends = nzbget
+ source = nzbget.conf
+ source = nzbget.service
+ sha256sums = 50bf12ffeda5bca2327ee4665de000892d18514a13e445d78ff5dec78bd48c4f
+ sha256sums = c5dc750214105fe2ab4aff9545a48b7a5cfa246d00c771b1600ce4e6b74f70fb
+pkgname = nzbget-systemd
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2678080f59cc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Maintainer: Jan Holthuis <>
+pkgdesc="Systemd service and config for NZBGet"
+ 'nzbget.service')
+ 'c5dc750214105fe2ab4aff9545a48b7a5cfa246d00c771b1600ce4e6b74f70fb')
+package() {
+ cd "${srcdir}"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/etc/systemd/system"
+ install -m644 -t "${pkgdir}/etc/systemd/system" nzbget.service
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/var/lib/nzbget"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/etc"
+ install -m664 -t "${pkgdir}/etc" "${srcdir}/nzbget.conf"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/var/lib/nzbget/downloads"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/var/lib/nzbget/downloads/dst"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/var/lib/nzbget/downloads/inter"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/var/lib/nzbget/downloads/nzb"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/var/lib/nzbget/downloads/queue"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/var/lib/nzbget/downloads/tmp"
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/var/lib/nzbget/downloads/scripts"
diff --git a/nzbget.conf b/nzbget.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..594707366369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nzbget.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,1518 @@
+# Sample configuration file for NZBGet
+# On POSIX put this file to one of the following locations:
+# ~/.nzbget
+# /etc/nzbget.conf
+# /usr/etc/nzbget.conf
+# /usr/local/etc/nzbget.conf
+# /opt/etc/nzbget.conf
+# On Windows put this file in program's directory.
+# You can also put the file into any location, if you specify the path to it
+# using switch "-c", e.g:
+# nzbget -c /home/user/myconfig.txt
+# For quick start change the option MainDir and configure one news-server
+### PATHS ###
+# Root directory for all tasks.
+# On POSIX you can use "~" as alias for home directory (e.g. "~/downloads").
+# On Windows use absolute paths (e.g. "C:\Downloads").
+# Destination directory for downloaded files.
+# If you want to distinguish between partially downloaded files and
+# completed downloads, use also option <InterDir>.
+# Directory to store intermediate files.
+# If this option is set (not empty) the files are downloaded into
+# this directory first. After successful download of nzb-file (possibly
+# after par-repair) the files are moved to destination directory
+# (option <DestDir>). If download or unpack fail the files remain in
+# intermediate directory.
+# Using of intermediate directory can significantly improve unpack
+# performance if you can put intermediate directory (option <InterDir>)
+# and destination directory (option <DestDir>) on separate physical
+# hard drives.
+# NOTE: If the option <InterDir> is set to empty value the downloaded
+# files are put directly to destination directory (option <DestDir>).
+# Directory for incoming nzb-files.
+# If a new nzb-file is added to queue via web-interface or RPC-API, it
+# is saved into this directory and then processed by pre-processing
+# script (option <ScanScript>).
+# This directory is also monitored for new nzb-files. If a new file
+# is found it is added to download queue. The directory can have
+# sub-directories. A nzb-file queued from a subdirectory is automatically
+# assigned to category with sub-directory-name.
+# Directory to store program state.
+# This directory is used to save download queue, history, information
+# about fetched RSS feeds, statistics, etc.
+# Directory to store temporary files.
+# Directory with web-interface files.
+# Example: /usr/local/share/nzbget/webui.
+# NOTE: To disable web-interface set the option to an empty value.
+# This however doesn't disable the built-in web-server completely because
+# it is also used to serve JSON-/XML-RPC requests.
+# Directory with post-processing and other scripts.
+# NOTE: For information on writing scripts visit
+# Lock-file for daemon-mode, POSIX only.
+# If the option is not empty, NZBGet creates the file and writes process-id
+# (PID) into it. That info can be used in shell scripts.
+# Where to store log file, if it needs to be created.
+# NOTE: See also option <CreateLog>.
+# Configuration file template.
+# Put the path to the example configuration file which comes with
+# NZBGet. Web-interface needs this file to read option descriptions.
+# Do not put here your actual configuration file (typically stored
+# in your home directory or in /etc/nzbget.conf) but instead the unchanged
+# example configuration file (installed to
+# /usr/share/nzbget/nzbget.conf).
+# Example: /usr/local/share/nzbget/nzbget.conf.
+# This section defines which servers NZBGet should connect to.
+# The servers should be numbered subsequently without holes.
+# For example if you configure three servers you should name them as Server1,
+# Server2 and Server3. If you need to delete Server2 later you should also
+# change the name of Server3 to Server2. Otherwise it will not be properly
+# read from the config file. Server number doesn't affect its priority (level).
+# Use this news server (yes, no).
+# Set to "no" to temporary disable the server.
+# Name of news server.
+# The name is used in UI and for logging. It can be any string, you
+# may even leave it empty.
+# Level (priority) of news server (0-99).
+# The servers are ordered by their level. NZBGet first tries to download
+# an article from one (any) of level-0-servers. If that server fails,
+# NZBGet tries all other level-0-servers. If all servers fail, it proceeds
+# with the level-1-servers, etc.
+# Put your major download servers at level 0 and your fill servers at
+# levels 1, 2, etc..
+# Several servers with the same level may be defined, they have
+# the same priority.
+# Group of news server (0-99).
+# If you have multiple accounts with same conditions (retention, etc.)
+# on the same news server, set the same group (greater than 0) for all
+# of them. If download fails on one news server, NZBGet does not try
+# other servers from the same group.
+# Value "0" means no group defined (default).
+# Host name of news server.
+# Port to connect to (1-65535).
+# User name to use for authentication.
+# Password to use for authentication.
+# Server requires "Join Group"-command (yes, no).
+# Encrypted server connection (TLS/SSL) (yes, no).
+# NOTE: By changing this option you should also change the option <ServerX.Port>
+# accordingly because unsecure and encrypted connections use different ports.
+# Cipher to use for encrypted server connection.
+# By default (when the option is empty) the underlying encryption library
+# chooses the cipher automatically. To achieve the best performance
+# however you can manually select a faster cipher.
+# See for details.
+# NOTE: One of the fastest cipher is RC4, it also provides strong 128 bit
+# encryption. To select it use the cipher string "RC4-MD5" (if NZBGet was
+# configured to use OpenSSL) or "NONE:+VERS-TLS-ALL:+ARCFOUR-128:+RSA:+MD5:+COMP-ALL"
+# (if NZBGet was configured to use GnuTLS).
