path: root/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index a60c47b9a390..ae00a7038883 100644
@@ -1,107 +1,110 @@
-# Maintainer: K1412 <>
+# Maintainer: AlphaJack <alphajack at tuta dot io>
+# Contributor K1412 <>
-pkgdesc="FusionDirectory is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups."
+pkgdesc="A combination of system administrator and end user web interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups"
-depends=("apache" "smarty3" "smarty3-gettext" "prototype" "scriptaculous" "schema2ldif" "javascript-common"
-"perl-path-class" "perl-ldap" "perl-mime-base64" "perl-digest-sha" "perl-term-readkey" "perl-crypt-rijndael"
-"perl-crypt-cbc" "perl-file-copy-recursive" "perl-xml-twig" "perl-archive-extract" "perl-extutils-makemaker"
-"php-imagick" "php-ldap" "php-pear" "php-gd" "php-imap" "php-apache" "php-cas")
- "fixes-path.patch"
- "fixes-apache-path.patch"
- "fixes-pear-lib.patch"
- "fixes-headers.patch")
- "5f92d3e4378d0ea7fda7fa9c8b81d29e"
- "b00b69054c4c40847aa9c575d4550244"
- "0a78917932d864cbaefa0139f90c6ab0"
- "762da632f39f44d8fe3a7fff72feec36")
+ "openldap"
+ "perl-archive-extract"
+ "perl-bytes-random-secure"
+ "perl-crypt-cbc"
+ #"perl-crypt-rijndael"
+ "perl-digest-sha"
+ "perl-file-copy-recursive"
+ #"perl-extutils-makemaker"
+ "perl-ldap"
+ #"perl-mime-base64"
+ "perl-path-class"
+ "perl-term-readkey"
+ "perl-xml-twig"
+ "php>=7.3"
+ "php-cas"
+ #"php-filter"
+ #"php-fpdf"
+ "php-gd"
+ "php-imagick"
+ "php-imap"
+ #"php-json"
+ "php-ldap"
+ #"php-mbstring"
+ #"php-openssl"
+ "php-pear"
+ #"php-session"
+ #"php-simplexml"
+ #"php-xml"
+ "schema2ldif"
+ "smarty3"
+ "smarty3-gettext")
+optdepends=("fusiondirectory-plugins: core plugins"
+ "apache: webserver"
+ "nginx: webserver"
+ #"php-gettext: internationalized interface support"
+ #"php-mhash: ssha encryption support"
+ #"php-sha1: ssha encryption support"
+ #"php-zlib: snapshot support"
+ )
+ "$_commit.tar.gz"
+ ""
+ "$pkgname.php.ini"
+ "$pkgname.tmpfiles")
+ '1fa39bd110d3326a14f920601803813f088d08ecb2cc645aa7075884d998f6f6'
+ 'a17aebba00b9380fdae13011f3ba0350ec861acaf94eedb6d68c0a04ddb0888c'
+ '1732399f263301f212599fd862780422eca5375be1da63acd26506587a348025')
prepare() {
- # In srcdir
- cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
- # Apply patchs
- patch -p1 -i ../fixes-path.patch
- patch -p1 -i ../fixes-apache-path.patch
- patch -p1 -i ../fixes-pear-lib.patch
- patch -p1 -i ../fixes-headers.patch
- # Right for executables
- chmod 750 ./contrib/bin/*
- # Create the man files
- gzip ./contrib/man/fusiondirectory.conf.5
- gzip ./contrib/man/fusiondirectory-setup.1
- gzip ./contrib/man/fusiondirectory-insert-schema.1
+ cd "$pkgname-$_commit"
+ find . -type f -exec sed -i {} \
+ -e "s|/etc/$pkgname|/etc/webapps/$pkgname|g" \
+ -e "s|/etc/ldap|/etc/openldap|g" \
+ -e "s|/var/www/$pkgname|/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname|g" \;
+ sed -i "include/" -e 's|"PEAR_DIR", "/usr/share/php"|"PEAR_DIR", "/usr/share/pear"|'
-package() {
- # In srcdir
- cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
- # Create multiple directories
- install -d -m 0770 $pkgdir/var/spool/$pkgname/
- install -d -m 0770 $pkgdir/var/cache/$pkgname/
- install -d -m 0770 $pkgdir/var/cache/$pkgname/tmp/
- install -d -m 0770 $pkgdir/var/cache/$pkgname/locale/
- install -d -m 0770 $pkgdir/var/cache/$pkgname/include/
- install -d -m 0770 $pkgdir/var/cache/$pkgname/template/
- # Copy man files
- install -d -m 0755 $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/
- install -d -m 0755 $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man5/
- cp ./contrib/man/fusiondirectory.conf.5.gz $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man5/
- cp ./contrib/man/fusiondirectory-setup.1.gz $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/
- cp ./contrib/man/fusiondirectory-insert-schema.1.gz $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/
- # Copy docs
- install -d -m 0770 $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/
