diff options
8 files changed, 241 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index 6170644e13cb..9bd9c250495a 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,22 +1,33 @@
pkgbase = texlive-localmanager-git
pkgdesc = A shell and command-line utility to manage TeXLive on Arch Linux
- pkgver = 0.7
- pkgrel = 1
- url =
- install = tllocalmgr.install
+ pkgver = r84.bbd8488
+ pkgrel = 5
+ url =
arch = any
license = GPL
makedepends = git
- depends = texlive-core>=2011
+ depends = texlive-core>=2016
+ depends = texlive-core<2023
depends = perl-libwww
depends = perl-term-shellui
depends = perl-term-readline-gnu
depends = perl-list-moreutils
- provides = texlive-localmanager=0.7
+ depends = perl-lwp-protocol-https
+ provides = texlive-localmanager=r84.bbd8488
conflicts = texlive-localmanager
- source = texlive-localmanager::git://
- md5sums = SKIP
+ source = texlive-localmanager::git+
+ source = tllocalmgr-2022.patch
+ source = tllocalmgr-enhance.patch
+ source = tllocalmgr-fix-texlive-local-match.patch
+ source = tllocalmgr-pkgs-nicer-error.patch
+ source = tllocalmgr-mirror-opt.patch
+ source = tllocalmgr-better-conflicts.patch
sha256sums = SKIP
+ sha256sums = 7eb0982890b2d4de29d391db59dd4a8c6308bca2327433f08da265bf69ca71ca
+ sha256sums = 22222ff329919ee6a16ffd489b0213b14f8169d9daf6ef1a82aa5ab37538c236
+ sha256sums = a7698d0076f4e1a7ef401899c174ed9a290674a7e89e9c818ba078e17548c6e7
+ sha256sums = 23f103c606eb595d8c114aee2ca3006a09588370087b959419f86a4a8ce25a43
+ sha256sums = d7064657f6336bed7be230fc05df800e6bdcee31d10c718b4b9b1b55f7f26c8a
+ sha256sums = 380cdb0dd8531dcab13b8da70506214bccb7252ddd19ad50a5be25fac3b39ea2
pkgname = texlive-localmanager-git
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index a4b4ad59260e..be271e09fc3d 100644
@@ -1,45 +1,82 @@
-# Maintainer: XZS <d dot f dot fischer at web dot de>
+# Maintainer: Hans-Nikolai Viessmann <hans at viess dot mn>
+# Contributor: XZS <d dot f dot fischer at web dot de>
# Contributor: Stefan Husmann <>
# Contributor: Rémy Oudompheng <>
# Contributor: Firmicus <francois . archlinux . org>
-pkgdesc="A shell and command-line utility to manage TeXLive on Arch Linux"
+pkgdesc='A shell and command-line utility to manage TeXLive on Arch Linux'
+ 'texlive-core<2023'
- 'perl-list-moreutils')
-for integ in $(get_integlist)
- typeset -n array="${integ}sums"
- array+=('SKIP')
+ 'perl-list-moreutils'
+ 'perl-lwp-protocol-https')
+ 'tllocalmgr-2022.patch'
+ 'tllocalmgr-enhance.patch'
+ 'tllocalmgr-fix-texlive-local-match.patch'
+ 'tllocalmgr-pkgs-nicer-error.patch'
+ 'tllocalmgr-mirror-opt.patch'
+ 'tllocalmgr-better-conflicts.patch')
+ '7eb0982890b2d4de29d391db59dd4a8c6308bca2327433f08da265bf69ca71ca'
+ '22222ff329919ee6a16ffd489b0213b14f8169d9daf6ef1a82aa5ab37538c236'
+ 'a7698d0076f4e1a7ef401899c174ed9a290674a7e89e9c818ba078e17548c6e7'
+ '23f103c606eb595d8c114aee2ca3006a09588370087b959419f86a4a8ce25a43'
+ 'd7064657f6336bed7be230fc05df800e6bdcee31d10c718b4b9b1b55f7f26c8a'
+ '380cdb0dd8531dcab13b8da70506214bccb7252ddd19ad50a5be25fac3b39ea2')
pkgver() {
- cd ${_gitname:-$pkgname}
- git describe --long --tags 2>/dev/null | sed 's/[^[:digit:]]*\(.\+\)-\([[:digit:]]\+\)-g\([[:xdigit:]]\{7\}\)/\1.r\2.g\3/;t;q1'
- [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ] && \
-printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
+ cd "$_pkgname"
+ ( set -o pipefail
+ git describe --long 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' ||
+ printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
+ )
+prepare() {
+ cd "$_pkgname"
+ # update to handle texlive-2022 releases
+ patch -p1 < "$srcdir/tllocalmgr-2022.patch"
+ # enhances the tllocalmgr script a bit
+ # thanks: @sharethewisdom and @cobaltspace
+ patch -p1 < "$srcdir/tllocalmgr-enhance.patch"
+ # fix missing exclusion of matches for texlive local packages
+ # thanks: @CaptainBern
+ patch -p1 < "$srcdir/tllocalmgr-fix-texlive-local-match.patch"