+# NOTE: You may get a TLS handshake error if the news server does
+# not support the chosen cipher. You can also get an error "Could not
+# select cipher for TLS" if the cipher string is not valid.
+# Maximum number of simultaneous connections to this server (0-999).
+# Second server, on level 0.
+# Third server, on level 1.
+### SECURITY ###
+# IP on which NZBGet server listen and which clients use to contact NZBGet.
+# It could be a dns-hostname (e. g. "mypc") or an ip-address (e. g. "" or
+# ""). An IP-address is more effective because does not require dns-lookup.
+# Your computer may have multiple network interfaces and therefore multiple IP
+# addresses. If you want NZBGet to listen to all interfaces and be available from
+# all IP-addresses use value "".
+# NOTE: When you start NZBGet as client (to send remote commands to NZBGet server) and
+# the option <ControlIP> is set to "" the client will use IP "".
+# NOTE: If you set the option to "" you will be able to connect to NZBGet
+# only from the computer running NZBGet. This restriction applies to web-interface too.
+# Port which NZBGet server and remote client use (1-65535).
+# NOTE: The communication via this port is not encrypted. For encrypted
+# communication see option <SecurePort>.
+# User name which NZBGet server and remote client use.
+# Set to empty value to disable user name check (check only password).
+# NOTE: This option was added in NZBGet 11. Older versions used predefined
+# not changeable user name "nzbget". Third-party tools or web-sites written
+# for older NZBGet versions may not have an option to define user name. In
+# this case you should set option <ControlUsername> to the default value
+# "nzbget" or use empty value.
+# Password which NZBGet server and remote client use.
+# Set to empty value to disable authorization request.
+# Secure control of NZBGet server (yes, no).
+# Activate the option if you want to access NZBGet built-in web-server
+# via HTTPS (web-interface and RPC). You should also provide certificate
+# and key files, see option <SecureCert> and option <SecureKey>.
+# Port which NZBGet server and remote client use for encrypted
+# communication (1-65535).
+# Full path to certificate file for encrypted communication.
+# Full path to key file for encrypted communication.
+# IP-addresses allowed to connect without authorization.
+# Comma separated list of privileged IPs for easy access to NZBGet
+# built-in web-server (web-interface and RPC).
+# Example:,
+# NOTE: Do not use this option if the program works behind another
+# web-server because all requests will have the address of this server.
+# User name for daemon-mode, POSIX only.
+# Set the user that the daemon normally runs at (POSIX in daemon-mode only).
+# Set MainDir with an absolute path to be sure where it will write.
+# This allows NZBGet daemon to be launched in rc.local (at boot), and
+# download items as a specific user id.
+# NOTE: This option has effect only if the program was started from
+# root-account, otherwise it is ignored and the daemon runs under
+# current user id.
+# Specify default umask (affects file permissions) for newly created
+# files, POSIX only (000-1000).
+# The value should be written in octal form (the same as for "umask" shell
+# command).
+# Empty value or value "1000" disable the setting of umask-mode; current
+# umask-mode (set via shell) is used in this case.
+# This section defines categories available in web-interface.
+# Category name.
+# Each nzb-file can be assigned to a category.
+# Category name is passed to post-processing script and can be used by it
+# to perform category specific processing.
+# Destination directory for this category.
+# If this option is empty, then the default destination directory
+# (option <DestDir>) is used. In this case if the option <AppendCategoryDir>
+# is active, the program creates a subdirectory with category name within
+# destination directory.
+# Unpack downloaded nzb-files (yes, no).
+# For more information see global option <Unpack>.
+# Default list of post-processing scripts.
+# For more information see global option <PostScript>.
+# List of aliases.
+# When a nzb-file is added from URL, RSS or RPC the category name
+# is usually supplied by nzb-site or by application accessing
+# NZBGet. Using Aliases you can match their categories with your owns.
+# Separate aliases with commas or semicolons. Use wildcard-characters
+# * and ? for pattern matching.
+# Example: TV - HD, TV - SD, TV*
+### RSS FEEDS ###
+# Name of RSS Feed.
+# The name is used in UI and for logging. It can be any string.
+#Feed1.Name=my feed
+# Address (URL) of RSS Feed.
+# Example:
+# NOTE: When the feed is fetched for the very first time all existing
+# items are ignored. The items found on subsequentional fetches are processed.
+# Filter rules for items.
+# Use filter to ignore unwanted items in the feed. In its simplest version
+# the filter is a space separated list of words which must be present in
+# the item title.
+# Example: linux debian dvd.
+# NOTE: This is a short documentation, for more information visit
+# Feed filter consists of rules - one rule per line. Each rule defines
+# a search string and a command, which must be performed if the search
+# string matches. There are five kinds of rule-commands: Accept,
+# Reject, Require, Options, Comment.
+# NOTE: Since options in the configuration file can not span multiple
+# lines, the lines (rules) must be separated with %-character (percent).
+# Definition of a rule:
+# [A:|A(options):|R:|Q:|O(options):|#] search-string
+# A - declares Accept-rule. Rules are accept-rules by default, the
+# "A:" can be imitted. If the feed item matches to the rule the
+# item is considered good and no further rules are checked.
+# R - declares Reject-rule. If the feed item matches to the rule the
+# item is considered bad and no further rules are checked.
+# Q - declares Require-rule. If the feed item DOES NOT match to the rule
+# the item is considered bad and no further rules are checked.
+# O - declares Options-rule. If the feed item matches to the rule the
+# options declared in the rule are set for the item. The item is
+# neither accepted nor rejected via this rule but can be accepted
+# later by one of Accept-rules. In this case the item will have its
+# options already set (unless the Accept-rule overrides them).
+# # - lines starting with # are considered comments and are ignored. You
+# can use comments to explain complex rules or to temporary disable
+# rules for debugging.
+# Options allow to set properties on nzb-file. It's a comma-separated
+# list of property names with their values.
