diff options
4 files changed, 472 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eccc5922b977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Generated by mksrcinfo v8
+# Sun Jan 31 21:15:40 UTC 2016
+pkgbase = python2-carbon
+ pkgdesc = Backend data caching and persistence daemon for Graphite
+ pkgver = 0.9.15
+ pkgrel = 1
+ url =
+ arch = any
+ license = Apache
+ makedepends = python2-setuptools
+ depends = python2
+ depends = python2-twisted>=13.2.0
+ depends = python2-whisper>=0.9.15
+ depends = python2-txamqp
+ options = !emptydirs
+ backup = etc/carbon/aggregation-rules.conf
+ backup = etc/carbon/blacklist.conf
+ backup = etc/carbon/carbon.amqp.conf
+ backup = etc/carbon/carbon.conf
+ backup = etc/carbon/relay-rules.conf
+ backup = etc/carbon/rewrite-rules.conf
+ backup = etc/carbon/storage-aggregation.conf
+ backup = etc/carbon/storage-schemas.conf
+ backup = etc/carbon/whitelist.conf
+ source =
+ source = carbon.service
+ source = carbon.conf
+ md5sums = 1962b92b8b672b33d99b00c303fdd5aa
+ md5sums = 0baa839a459430e58177351cab0ba394
+ md5sums = 4be791bd13db60510f7459c47afc1e5d
+pkgname = python2-carbon
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..17ed2d75d702
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## Initial Maintainer: Augusto F. Hack <>
+Maintainer='Gilles Hamel <>'
+pkgdesc='Backend data caching and persistence daemon for Graphite'
+depends=('python2' 'python2-twisted>=13.2.0' 'python2-whisper>=0.9.15' 'python2-txamqp')
+source=("$pkgver.tar.gz" carbon.service carbon.conf)
+md5sums=(1962b92b8b672b33d99b00c303fdd5aa 0baa839a459430e58177351cab0ba394 4be791bd13db60510f7459c47afc1e5d)
+backup=(etc/carbon/aggregation-rules.conf etc/carbon/blacklist.conf etc/carbon/carbon.amqp.conf etc/carbon/carbon.conf etc/carbon/relay-rules.conf etc/carbon/rewrite-rules.conf etc/carbon/storage-aggregation.conf etc/carbon/storage-schemas.conf etc/carbon/whitelist.conf)
+package() {
+ cd "$srcdir/carbon-$pkgver"
+ python2 install --root="$pkgdir/" --install-lib=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages --install-data=/var/lib/graphite --install-scripts=/usr/bin --optimize=1
+ install -D -m644 $srcdir/carbon.service $pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/carbon.service
+ # change the directory of the config files
+ ls conf | while read conf; do
+ install -D -m644 conf/$conf $pkgdir/etc/carbon/${conf/.example}
+ done;
+ rm -r $pkgdir/var
+ # use our config with FHS
+ install -D -m644 $srcdir/carbon.conf $pkgdir/etc/carbon/carbon.conf
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/carbon.conf b/carbon.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..43326039da48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/carbon.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+# Configure carbon directories.
+# OS environment variables can be used to tell carbon where graphite is
+# installed, where to read configuration from and where to write data.
+# GRAPHITE_ROOT - Root directory of the graphite installation.
+# Defaults to ../
+# GRAPHITE_CONF_DIR - Configuration directory (where this file lives).
+# Defaults to $GRAPHITE_ROOT/conf/
+# GRAPHITE_STORAGE_DIR - Storage directory for whisper/rrd/log/pid files.
+# Defaults to $GRAPHITE_ROOT/storage/
+# To change other directory paths, add settings to this file. The following
+# configuration variables are available with these default values:
+CONF_DIR = /etc/carbon/
+GRAPHITE_CONF_DIR = /etc/carbon/
+LOG_DIR = /var/log/carbon/
+PID_DIR = /var/run/
+STORAGE_DIR = /var/lib/carbon/
+GRAPHITE_STORAGE_DIR = /var/lib/carbon/
+LOCAL_DATA_DIR = /var/lib/carbon/whisper/
+WHITELISTS_DIR = /var/lib/carbon/lists/
+# Enable daily log rotation. If disabled, carbon will automatically re-open
+# the file if it's rotated out of place (e.g. by logrotate daemon)
+# Specify the user to drop privileges to
+# If this is blank carbon runs as the user that invokes it
+# This user must have write access to the local data directory
+# NOTE: The above settings must be set under [relay] and [aggregator]
+# to take effect for those daemons as well
+# Limit the size of the cache to avoid swapping or becoming CPU bound.