+ # make error on missing 'pkgs' file non-fatal, improve error msg
+ patch -p1 < "$srcdir/tllocalmgr-pkgs-nicer-error.patch"
+ # correctly pass --mirror option
+ patch -p1 < "$srcdir/tllocalmgr-mirror-opt.patch"
+ # some CTAN packages are not in any texlive collection, so there is
+ # no need to set a conflict within PKGBUILD
+ patch -p1 < "$srcdir/tllocalmgr-better-conflicts.patch"
package() {
- cd "$_gitname"
- install -d $pkgdir/usr/{bin,share/texmf/arch/tlpkg/TeXLive}
- install -m755 tllocalmgr $pkgdir/usr/bin/
+ cd "$_pkgname"
+ install -d "$pkgdir/usr/"{bin,share/texmf/arch/tlpkg/TeXLive}
+ install -m755 tllocalmgr "$pkgdir/usr/bin/"
cd tlpkg/TeXLive
for _f in *; do
- install -m644 $_f $pkgdir/usr/share/texmf/arch/tlpkg/TeXLive/
+ install -m644 "$_f" "$pkgdir/usr/share/texmf/arch/tlpkg/TeXLive/"
diff --git a/tllocalmgr-2022.patch b/tllocalmgr-2022.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..92af3ec1a54e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tllocalmgr-2022.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/tlpkg/TeXLive/ b/tlpkg/TeXLive/
+index e27f70b..b6e5101 100644
+--- a/tlpkg/TeXLive/
++++ b/tlpkg/TeXLive/
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ BEGIN {
+ # the year of our release, will be used in the location of the
+ # network packages, and in menu names, and other places.
+-$ReleaseYear = 2019;
++$ReleaseYear = 2022;
+ # users can upgrade from this year to the current year; might be the
+ # same as the release year, or any number of releases earlier.
diff --git a/tllocalmgr-better-conflicts.patch b/tllocalmgr-better-conflicts.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..293c898c319e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tllocalmgr-better-conflicts.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+--- a/tllocalmgr 2022-04-30 12:51:53.267184213 +0200
++++ b/tllocalmgr 2022-04-30 12:54:50.636930181 +0200
+@@ -639,6 +639,9 @@
+ open PKGBUILD, "> $ROOT/builds/$pkg/PKGBUILD";
+ my $newver = $tlpkg->revision;
+ my $col = $collectionsbypkg{$pkg};
++ my $conflict = (defined $col and $col ne '')
++ ? "conflicts=('texlive-$col>=$YEAR.$newver')"
++ : "conflicts=()";
+ my $pkgsha512 = $tlpkg->containerchecksum;
+ #TODO download it first and compare the checksum
+ # if it differs ask the user if the PKGBUILD
+@@ -653,7 +656,7 @@
+ arch=('any')
+ groups=('texlive-local')
+ depends=('texlive-core')
+ url=''
+ source=('$TLARCHIVE/$pkg.tar.xz')
+ sha512sums=($pkgsha512)
diff --git a/tllocalmgr-enhance.patch b/tllocalmgr-enhance.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a949ea909313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tllocalmgr-enhance.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+diff --git a/tllocalmgr b/tllocalmgr
+index b947ed2..e238263 100755
+--- a/tllocalmgr
++++ b/tllocalmgr
+@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ my @updatedpkgs; # pkgs for which updates are available
+ foreach my $col (sort keys %installedcol_versions) {
+ #my $installedver = `pacman -Q texlive-$col`;
+ #$installedver =~ s/texlive-$col $YEAR\.([0-9]+)-.+/$1/;
++ next if ( $col eq "tlpdb" ) ;
+ next unless ( $installedcol_versions{$col} < $versions{$col} ) ;
+ foreach my $pkg (sort @{$tlpackages{$col}}) {
+ my $tlpkg = $tlpdb->get_package($pkg);
+@@ -636,6 +637,7 @@ pkgrel=1
+ pkgdesc="TeX Live - local installation of CTAN package $pkg"
+ license=('GPL')
+ arch=('any')
+ depends=('texlive-core')
+ conflicts=('texlive-$col>=$YEAR.$newver')
+ url=''
+@@ -670,11 +672,12 @@ EOF
+ # open INSTALL, "> $ROOT/builds/$pkg/texlive.install";
+ # close INSTALL;
+- print LOG "* Running makepkg -ci on $ROOT/builds/$pkg/PKGBUILD\n";
++ system( "makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO" );
++ print LOG "* Running makepkg -i on $ROOT/builds/$pkg/PKGBUILD\n";
+ chdir "$ROOT/builds/$pkg";
+ system( "test -f $pkg.tar.xz && rm $pkg.tar.xz" );
+ # TODO : catch error if makepkg fails