+# Definition of an option:
+# name:value
+# Options can be defined using long option names or short names:
+# category (cat, c) - set category name, value is a string;
+# pause (p) - add nzb in paused or unpaused state, possible
+# values are: yes (y), no (n);
+# priority (pr, r) - set priority, value is a signed integer number;
+# priority+ (pr+, r+) - increase priority, value is a signed integer number;
+# dupescore (ds, s) - set duplicate score, value is a signed integer number;
+# dupescore+ (ds+, s+) - increase duplicate score, value is a signed integer number;
+# dupekey (dk, k) - set duplicate key, value is a string;
+# dupekey+ (dk+, k+) - add to duplicate key, value is a string;
+# dupemode (dm, m) - set duplicate check mode, possible values
+# are: score (s), all (a), force (f);
+# rageid - generate duplicate key using this rageid
+# (integer number) and season/episode numbers;
+# series - generate duplicate key using series identifier
+# (any unique string) and season/episode numbers.
+# Examples of option definitions:
+# Accept(category:my series, pause:yes, priority:100): my show 1080p;
+# Options(c:my series, p:y, r:100): 1080p;
+# Options(s:1000): 1080p;
+# Options(k+:1080p): 1080p;
+# Options(dupemode:force): BluRay.
+# Rule-options override values set in feed-options.
+# The search-string is similar to used in search engines. It consists of
+# search terms separated with spaces. Every term is checked for a feed
+# item and if they all succeed the rule is considered matching.
+# Definition of a term:
+# [+|-][field:][command]param
+# + - declares a positive term. Terms are positive by default,
+# the "+" can be omitted;
+# - - declares a negative term. If the term succeed the feed
+# item is ignored;
+# field - field to which apply the term. If not specified
+# the default field "title" is used;
+# command - a special character defining how to interpret the
+# parameter (followed after the command):
+# @ - search for string "param". This is default command,
+# the "@" can be omitted;
+# $ - "param" defines a regular expression (using POSIX Extended
+# Regular Expressions syntax);
+# = - equal;
+# < - less than;
+# <= - equal or less than;
+# > - greater than;
+# >= - equal or greater than;
+# param - parameter for command.
+# Commands @ and $ are for use with text fields (title, filename, category,
+# link, description, dupekey). Commands =, <, <=, > and >= are for use
+# with numeric fields (size, age, imdbid, rageid, season, episode, priority,
+# dupescore).
+# Only fields title, filename and age are always present. The availability of
+# other fields depend on rss feed provider.
+# Any newznab attribute (encoded as "newznab:attr" in the RSS feed) can
+# be used as search field with prefix "attr-", for example "attr-genre".
+# Text search (Command @) supports supports wildcard characters * (matches
+# any number of any characters), ? (matches any one character)
+# and # (matches one digit).
+# Text search is by default performed against words (word-search mode): the
+# field content is separated into words and then each word is checked
+# against pattern. If the search pattern starts and ends with * (star)
+# the search is performed against the whole field content
+# (substring-search mode). If the search pattern contains word separator
+# characters (except * and ?) the search is performed on the whole
+# field (the word-search would be obviously never successful in this
+# case). Word separators are: !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~.
+# Field "size" can have suffixes "K" or "KB" for kilobytes, "M" or "MB"
+# for megabytes and "G" or "GB" for gigabytes. Field "age" can have
+# suffixes "m" for minutes, "h" for hours and "d" for days. If suffix
+# is not specified default is days.
+# Examples (the trailing ; or . is not part of filter):
+# 1) A: s01* -category:anime;
+# 2) my show WEB-DL;
+# 3) *my?show* WEB-DL size:<1.8GB age:>2h;
+# 4) R: size:>9GB;
+# 5) Q: HDTV.
+# NOTE: This is a short documentation, for more information visit
+# How often to check for new items (minutes).
+# Value "0" disables the automatic check of this feed.
+# Add nzb-files as paused (yes, no).
+# Category for added nzb-files.
+# NOTE: Feed providers may include category name within response when nzb-file
+# is downloaded. If you want to use the providers category leave the option empty.
+# Priority for added nzb-files (number).
+# Priority can be any integer value. The web-interface however operates
+# with only six predefined priorities: -100 (very low priority), -50
+# (low priority), 0 (normal priority, default), 50 (high priority),
+# 100 (very high priority) and 900 (force priority). Downloads with
+# priorities equal to or greater than 900 are downloaded and
+# post-processed even if the program is in paused state (force mode).
+# Create subdirectory with category-name in destination-directory (yes, no).
+# How often incoming-directory (option <NzbDir>) must be checked for new
+# nzb-files (seconds).
+# Value "0" disables the check.
+# NOTE: nzb-files are processed by scan and queue scripts. See
+# options <ScanScript> and <QueueScript>.
+# How old nzb-file should at least be for it to be loaded to queue (seconds).
+# NZBGet checks if nzb-file was not modified in last few seconds, defined by
+# this option. That safety interval prevents the loading of files, which
+# were not yet completely saved to disk, for example if they are still being
+# downloaded in web-browser.
+# Check for duplicate titles (yes, no).
+# If this option is enabled the program checks by adding of a new nzb-file:
+# 1) if history contains the same title (see below) with success status
+# the nzb-file is not added to queue;
+# 2) if download queue already contains the same title the nzb-file is
+# added to queue for backup (if firt file fails);
+# 3) if nzb-file contains duplicate entries. This helps to find errors
+# in bad nzb-files.
+# "Same title" means the nzb file name is same or the duplicate key is
+# same. Duplicate keys are set by fetching from RSS feeds using title
+# identifier fields provided by RSS provider (imdbid or rageid/season/episode).
+# If duplicates were detected only one of them is downloaded. If download
+# fails another duplicate is tried. If download succeeds all remaining
+# duplicates are deleted from queue.
+# NOTE: For automatic duplicate handling option <HealthCheck> must be
+# set to "Delete" or "None". If it is set to "Pause" you will need to
+# manually unpause another duplicate (if any exists in queue).
+# NOTE: For more info on duplicates see
+# Save download queue to disk (yes, no).
+# This allows to reload it on next start.
+# Reload download queue on start, if it exists (yes, no).
+# Continue download of partially downloaded files (yes, no).
+# If active the current state is saved after every article download and
+# reloaded after restart. This is about files included in download jobs (usually
+# rar-files), not about download-jobs (nzb-files) itself. Download-jobs are always
+# continued regardless of that option.
+# Disabling this option might slighlty reduce disk access and is
+# therefore recommended on fast connections.
+# Propagation delay to your news servers (minutes).
+# The option sets minimum post age for nzb-files. Very recent files
+# are not downloaded to avoid download failures. The files remain
+# on hold in the download queue until the propagation delay expires,
+# after that they are downloaded.
+# Decode articles (yes, no).
+# yes - decode articles using internal decoder (supports yEnc and UU formats);
+# no - the articles will not be decoded and joined. Useful for debugging to
+# look at article's source text.