- install -d -m 0770 $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/examples/
- cp ./ ./Changelog ./COPYING $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/
- cp contrib/$pkgname.conf $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/
- cp -a contrib/docs/ $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/
- cp -a contrib/images/ $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/
- cp -a contrib/apache/* $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/examples/
- cp -a contrib/lighttpd/* $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/examples/
- # Move fusiondirectory.conf in template
- cp ./contrib/fusiondirectory.conf $pkgdir/var/cache/$pkgname/template/
- # Move executables
- mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/bin/
- cp ./contrib/bin/fusiondirectory-setup $pkgdir/usr/bin/
- # Move smarty functions and create php lib directory if it exist
- install -d -m 0755 $pkgdir/usr/share/php/smarty3/plugins/
- cp ./contrib/smarty/plugins/function.msgPool.php $pkgdir/usr/share/php/smarty3/plugins/function.msgPool.php
- cp ./contrib/smarty/plugins/function.filePath.php $pkgdir/usr/share/php/smarty3/plugins/function.filePath.php
- cp ./contrib/smarty/plugins/block.render.php $pkgdir/usr/share/php/smarty3/plugins/block.render.php
- # Copy apache configuration
- install -d -m 0755 $pkgdir/etc/fusiondirectory/
- cp ./contrib/apache/fusiondirectory-apache.conf $pkgdir/etc/fusiondirectory/
- # FusionDirectory install
- install -d -m 0755 $pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/${pkgname}/
- DIRS="ihtml plugins html include locale setup"
- for i in $DIRS ; do
- cp -ua $i $pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/${pkgname}/
- done
- # Create symbolic link for to /usr/share/javascript
- ln -s /usr/share/javascript $pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/${pkgname}/html/javascript
+ cd "$pkgname-$_commit"
+ # directories
+ install -d -m 755 "$pkgdir/etc/openldap/schema/$pkgname"
+ install -d -m 700 "$pkgdir/var/cache/$pkgname"
+ install -d -m 755 "$pkgdir/var/cache/$pkgname/template"
+ install -d -m 755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/"
+ install -d -m 755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/"
+ install -d -m 755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/php/smarty3/plugins/"
+ install -d -m 755 "$pkgdir/var/spool/$pkgname/"
+ # webapp files and javascript libraries
+ _dirs=("html" "ihtml" "include" "locale" "plugins" "setup")
+ for _dir in "${_dirs[@]}"; do
+ cp -a "$_dir" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/"
+ done
+ cp -a ../"scriptaculous-js-1.9.0/src/"* "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/html/include"
+ cp -a ../"scriptaculous-js-1.9.0/lib/prototype.js" "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname/html/include"
+ # executables
+ find "contrib/bin/" -type f -exec chmod +x {} \;
+ mv "contrib/bin/" "$pkgdir/usr/"
+ # configuration file template
+ install -D -m 640 "contrib/$pkgname.conf" "$pkgdir/var/cache/$pkgname/template/"
+ # php extensions
+ install -D -m 644 "../$pkgname.php.ini" "$pkgdir/etc/php/conf.d/$pkgname.ini"
+ # smarty3 plugins
+ cp "contrib/smarty/plugins/"* "$pkgdir/usr/share/php/smarty3/plugins/"
+ rm -r "contrib/smarty"
+ # man pages
+ gzip -f "contrib/man/$pkgname-setup.1" "contrib/man/$pkgname-insert-schema.1" "contrib/man/$pkgname.conf.5"
+ install -D -m 644 "contrib/man/$pkgname-setup.1.gz" "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/$pkgname-setup.1.gz"
+ install -D -m 644 "contrib/man/$pkgname-insert-schema.1.gz" "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/$pkgname-insert-schema.1.gz"
+ install -D -m 644 "contrib/man/$pkgname.conf.5.gz" "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man5/$pkgname.conf.5.gz"
+ rm -r "contrib/man/"
+ # example snippets
+ cp -r "contrib" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/"
+ # directories and file permission
+ install -D -m 644 "../$pkgname.tmpfiles" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/$pkgname.conf"