+# Sorts and serving cache queries gets more expensive as the cache grows.
+# Use the value "inf" (infinity) for an unlimited cache size.
+# Limits the number of whisper update_many() calls per second, which effectively
+# means the number of write requests sent to the disk. This is intended to
+# prevent over-utilizing the disk and thus starving the rest of the system.
+# When the rate of required updates exceeds this, then carbon's caching will
+# take effect and increase the overall throughput accordingly.
+# If defined, this changes the MAX_UPDATES_PER_SECOND in Carbon when a
+# stop/shutdown is initiated. This helps when MAX_UPDATES_PER_SECOND is
+# relatively low and carbon has cached a lot of updates; it enables the carbon
+# daemon to shutdown more quickly.
+# Softly limits the number of whisper files that get created each minute.
+# Setting this value low (e.g. 50) is a good way to ensure that your carbon
+# system will not be adversely impacted when a bunch of new metrics are
+# sent to it. The trade off is that any metrics received in excess of this
+# value will be silently dropped, and the whisper file will not be created
+# until such point as a subsequent metric is received and fits within the
+# defined rate limit. Setting this value high (like "inf" for infinity) will
+# cause carbon to create the files quickly but at the risk of increased I/O.
+# Set the interface and port for the line (plain text) listener. Setting the
+# interface to listens on all interfaces. Port can be set to 0 to
+# disable this listener if it is not required.
+# Set the TCP backlog for the listen socket created by the line receiver. You
+# shouldn't change this unless you know what you're doing.
+# Set this to True to enable the UDP listener. By default this is off
+# because it is very common to run multiple carbon daemons and managing
+# another (rarely used) port for every carbon instance is not fun.
+# Set the interface and port for the pickle listener. Setting the interface to
+# listens on all interfaces. Port can be set to 0 to disable this
+# listener if it is not required.
+# Set the TCP backlog for the listen socket created by the pickle receiver. You
+# shouldn't change this unless you know what you're doing.
+# Set to false to disable logging of successful connections
+# Per security concerns outlined in Bug #817247 the pickle receiver
+# will use a more secure and slightly less efficient unpickler.
+# Set this to True to revert to the old-fashioned insecure unpickler.
+# Set the TCP backlog for the listen socket created by the cache query
+# listener. You shouldn't change this unless you know what you're doing.
+# Set this to False to drop datapoints received after the cache
+# reaches MAX_CACHE_SIZE. If this is True (the default) then sockets
+# over which metrics are received will temporarily stop accepting
+# data until the cache size falls below 95% MAX_CACHE_SIZE.
+# By default, carbon-cache will log every whisper update and cache hit. This can be excessive and
+# degrade performance if logging on the same volume as the whisper data is stored.
+# The thread that writes metrics to disk can use on of the following strategies
+# determining the order in which metrics are removed from cache and flushed to
+# disk. The default option preserves the same behavior as has been historically
+# available in version 0.9.10.
+# sorted - All metrics in the cache will be counted and an ordered list of
+# them will be sorted according to the number of datapoints in the cache at the
+# moment of the list's creation. Metrics will then be flushed from the cache to
+# disk in that order.
+# max - The writer thread will always pop and flush the metric from cache
+# that has the most datapoints. This will give a strong flush preference to
+# frequently updated metrics and will also reduce random file-io. Infrequently
+# updated metrics may only ever be persisted to disk at daemon shutdown if
+# there are a large number of metrics which receive very frequent updates OR if
+# disk i/o is very slow.
+# naive - Metrics will be flushed from the cache to disk in an unordered
+# fashion. This strategy may be desirable in situations where the storage for
+# whisper files is solid state, CPU resources are very limited or deference to
+# the OS's i/o scheduler is expected to compensate for the random write
+# pattern.
+# On some systems it is desirable for whisper to write synchronously.
+# Set this option to True if you'd like to try this. Basically it will
+# shift the onus of buffering writes from the kernel into carbon's cache.
+# By default new Whisper files are created pre-allocated with the data region
+# filled with zeros to prevent fragmentation and speed up contiguous reads and
+# writes (which are common). Enabling this option will cause Whisper to create
+# the file sparsely instead. Enabling this option may allow a large increase of
+# MAX_CREATES_PER_MINUTE but may have longer term performance implications
+# depending on the underlying storage configuration.