+# Write decoded articles directly into destination output file (yes, no).
+# Files are posted to Usenet in multiple pieces (articles). Each file typically
+# requires hundreds of articles.
+# When option <DirectWrite> is disabled, the program downloads all articles
+# into temporary directory and then combines them into destination file.
+# With this option enabled the program at first creates the output
+# destination file with required size (total size of all articles),
+# then writes on the fly decoded articles directly to the file
+# without creating of any temporary files.
+# This may improve performance but depends on OS and file system ability to
+# instantly create large files without initializing them with nulls. Such
+# files are called sparse files and are supported by modern file systems
+# like EXT3 on Linux or NTFS on Windows.
+# Using of this option reduces disk operations but may produce more fragmented
+# files (depends on disk driver), which may slow down the unpack.
+# NOTE: It's recommended to test how the option behave on your platform to find the
+# best setting. For test try to download few big nzb-files (each 4GB or more)
+# and measure the time used for download and unpack (use timestamps
+# in the log-file to determine when the unpack was ended).
+# Check CRC of downloaded and decoded articles (yes, no).
+# Normally this option should be enabled for better detecting of download
+# errors. However checking of CRC needs CPU time. On a fast connection and
+# slow CPU disabling of CRC-Check may improve performance.
+# How many retries should be attempted if a download error occurs (0-99).
+# 1) If download fails because of "article or group not found error" the
+# program tries another news server.
+# 2) If download fails because of interrupted connection, the program
+# tries the same server again until connection can be established.
+# In both cases 1) and 2) option <Retries> is not used.
+# If download however fails because of incomplete article, CRC-error or other
+# error not mentioned above the program tries to redownload the article from
+# the same news server as many times as defined in option <Retries>. If all
+# attempts fail the program tries another news server.
+# Set the interval between retries (seconds).
+# Set connection timeout (seconds).
+# Timeout until a download-thread should be killed (seconds).
+# This can help on hanging downloads, but is dangerous.
+# Do not use small values!
+# Set the maximum download rate on program start (kilobytes/sec).
+# The download rate can be changed later via remote calls.
+# Value "0" means no speed control.
+# Accurate speed rate calculation (yes, no).
+# During downloading using several connections the download threads may
+# interfere with each other when updating statistical data for speed
+# meter. This may cause small errors in current download speed reported
+# by the program. The speed meter recovers automatically from such errors
+# after max. 30 seconds (time window used for speed calculation).
+# Enable the option to use thread synchronisation mechanisms in order to
+# provide absolutely accurate speed calculations.
+# NOTE: Thread synchronisation increases CPU load and therefore can
+# decrease download speed. Do not activate this option on computers with
+# limited CPU power. Before activating the option it is recommended to
+# run tests to determine how the option affects the CPU usage and the
+# download speed on a particular system.
+# Set the size of memory buffer used by writing the articles (bytes).
+# Bigger values decrease disk-io, but increase memory usage.
+# Value "0" causes an OS-dependent default value to be used.
+# With value "-1" (which means "max/auto") the program sets the size of
+# buffer according to the size of current article (typically less than 500K).
+# NOTE: The value must be written in bytes, do not use postfixes "K" or "M".
+# NOTE: To calculate the memory usage multiply WriteBufferSize by max number
+# of connections, configured in section "NEWS-SERVERS".
+# NOTE: Typical article's size not exceed 500000 bytes, so using bigger values
+# (like several megabytes) will just waste memory.
+# NOTE: For desktop computers with large amount of memory value "-1" (max/auto)
+# is recommended, but for computers with very low memory (routers, NAS)
+# value "0" (default OS-dependent size) could be better alternative.
+# NOTE: Write-buffer is managed by OS (system libraries) and therefore
+# the effect of the option is highly OS-dependent.
+# Pause if disk space gets below this value (megabytes).
+# Disk space is checked for directories pointed by option <DestDir> and
+# option <InterDir>.
+# Value "0" disables the check.
+# Delete already downloaded files from disk when nzb-file is deleted
+# (yes, no).
+# This option defines if downloaded files must be deleted when:
+# 1) download of nzb-file is cancelled (deleted from queue);
+# 2) history record with failure-status (par-failure or unpack-failure)
+# is deleted from history.
+# Delete source nzb-file when it is not needed anymore (yes, no).
+# Enable this option for automatic deletion of source nzb-file from
+# incoming directory when the program doesn't require it anymore (the
+# nzb-file has been deleted from queue and history).
+# Keep the history of downloaded nzb-files (days).
+# After download and post-processing the items are added to history where
+# their status can be checked and they can be post-processed again if
+# neccessary.
+# After expiring of defined period:
+# If option <DupeCheck> is active the items become hidden and the amount
+# of data kept is significantly reduced (for better performance), only
+# fields necessary for duplicate check are kept. The item remain in the
+# hidden history (forever);
+# If option <DupeCheck> is NOT active the items are removed from history.
+# Value "0" disables history. Duplicate check will not work.
+# Keep the history of outdated feed items (days).
+# After fetching of an RSS feed the information about included items (nzb-files)
+# is saved to disk. This allows to detect new items on next fetch. Feed
+# providers update RSS feeds constantly. Since the feed length is limited
+# (usually 100 items or less) the old items get pushed away by new
+# ones. When an item is not present in the feed anymore it's not necessary
+# to keep the information about this item on the disk.
+# If option is set to "0", the outdated items are deleted from history
+# immediately.
+# Otherwise the items are held in the history for defined number of
+# days. Keeping of items for few days helps in situations when feed provider
+# has technical issues and may response with empty feeds (or with missing
+# items). When the technical issue is fixed the items may reappear in the
+# feed causing the program to redownload items if they were not found in
+# the feed history.
+# Maximum number of simultaneous connections for nzb URL downloads (0-999).
+# When NZB-files are added to queue via URL, the program downloads them
+# from the specified URL. The option limits the maximal number of connections
+# used for this purpose, when multiple URLs were added at the same time.
+# Force URL-downloads even if download queue is paused (yes, no).
+# If option is active the URL-downloads (such as appending of nzb-files
+# via URL or fetching of RSS feeds and nzb-files from feeds) are performed
+# even if download is in paused state.
+### LOGGING ###
+# Create log file (yes, no).
+# Delete log file upon server start (only in server-mode) (yes, no).
+# How error messages must be printed (screen, log, both, none).
+# How warning messages must be printed (screen, log, both, none).
+# How info messages must be printed (screen, log, both, none).