+- system( "makepkg -ci" );
++ system( "makepkg -i" );
+ }
+ print "\n>>> Finished. Don't forget to run 'texhash' to update your file database.\n";
+@@ -729,6 +732,7 @@ pkgrel=1
+ pkgdesc="TeX Live - local installation of CTAN package $pkg (documentation and sources)"
+ license=('GPL')
+ arch=('any')
+ depends=('texlive-core')
+ url=''
+@@ -773,11 +777,12 @@ EOF
+ # open INSTALL, "> $ROOT/builds/$pkg/texlive.install";
+ # close INSTALL;
+- print LOG "* Running makepkg -ci on $ROOT/builds/$pkg-doc/PKGBUILD\n";
++ system( "makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO" );
++ print LOG "* Running makepkg -i on $ROOT/builds/$pkg-doc/PKGBUILD\n";
+ chdir "$ROOT/builds/$pkg-doc";
+ system( "test -f $pkg-*.tar.xz && rm $pkg-*.tar.xz" );
+ # TODO : catch error if makepkg fails
+- system( "makepkg -ci" );
++ system( "makepkg -i" );
+ }
diff --git a/tllocalmgr-fix-texlive-local-match.patch b/tllocalmgr-fix-texlive-local-match.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d6f707510ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tllocalmgr-fix-texlive-local-match.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/tllocalmgr b/tllocalmgr
+index b947ed2..b8d75dc 100755
+--- a/tllocalmgr
++++ b/tllocalmgr
+@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ chomp(my @pacman = `pacman -Qs ^texlive- | egrep ^local | cut -d'/' -f2`);
+ my @localpacman = grep { /^texlive-local-/ } @pacman;
+ # To have the standard collections we get rid of
+ # texlive-local-<pkg> and texlive-localmanager:
+-my @collpacman = grep { !/^texlive-local/ } @pacman;
++my @collpacman = grep { !/^(texlive-local|tllocalmgr)/ } @pacman;
+ if (@localpacman) {
+ foreach (@localpacman) {
diff --git a/tllocalmgr-mirror-opt.patch b/tllocalmgr-mirror-opt.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..59876ed7a592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tllocalmgr-mirror-opt.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/tllocalmgr b/tllocalmgr
+index b947ed2..8724243 100755
+--- a/tllocalmgr
++++ b/tllocalmgr
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ GetOptions( $opts,
+ 'forceupdate',
+ 'localsearch', #TODO
+ 'location', #TODO ?
+- 'mirror',
++ 'mirror=s',
+ 'nocolor',
+ 'help|h',
+ 'version|v'
diff --git a/tllocalmgr-pkgs-nicer-error.patch b/tllocalmgr-pkgs-nicer-error.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eaca84219081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tllocalmgr-pkgs-nicer-error.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+--- a/tllocalmgr 2021-10-26 20:36:35.893293400 +0200
++++ b/tllocalmgr 2021-10-26 20:37:50.127537318 +0200
+@@ -171,7 +171,13 @@
+ $installedcol_versions{$col} = $ver;
+ my @list = ();
+ unless ( -f "$INSTALLEDPKGS/texlive-$col\_$ver.pkgs" ) {
+- die "Cannot open $INSTALLEDPKGS/texlive-$col\_$ver.pkgs\n"
++ print BOLD RED "Cannot open $INSTALLEDPKGS/texlive-$col\_$ver.pkgs!\n";
++ print RED "-- Likely the package texlive-$col does not create the '*.pkgs' file.\n";
++ print RED "-- We will not process it further; please contact upstream maintainer\n";
++ print RED "-- to have this fixed.\n";
++ delete $installedcol_versions{$col};
++ print LOG "Cannot open $INSTALLEDPKGS/texlive-$col\_$ver.pkgs!\n";
++ next;
+ };
+ open INST, "<$INSTALLEDPKGS/texlive-$col\_$ver.pkgs" ;
+ while (<INST>) {
+@@ -415,6 +421,10 @@
+ sub run_install {
+ foreach (@_) {
+ my $tlpkg = $tlpdb->get_package($_);
++ if (! $tlpkg) {
++ warning "$_ is unknown" ;
++ next ;
++ }
+ my $pkgrev = $tlpkg->revision;
+ if ( $locallyinstalledpkg_versions{$_} ) {
+ echo "$_ is already installed with texlive-local-$_";
+@@ -451,6 +461,10 @@
+ sub run_installdoc {
+ foreach (@_) {
+ my $tlpkg = $tlpdb->get_package($_);
++ if (! $tlpkg) {
++ warning "$_ is unknown" ;
++ next ;
++ }
+ my $pkgrev = $tlpkg->revision;
+ if ( $locallyinstalleddoc_versions{$_} ) {
+ echo "$_ is already installed with texlive-local-$_-doc";