+# Only beneficial on linux filesystems that support the fallocate system call.
+# It maintains the benefits of contiguous reads/writes, but with a potentially
+# much faster creation speed, by allowing the kernel to handle the block
+# allocation and zero-ing. Enabling this option may allow a large increase of
+# MAX_CREATES_PER_MINUTE. If enabled on an OS or filesystem that is unsupported
+# this option will gracefully fallback to standard POSIX file access methods.
+# Enabling this option will cause Whisper to lock each Whisper file it writes
+# to with an exclusive lock (LOCK_EX, see: man 2 flock). This is useful when
+# multiple carbon-cache daemons are writing to the same files
+# Set this to True to enable whitelisting and blacklisting of metrics in
+# CONF_DIR/whitelist and CONF_DIR/blacklist. If the whitelist is missing or
+# empty, all metrics will pass through
+# By default, carbon itself will log statistics (such as a count,
+# metricsReceived) with the top level prefix of 'carbon' at an interval of 60
+# seconds. Set CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL to 0 to disable instrumentation
+# Enable AMQP if you want to receve metrics using an amqp broker
+# ENABLE_AMQP = False
+# Verbose means a line will be logged for every metric received
+# useful for testing
+# AMQP_HOST = localhost
+# AMQP_PORT = 5672
+# AMQP_USER = guest
+# AMQP_PASSWORD = guest
+# AMQP_EXCHANGE = graphite
+# The manhole interface allows you to SSH into the carbon daemon
+# and get a python interpreter. BE CAREFUL WITH THIS! If you do
+# something like time.sleep() in the interpreter, the whole process
+# will sleep! This is *extremely* helpful in debugging, assuming
+# you are familiar with the code. If you are not, please don't
+# mess with this, you are asking for trouble :)
+# MANHOLE_PORT = 7222
+# MANHOLE_USER = admin
+# MANHOLE_PUBLIC_KEY = ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABiwAaAIEAoxN0sv/e4eZCPpi3N3KYvyzRaBaMeS2RsOQ/cDuKv11dlNzVeiyc3RFmCv5Rjwn/lQ79y0zyHxw67qLyhQ/kDzINc4cY41ivuQXm2tPmgvexdrBv5nsfEpjs3gLZfJnyvlcVyWK/lId8WUvEWSWHTzsbtmXAF2raJMdgLTbQ8wE=
+# Patterns for all of the metrics this machine will store. Read more at
+# Example: store all sales, linux servers, and utilization metrics
+# BIND_PATTERNS = sales.#, servers.linux.#, #.utilization
+# Example: store everything
+# To configure special settings for the carbon-cache instance 'b', uncomment this:
+# and any other settings you want to customize, defaults are inherited
+# from [carbon] section.
+# You can then specify the --instance=b option to manage this instance
+# Set to false to disable logging of successful connections
+# Carbon-relay has several options for metric routing controlled by RELAY_METHOD
+# Use relay-rules.conf to route metrics to destinations based on pattern rules
+#RELAY_METHOD = rules
+# Use consistent-hashing for even distribution of metrics between destinations
+#RELAY_METHOD = consistent-hashing
+# Use consistent-hashing but take into account an aggregation-rules.conf shared
+# by downstream carbon-aggregator daemons. This will ensure that all metrics
+# that map to a given aggregation rule are sent to the same carbon-aggregator
+# instance.
+# Enable this for carbon-relays that send to a group of carbon-aggregators
+#RELAY_METHOD = aggregated-consistent-hashing
+# If you use consistent-hashing you can add redundancy by replicating every
+# datapoint to more than one machine.
+# For REPLICATION_FACTOR >=2, set DIVERSE_REPLICAS to True to guarantee replicas
+# across distributed hosts. With this setting disabled, it's possible that replicas
+# may be sent to different caches on the same host. This has been the default
+# behavior since introduction of 'consistent-hashing' relay method.
+# Note that enabling this on an existing pre-0.9.14 cluster will require rebalancing
+# your metrics across the cluster nodes using a tool like Carbonate.
+# This is a list of carbon daemons we will send any relayed or
+# generated metrics to. The default provided would send to a single
+# carbon-cache instance on the default port. However if you
+# use multiple carbon-cache instances then it would look like this:
+# The general form is IP:PORT:INSTANCE where the :INSTANCE part is
+# optional and refers to the "None" instance if omitted.