+# How detail messages must be printed (screen, log, both, none).
+# How debug messages must be printed (screen, log, both, none).
+# Debug-messages can be printed only if the program was compiled in
+# debug-mode: "./configure --enable-debug".
+# Number of messages stored in buffer and available for remote
+# clients (messages).
+# Create a log of all broken files (yes ,no).
+# It is a text file placed near downloaded files, which contains
+# the names of broken files.
+# Create memory dump (core-file) on abnormal termination, Linux only (yes, no).
+# Core-files are very helpful for debugging.
+# NOTE: Core-files may contain sensible data, like your login/password to
+# newsserver etc.
+# Local time correction (hours or minutes).
+# The option allows to adjust timestamps when converting system time to
+# local time and vice versa. The conversion is used when printing messages
+# to the log-file and by option "TaskX.Time" in the scheduler settings.
+# The option is usually not needed if the time zone is set up correctly.
+# However, sometimes, especially when using a binary compiled on onother
+# platform (cross-compiling) the conversion between system and local time
+# may not work properly and requires adjustment.
+# Values in the range -24..+24 are interpreted as hours, other values as minutes.
+# Example 1: set time correction to one hour: TimeCorrection=1;
+# Example 2: set time correction to one hour and a half: TimeCorrection=90.
+# See also option <LogFile> in section "PATHS"
+# Set screen-outputmode (loggable, colored, curses).
+# loggable - only messages will be printed to standard output;
+# colored - prints messages (with simple coloring for messages categories)
+# and download progress info; uses escape-sequences to move cursor;
+# curses - advanced interactive interface with the ability to edit
+# download queue and various output option.
+# Shows NZB-Filename in file list in curses-outputmode (yes, no).
+# This option controls the initial state of curses-frontend,
+# it can be switched on/off in run-time with Z-key.
+# Show files in groups (NZB-files) in queue list in curses-outputmode (yes, no).
+# This option controls the initial state of curses-frontend,
+# it can be switched on/off in run-time with G-key.
+# Show timestamps in message list in curses-outputmode (yes, no).
+# This option controls the initial state of curses-frontend,
+# it can be switched on/off in run-time with T-key.
+# Update interval for Frontend-output in console mode or remote client
+# mode (milliseconds).
+# Min value 25. Bigger values reduce CPU usage (especially in curses-outputmode)
+# and network traffic in remote-client mode.
+### SCHEDULER ###
+# Time to execute the command (HH:MM).
+# Multiple comma-separated values are accepted.
+# Asterix as hours-part means "every hour".
+# Examples: "08:00", "00:00,06:00,12:00,18:00", "*:00", "*:00,*:30".
+# NOTE: Also see option <TimeCorrection>.
+# Week days to execute the command (1-7).
+# Comma separated list of week days numbers.
+# 1 is Monday.
+# Character '-' may be used to define ranges.
+# Examples: "1-7", "1-5", "5,6", "1-5, 7".
+# Command to be executed ( PauseDownload, UnpauseDownload, PauseScan, UnpauseScan,
+# DownloadRate, Script, Process, ActivateServer, DeactivateServer, FetchFeed).
+# Possible commands:
+# PauseDownload - pause download;
+# UnpauseDownload - resume download;
+# PauseScan - pause scan of incoming nzb-directory;
+# UnpauseScan - resume scan of incoming nzb-directory;
+# DownloadRate - set download rate limit;
+# Script - execute one or multiple scheduler scripts. The scripts
+# must be written specially for NZBGet;
+# Process - execute an external (any) program;
+# ActivateServer - activate news-server;
+# DeactivateServer - deactivate news-server;
+# FetchFeed - fetch RSS feed.
+# On start the program checks all tasks and determines current state
+# for download-pause, scan-pause, download-rate and active servers.
+# Parameters for the command if needed.
+# Some scheduler commands require additional parameters:
+# DownloadRate - download rate limit to be set (kilobytes/sec).
+# Example: 1000;
+# Script - list of scheduler scripts to execute. The scripts in
+# the list must be separated with commas or semicolons. Only
+# filenames without path must be used. All scripts must be
+# stored in directory pointed by option <ScriptDir>. For
+# more info see below;
+# Process - path to the program to execute and its parameters.
+# Example: /home/user/
+# If filename or any parameter contains spaces it
+# must be surrounded with single quotation
+# marks. If filename/parameter contains single quotation marks,
+# each of them must be replaced with two single quotation
+# marks and the resulting filename/parameter must be
+# surrounded with single quotation marks.
+# Example: '/home/user/download/my scripts/task' 'world''s fun'.
+# In this example one parameter (world's fun) is passed
+# to the script (task
+# ActivateServer - comma separated list of news server ids or server names.
+# Example: 1,3.
+# Example: my news server 1, my news server 2.
+# NOTE: server names should not have commas.
+# DeactivateServer - see ActivateServer.
+# FetchFeed - comma separated list of RSS feed ids or feed names.
+# Example: 1,3.
+# Example: bookmarks feed, another feed.
+# NOTE: feed names should not have commas.
+# NOTE: use feed id "0" to fetch all feeds.
+# The rest of the description is for command "Script".
+# NOTE: This is a short documentation, for more information visit
+# NZBGet passes following arguments to scheduler script as environment
+# variables:
+# NZBSP_TASKID - id number of scheduler Task.
+# In addition to these arguments NZBGet passes all nzbget.conf-options
+# as environment variables. These variables have prefix "NZBOP_" and
+# are written in UPPER CASE. For Example option "ParRepair" is passed as
+# environment variable "NZBOP_PARREPAIR". The dots in option names are
+# replaced with underscores, for example "SERVER1_HOST". For options
+# with predefined possible values (yes/no, etc.) the values are passed
+# always in lower case.
+# NOTE: This is a short documentation, for more information visit
+# Whether and how par-verification must be performed (auto, always, force, manual).
+# Auto - par-check is performed when needed. One par2-file is always
+# downloaded. Additional par2-files are downloaded if needed
+# for repair. Repair is performed if the option <ParRepair>
+# is enabled;
+# Always - check every download (even undamaged). One par2-file is
+# always downloaded. Additional par2-files are downloaded
+# if needed for repair. Repair is performed if the option
+# <ParRepair> is enabled;
+# Force - force par-check for every download (even undamaged). All
+# par2-files are always downloaded. Repair is performed if
+# the option <ParRepair> is enabled;
+# Manual - par-check is skipped. One par2-file is always
+# downloaded. If a damaged download is detected, all
+# par2-files are downloaded but neithet par-check nor par-repair
+# take place. The download can be then repaired manually,
+# eventually on another faster computer.
+# Automatic par-repair after par-verification (yes, no).
+# If option <ParCheck> is set to "Auto" or "Force" this option defines
+# if the download must be repaired when needed. The option can be
+# disabled if computer does not have enough CPU power, since repairing
+# may take too much resources and time on a slow computers.
+# What files should be scanned during par-verification (auto, limited,
+# full).
+# Limited - scan only files belonging to the par-set;
+# Full - scan all files in the directory. This helps if the
+# files were renamed after creating of par-set;
+# Auto - a limited scan is performed first. If the par-checker
+# detects missing files, it scans other files in the
+# directory until all required files are found.
+# NOTE: For par-check/repair NZBGet uses library libpar2. The widely
+# used version 0.2 of the library has few bugs, sometimes causing
+# a crash of the program. This is especially true when using "full" or
+# "auto" par-scan. NZBGet is supplied with patches addressing these
+# issues. Please apply the patches to libpar2 and recompile it.
+# Check for renamed and missing files (yes, no).
+# Par-rename restores original file names using information stored
+# in par2-files. It also detects missing files (files listed in
+# par2-files but not present on disk). When enabled the par-rename is
+# performed as the first step of post-processing for every nzb-file.
+# Par-rename is very fast and is highly recommended, especially if
+# unpack is disabled.
+# Files to ignore when looking for missing files.
+# List of file extensions or file names to ignore by par-rename. The
+# entries must be separated with commas. The entries can be file
+# extensions or any text the file name may end with.
+# If par-rename detects missing files it will ignore files matching
+# this option and will not initiate par-check/repair. This avoids
+# time costing par-check/repair for unimportant files.
+# NOTE: Files matching the option <ExtCleanupDisk> are ignored as well.
+# Example: .sfv, .nzb, .nfo
+ParIgnoreExt=.sfv, .nzb, .nfo
+# What to do if download health drops below critical health (delete,
+# pause, none).
+# Delete - delete nzb-file from queue. If option <DeleteCleanupDisk>
+# is active the already downloaded files will be deleted too;
+# Pause - pause nzb-file;
+# None - do nothing (continue download).
+# NOTE: For automatic duplicate handling option must be set to "Delete"
+# or "None". If it is set to "Pause" you will need to manually unpause
+# another duplicate (if any exists in queue). See also option <DupeCheck>.
+# Maximum allowed time for par-repair (minutes).
+# If you use NZBGet on a very slow computer like NAS-device, it may be good to
+# limit the time allowed for par-repair. NZBGet calculates the estimated time
+# required for par-repair. If the estimated value exceeds the limit defined
+# here, NZBGet cancels the repair.
+# To avoid a false cancellation NZBGet compares the estimated time with
+# <ParTimeLimit> after the first 5 minutes of repairing, when the calculated
+# estimated time is more or less accurate. But in a case if <ParTimeLimit> is
+# set to a value smaller than 5 minutes, the comparison is made after the first
+# whole minute.
+# Value "0" means unlimited.
+# NOTE: The option limits only the time required for repairing. It doesn't
+# affect the first stage of parcheck - verification of files. However the
+# verification speed is constant, it doesn't depend on files integrity and
+# therefore it is not necessary to limit the time needed for the first stage.
+# NOTE: This option requires an extended version of libpar2 (the original
+# version doesn't support the cancelling of repairing). Please refer to
+# NZBGet's README for info on how to apply the patch to libpar2.
+# Pause download queue during check/repair (yes, no).
+# Enable the option to give CPU more time for par-check/repair. That helps
+# to speed up check/repair on slow CPUs with fast connection (e.g. NAS-devices).
+# NOTE: If parchecker needs additional par-files it temporarily unpauses
+# the queue.
+# NOTE: See also options <ScriptPauseQueue> and <UnpackPauseQueue>.
+# Cleanup download queue after successful check/repair (yes, no).
+# Enable this option for automatic deletion of unneeded (paused) par-files
+# from download queue after successful check/repair.
+# Files to delete after successful check/repair.
+# List of file extensions or file names to delete after successful
+# download. The entries must be separated with commas. The entries
+# can be file extensions or any text the file name may end with.
+# Example: .par2, .sfv
+ExtCleanupDisk=.par2, .sfv, _brokenlog.txt
+### UNPACK ###
+# Unpack downloaded nzb-files (yes, no).
+# Each download (nzb-file) has a post-processing parameter "Unpack". The option
+# <Unpack> is the default value assigned to this pp-parameter of the download
+# when it is added to queue.
+# When nzb-file is added to queue it can have a category assigned to it. In this
+# case the option <CategoryX.Unpack> overrides the global option <Unpack>.
+# If the download is damaged and could not be repaired using par-files
+# the unpacking is not performed.
+# If the option <ParCheck> is set to "Auto" the program tries to unpack
+# downloaded files first. If the unpacking fails the par-check/repair
+# is performed and the unpack is executed again.
+# Pause download queue during unpack (yes, no).
+# Enable the option to give CPU more time for unpacking. That helps
+# to speed up unpacking on slow CPUs.
+# NOTE: See also options <ParPauseQueue> and <ScriptPauseQueue>.
+# Delete archive files after successful unpacking (yes, no).
+# Full path to unrar executable.
+# Example: /usr/bin/unrar.
+# If unrar is in your PATH you may leave the path part and set only
+# the executable name ("unrar" on POSIX or "unrar.exe" on Windows).
+# Full path to 7-Zip executable.
+# Example: /usr/bin/7z.
+# If 7-Zip binary is in your PATH you may leave the path part and set only
+# the executable name ("7z" or "7za" on POSIX or "7z.exe" on Windows).
+# Default list of post-processing scripts to execute after the download
+# of nzb-file is completed and possibly par-checked/repaired and unpacked.
+# The scripts in the list must be separated with commas or semicolons. Only
+# filenames without path must be used. All scripts must be stored in directory
+# pointed by option <ScriptDir>.
+# Example:,,
+# Each download (nzb-file) has its own list of post-processing scripts. The option
+# <PostScript> is the default value assigned to download when it is added to
+# queue. The list of post-processing scripts for a particular download can be
+# changed in the edit dialog in web-interface or using remote command "--edit/-E".
+# When nzb-file is added to queue it can have a category assigned to it. In this
+# case the option <CategoryX.PostScript> (if not empty) overrides the
+# global option <PostScript>.