+# Note that if the destinations are all carbon-caches then this should
+# exactly match the webapp's CARBONLINK_HOSTS setting in terms of
+# instances listed (order matters!).
+# If using RELAY_METHOD = rules, all destinations used in relay-rules.conf
+# must be defined in this list
+# This defines the maximum "message size" between carbon daemons.
+# You shouldn't need to tune this unless you really know what you're doing.
+# This is the percentage that the queue must be empty before it will accept
+# more messages. For a larger site, if the queue is very large it makes sense
+# to tune this to allow for incoming stats. So if you have an average
+# flow of 100k stats/minute, and a MAX_QUEUE_SIZE of 3,000,000, it makes sense
+# to allow stats to start flowing when you've cleared the queue to 95% since
+# you should have space to accommodate the next minute's worth of stats
+# even before the relay incrementally clears more of the queue
+# Set this to False to drop datapoints when any send queue (sending datapoints
+# to a downstream carbon daemon) hits MAX_QUEUE_SIZE. If this is True (the
+# default) then sockets over which metrics are received will temporarily stop accepting
+# data until the send queues fall below QUEUE_LOW_WATERMARK_PCT * MAX_QUEUE_SIZE.
+# Set this to True to enable whitelisting and blacklisting of metrics in
+# CONF_DIR/whitelist and CONF_DIR/blacklist. If the whitelist is missing or
+# empty, all metrics will pass through
+# By default, carbon itself will log statistics (such as a count,
+# metricsReceived) with the top level prefix of 'carbon' at an interval of 60
+# seconds. Set CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL to 0 to disable instrumentation
+# Set to false to disable logging of successful connections
+# If set true, metric received will be forwarded to DESTINATIONS in addition to
+# the output of the aggregation rules. If set false the carbon-aggregator will
+# only ever send the output of aggregation. Default value is set to false and will not forward
+# Filenames of the configuration files to use for this instance of aggregator.
+# Filenames are relative to CONF_DIR.
+# AGGREGATION_RULES = aggregation-rules.conf
+# REWRITE_RULES = rewrite-rules.conf
+# This is a list of carbon daemons we will send any relayed or
+# generated metrics to. The default provided would send to a single
+# carbon-cache instance on the default port. However if you
+# use multiple carbon-cache instances then it would look like this:
+# The format is comma-delimited IP:PORT:INSTANCE where the :INSTANCE part is
+# optional and refers to the "None" instance if omitted.
+# Note that if the destinations are all carbon-caches then this should
+# exactly match the webapp's CARBONLINK_HOSTS setting in terms of
+# instances listed (order matters!).
+# If you want to add redundancy to your data by replicating every
+# datapoint to more than one machine, increase this.
+# This is the maximum number of datapoints that can be queued up
+# for a single destination. Once this limit is hit, we will
+# stop accepting new data if USE_FLOW_CONTROL is True, otherwise
+# we will drop any subsequently received datapoints.
+# Set this to False to drop datapoints when any send queue (sending datapoints
+# to a downstream carbon daemon) hits MAX_QUEUE_SIZE. If this is True (the
+# default) then sockets over which metrics are received will temporarily stop accepting
+# data until the send queues fall below 80% MAX_QUEUE_SIZE.
+# This defines the maximum "message size" between carbon daemons.
+# You shouldn't need to tune this unless you really know what you're doing.
+# This defines how many datapoints the aggregator remembers for
+# each metric. Aggregation only happens for datapoints that fall in
+# the past MAX_AGGREGATION_INTERVALS * intervalSize seconds.
+# By default (WRITE_BACK_FREQUENCY = 0), carbon-aggregator will write back
+# aggregated data points once every rule.frequency seconds, on a per-rule basis.
+# Set this (WRITE_BACK_FREQUENCY = N) to write back all aggregated data points
+# every N seconds, independent of rule frequency. This is useful, for example,
+# to be able to query partially aggregated metrics from carbon-cache without
+# having to first wait rule.frequency seconds.
+# Set this to True to enable whitelisting and blacklisting of metrics in
+# CONF_DIR/whitelist and CONF_DIR/blacklist. If the whitelist is missing or
+# empty, all metrics will pass through
+# By default, carbon itself will log statistics (such as a count,
+# metricsReceived) with the top level prefix of 'carbon' at an interval of 60
+# seconds. Set CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL to 0 to disable instrumentation
diff --git a/carbon.service b/carbon.service
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..14aac624d91e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/carbon.service
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/ --nodaemon --config=/etc/carbon/carbon.conf start