+# NOTE: The script execution order is controlled by option <ScriptOrder>, not
+# by their order in option <PostScript>.
+# NOTE: Changing options <PostScript> and <CategoryX.PostScript> doesn't affect
+# already queued downloads.
+# NOTE: For the list of interesting post-processing scripts see
+# NOTE: This is a short documentation, for more information visit
+# NZBGet passes following arguments to post-processing script as environment
+# variables:
+# NZBPP_DIRECTORY - path to destination dir for downloaded files;
+# NZBPP_NZBNAME - user-friendly name of processed nzb-file as it is displayed
+# by the program. The file path and extension are removed.
+# If download was renamed, this parameter reflects the new name;
+# NZBPP_NZBFILENAME - name of processed nzb-file. It includes file extension and also
+# may include full path;
+# NZBPP_FINALDIR - final destination path if set by one of previous pp-scripts;
+# NZBPP_CATEGORY - category assigned to nzb-file (can be empty string);
+# NZBPP_TOTALSTATUS - total status of nzb-file:
+# SUCCESS - everything OK;
+# WARNING - download is damaged but probably can
+# be repaired; user intervention is
+# required;
+# FAILURE - download has failed or a serious error
+# occurred during post-processing (unpack, par);
+# DELETED - download was deleted; post-processing
+# scripts are usually not called in this case;
+# however it's possible to force calling
+# scripts with command "post-process again";
+# NZBPP_STATUS - complete status info for nzb-file: it consists
+# of total status and status detail separated with
+# slash, for example: "FAILURE/UNPACK"; for possible
+# status details see documentation on web site;
+# NZBPP_SCRIPTSTATUS - summary status of the scripts executed before the
+# current one:
+# NONE - no other scripts were executed yet or all
+# of them have ended with exit code "NONE";
+# SUCCESS - all other scripts have ended with exit
+# code "SUCCESS" ;
+# FAILURE - at least one of the script has failed;
+# NZBPP_HEALTH - download health: an integer value in the range
+# from 0 (all articles failed) to 1000 (all articles
+# successfully downloaded);
+# NZBPP_CRITICALHEALTH - critical health for this nzb-file: an integer
+# value in the range 0-1000. The critical health
+# is calculated based on number and size of
+# par-files. If nzb-file doesn't have any par-files
+# the critical health is 1000 (100.0%). If a half
+# of nzb-file were par-files its critical health
+# would be 0. If NZBPP_HEALTH goes down below
+# NZBPP_CRITICALHEALTH the download becomes unrepairable;
+# NZBPP_TOTALARTICLES - number of articles in nzb-file;
+# NZBPP_SUCCESSARTICLES - number of successfully downloaded articles;
+# NZBPP_FAILEDARTICLES - number of failed articles;
+# NZBPP_SERVERX_SUCCESSARTICLES - number of successfully downloaded
+# articles from ServerX (X is replaced with server
+# number, for example NZBPP_SERVER1_SUCCESSARTICLES);
+# NZBPP_SERVERX_FAILEDARTICLES - number of failed articles from ServerX.
+# If the script defines own options they are also passed as environment
+# variables. These variables have prefix "NZBPO_" in their names. For
+# example, option "myoption" will be passed as environment variable
+# "NZBPO_myoption" and in addition in uppercase as "NZBPO_MYOPTION".
+# If the script defines own post-processing parameters, they are also passed as
+# environment variables. These variables have prefix "NZBPR_" in their
+# names. For example, pp-parameter "myparam" will be passed as environment
+# variable "NZBPR_myparam" and in addition in uppercase as "NZBPR_MYPARAM".
+# In addition to arguments, pp-options and pp-parameters NZBGet passes all
+# nzbget.conf-options to pp-script as environment variables. These
+# variables have prefix "NZBOP_" and are written in UPPER CASE. For Example
+# option "ParRepair" is passed as environment variable "NZBOP_PARREPAIR". The
+# dots in option names are replaced with underscores, for example
+# "SERVER1_HOST". For options with predefined possible values (yes/no, etc.)
+# the values are passed always in lower case.
+# If the script moves files it can inform the program about new location
+# by printing special message into standard output (which is processed
+# by NZBGet):
+# echo "[NZB] DIRECTORY=/path/to/moved/files";
+# or:
+# echo "[NZB] FINALDIR=/path/to/moved/files";
+# Command "DIRECTORY" changes the destiantion path of the download and
+# affects the scripts executed after the current script as well as the
+# program code itself, for example the command "Post-process again"
+# will work on new location. Command "FINALDIR" just sets a separate
+# property of the download and should be used when the files are moved
+# into an existing directory containg other files to avoid the processing
+# of those files by other scripts.
+# To assign post-processing parameters:
+# echo "[NZB] NZBPR_myvar=my value";
+# The prefix "NZBPR_" will be removed. In this example a post-processing
+# parameter with name "myvar" and value "my value" will be associated
+# with nzb-file.
+# Return value: NZBGet processes the exit code returned by the script:
+# 93 - post-process successful (status = SUCCESS);
+# 94 - post-process failed (status = FAILURE);
+# 95 - post-process skipped (status = NONE). Use this code when you script
+# terminates immediateley without doing any job and when this is not
+# a failure termination;
+# 92 - request NZBGet to do par-check/repair for current nzb-file.
+# All other return codes are interpreted as failure (status = FAILURE).
+# NOTE: This is a short documentation, for more information visit
+# List of scan scripts to execute before a nzb-file is added to queue.
+# The scripts in the list must be separated with commas or semicolons. Only
+# filenames without path must be used. All scripts must be stored in directory
+# pointed by option <ScriptDir>.
+# The scripts are executed each time a new file is found in incoming
+# directory (option <NzbDir>) or a file is received via RPC (web-interface,
+# command "nzbget --append", etc.).
+# Example:,
+# The scripts can unpack archives which were put in incoming directory, make
+# filename cleanup, change nzb-name, category, priority and post-processing
+# parameters of the nzb-file or do other things.
+# NOTE: This is a short documentation, for more information visit
+# NZBGet passes following arguments to the script as environment
+# variables:
+# NZBNP_DIRECTORY - path to directory, where file is located. It is a directory
+# specified by the option <NzbDir> or a subdirectory;
+# NZBNP_FILENAME - name of file to be processed;
+# NZBNP_NZBNAME - nzb-name (without path but with extension);
+# NZBNP_CATEGORY - category of nzb-file;
+# NZBNP_PRIORITY - priority of nzb-file;
+# NZBNP_TOP - flag indicating that the file will be added to the top
+# of queue: 0 or 1;
+# NZBNP_PAUSED - flag indicating that the file will be added as
+# paused: 0 or 1.
+# In addition to these arguments NZBGet passes all nzbget.conf-options
+# as environment variables. These variables have prefix "NZBOP_" and
+# are written in UPPER CASE. For Example option "ParRepair" is passed as
+# environment variable "NZBOP_PARREPAIR". The dots in option names are
+# replaced with underscores, for example "SERVER1_HOST". For options
+# with predefined possible values (yes/no, etc.) the values are passed
+# always in lower case.
+# The script can change nzb-name, category, priority,
+# post-processing parameters and top-/paused-flags of the nzb-file
+# by printing special messages into standard output (which is processed
+# by NZBGet).
+# To change nzb-name use following syntax:
+# echo "[NZB] NZBNAME=my download";
+# To change category:
+# echo "[NZB] CATEGORY=my category";
+# To change priority:
+# echo "[NZB] PRIORITY=signed_integer_value";
+# for example: to set priority higher than normal:
+# echo "[NZB] PRIORITY=50";
+# another example: use a negative value for "lower than normal" priority:
+# echo "[NZB] PRIORITY=-100";
+# Although priority can be any integer value, the web-interface operates
+# with six predefined priorities:
+# -100 - very low priority;
+# -50 - low priority;
+# 0 - normal priority (default);
+# 50 - high priority;
+# 100 - very high priority;
+# 900 - force priority.
+# Downloads with priorities equal to or greater than 900 are downloaded and
+# post-processed even if the program is in paused state (force mode).
+# To assign post-processing parameters:
+# echo "[NZB] NZBPR_myvar=my value";
+# The prefix "NZBPR_" will be removed. In this example a post-processing
+# parameter with name "myvar" and value "my value" will be associated
+# with nzb-file.
+# To change top-flag (nzb-file will be added to the top of queue):
+# echo "[NZB] TOP=1";
+# To change paused-flag (nzb-file will be added in paused state):
+# echo "[NZB] PAUSED=1";
+# The script can delete processed file, rename it or move somewhere.
+# After the calling of the script the file will be either added to queue
+# (if it was an nzb-file) or renamed by adding the extension ".processed".
+# NOTE: Files with extensions ".processed", ".queued" and ".error" are skipped
+# during the directory scanning.
+# NOTE: Files with extension ".nzb_processed" are not passed to
+# scan-script before adding to queue. This feature allows scan-script
+# to prevent the scanning of nzb-files extracted from archives, if
+# they were already processed by the script.
+# NOTE: Files added via RPC calls in particular from web-interface are
+# saved into incoming nzb-directory and then processed by the script.
+# NOTE: This is a short documentation, for more information visit
+# List of queue scripts to execute after a nzb-file is added to queue.
+# The scripts in the list must be separated with commas or semicolons. Only
+# filenames without path must be used. All scripts must be stored in directory
+# pointed by option <ScriptDir>.
+# The scripts are executed each time a new file is added to queue.
+# Example:,
+# The script can modify the files in download queue (for example
+# delete or pause all nfo, sfv, sample files) or do something else.
+# NOTE: This is a short documentation, for more information visit
+# NZBGet passes following arguments to the queue script as environment
+# variables:
+# NZBNA_NZBNAME - name of nzb-group. This name can be used in calls
+# to nzbget edit-command using subswitch "-GN name";
+# NZBNA_FILENAME - filename of the nzb-file. If the file was added
+# from nzb-directory this is the fullname with path.
+# If the file was added via web-interface it contains
+# only filename without path;
+# NZBNA_EVENT - describes why the script was called. Currently the
+# queue scripts are called only after adding nzb-files
+# to queue (NZBNA_EVENT=NZB_ADDED). In the future the
+# list of supported events may be extended. The script
+# MUST check that parameter to avoid conflicts with
+# future NZBGet versions;
+# NZBNA_CATEGORY - category of nzb-file (if assigned);
+# NZBNA_NZBID - id of the nzb-file. This ID can be used with
+# calls to nzbget edit-command;
+# NZBNA_PRIORITY - priority (default is 0).
+# In addition to these arguments NZBGet passes all nzbget.conf-options
+# to the script as environment variables. These variables have prefix
+# "NZBOP_" and are written in UPPER CASE. For Example option "ParRepair"
+# is passed as environment variable "NZBOP_PARREPAIR". The dots in option
+# names are replaced with underscores, for example "SERVER1_HOST". For
+# options with predefined possible values (yes/no, etc.) the values are
+# passed always in lower case.
+# Examples:
+# 1) pausing nzb-file using file-id:
+# 2) setting category using nzb-name:
+# 3) pausing files with extension "nzb":
+# NOTE: This is a short documentation, for more information visit
+# Execution order for scripts.
+# If you assign multiple scripts to one nzb-file, they are executed in the
+# order defined by this option. Scripts not listed here are executed at
+# the end in their alphabetical order.
+# The scripts in the list must be separated with commas or semicolons. Only
+# filenames without path must be used. All scripts must be stored in directory
+# pointed by option <ScriptDir>.
+# Example:,
+# Pause download queue during executing of postprocess-script (yes, no).
+# Enable the option to give CPU more time for postprocess-script. That helps
+# to speed up postprocess on slow CPUs with fast connection (e.g. NAS-devices).
+# NOTE: See also options <ParPauseQueue> and <UnpackPauseQueue>.
diff --git a/nzbget.install b/nzbget.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..47448f2a5a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nzbget.install
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+post_install() {
+ getent group nzbget &>/dev/null || groupadd -r nzbget >/dev/null
+ getent passwd nzbget &>/dev/null || useradd -r -g nzbget -d /var/lib/nzbget -s /bin/false -c nzbget nzbget >/dev/null
+ chown -R nzbget:nzbget /var/lib/nzbget
+ chown :nzbget /etc/nzbget.conf
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install
+post_remove() {
+ getent passwd nzbget &>/dev/null && userdel nzbget >/dev/null
+ getent group nzbget &>/dev/null && groupdel nzbget >/dev/null
+ true
diff --git a/nzbget.service b/nzbget.service
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6f1a3254f126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nzbget.service
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Description=NZBGet Daemon
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/nzbget -c /etc/nzbget.conf -D
+ExecStop=/usr/bin/nzbget -Q
+ExecReload=/usr/bin/nzbget -O