path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 2195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e733ded1b355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,2195 @@
+# Version: 1.5.4
+# Name:
+# Last modification: 2018/08/10
+# -------------------------------------- HISTORY -------------------------------
+# 2018/08/10 (1.5.4): Correctifs pour FTV
+# 2018/03/30 (1.5.3): Correctifs pour FTV, arte, M6&Cie
+# 2017/12/23 (1.5.2): Correctifs pour M6&Cie, C+&Cie, Gulli, NRJ12&Cie
+# Divers beugues corrigés
+# Possibilité de mettre en pause les opérations dans certains cas
+# 2017/07/27 (1.5.0): Caractères non-ASCII dans les titres peuvent être autorisés (--keep-non-ascii)
+# Si échec, possibilité d'empêcher l'effacement des fichiers créés (--no-cleaning)
+# Prise en charge de RTBF
+# 2017/07/26 (1.4.6): Beugues corrigés (fin de téléchargement, arte)
+# 2017/09/08 (1.5.1): Correctifs pour arte
+# 2017/07/24 (1.4.5): Correction numéro de saison/épisodes
+# 2017/07/01 (1.4.4): Ignore WGETRC
+# 2017/05/19 (1.4.3): Correctifs pour FTV et arte (enfin !)
+# 2017/03/05 (1.4.2): Correctifs pour M6
+# 2016/12/20 (1.4.1): Correctifs pour arte
+# 2016/10/30 (1.4.0): Correctifs pour dailymotion (donc les chaînes qui l'utilisent comme numéro 23 ou l'équipe), pluzz
+# 2016/10/09 (1.3.1): Correction faux positif
+# 2016/09/29 (1.3.0): Prise en charge de France Info (TV), Arte (+7, Concert), LCP-AN, Public Sénat, M6, W9, 6ter, Numéro23, L'Équipe, Dailymotion
+# Beugues corrigés (ftv, kill_jobs, build_filenames, fusion des urls partielles)
+# Nouvelles fonctions (clean_files, lowercase, uppercase, softly_normalisedcase, strictly_normalisedcase, fix_case, normalise_url)
+# 2016/09/12 (1.2.0): Prise en charge de TV5 Monde+ et TV5 Monde+ Afrique
+# 2016/09/10 (1.1.0): Réparation des chaînes C8 (ex-D8), CStar (ex-D17), NRJ12, Cherie25, Gulli
+# Beugues corrigés (sanitise)
+# Nouvelles dépendances (perl)
+# 2016/08/29 (1.0.0): Libération officielle
+# Désactivation des tests sur la disponibilité des codecs dans avconv/ffmpeg car non fiables
+# 2016/02/25 (0.9.0): Fusion de dPluzz et dCplus développés principalement par Matthieugoua, melixgaro, gaara
+# Merci aussi à Lulux3
+# Voir ces scripts pour leur propre historique [melixgaro]
+#-------------------------------------- DEPENDANCIES ---------------------------
+# avconv (sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libav-tools)
+# ou bien
+# ffmpeg (sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ffmpeg)
+# Probably deprecated. Delete at next release if nobody complains
+# Workaround for grep 2.21 or later
+# export LC_ALL=C
+# Ignore WGETRC
+unset WGETRC
+# Traps
+ pkill -TERM -P "$BASHPID"
+ logger warning "Programme interrompu par l'utilisateur"
+ clean_files
+ exit 1
+trap kill_jobs INT TERM #EXIT
+# Script variables
+script_path="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd -P)"
+script_md5="$(md5sum "${script_path}/$(basename "$0")" | cut -d\ -f1)"
+term_width=$(tput cols)
+# Color definition
+export black_fgc="\e[7;0;31m"
+export red_fgc="\e[7;0;31m"
+export green_fgc="\e[0;32m"
+export yellow_fgc="\e[0;33m"
+export blue_fgc="\e[1;34m"
+export magenta_fgc="\e[0;35m"
+export cyan_fgc="\e[0;36m"
+export white_fgc="\e[0;37m"
+export default_fgc="\e[0;39m"
+# Exiting
+clean_files ()
+ local filename
+ if ! ${clean_if_failure}
+ then
+ exit
+ fi
+ logger info "Effacement des fichiers temporaires…"
+ for filename in "${files_to_clean[@]}"
+ do
+ [[ -f "${filename}" ]] && rm -v -- "${filename}"
+ done
+exit_if_empty ()
+ if [[ ${#1} -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ logger critical "${2}"
+ fi
+# Flagging functions
+debug_flagger ()
+ echo "$(date +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") [DEBUG] "
+info_flagger ()
+ echo "$(date +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") [INFO] "
+warning_flagger ()
+ echo "$(date +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") [WARNING] "
+critical_flagger ()
+ echo "$(date +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") [CRITICAL] "
+# Logging
+logger ()
+ cr='
+ while read line
+ do
+ case "${1}" in
+ "debug")
+ echo -e "${blue_fgc}$(debug_flagger)${line}${default_fgc}" >&2
+ ;;
+ "info")
+ echo -e "${green_fgc}$(info_flagger)${line}${default_fgc}" >&2
+ ;;
+ "warning")
+ echo -e "${yellow_fgc}$(warning_flagger)${line}${default_fgc}" >&2
+ ;;
+ "critical")
+ echo -e "${red_fgc}$(critical_flagger)${line}${default_fgc}" >&2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done <<< "${2//\\n/${cr}}"
+ if [[ "${1}" == "critical" ]]
+ then
+ clean_files
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# String handling
+sanitise ()
+ # echo "${1}" | recode h4..latin1 | sed 's+^[[:blank:]]*++g' | sed 's+[[:blank:]]*$++g' | sed 's+[[:blank:]]\{1,\}+_+g' | iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//translit | sed 's/[\&"!?;]/_/g' | sed 's/[^[:alnum:]-]/_/g' | sed 's/_\{2,\}/_/g' | sed 's/-\{2,\}/-/g' | sed 's/_-/-/g' | sed 's/^_*\([^_].*[^_]\)_*/\1/g' | sed 's/.*/\u\0/g' | sed 's/^-*//g'
+ echo "${1}" | perl -MHTML::Entities -alne 'print(decode_entities($_))' | sed 's+^[[:blank:]]*++g' | sed 's+[[:blank:]]*$++g' | sed 's+[[:blank:]]\{1,\}+_+g' | perl -Mutf8 -MText::Unidecode -alne 'use open ":std", ":encoding(utf-8)"; print(unidecode($_));' | sed 's/[\&"!?;]/_/g' | sed 's/[^[:alnum:]-]/_/g' | sed 's/_\{2,\}/_/g' | sed 's/-\{2,\}/-/g' | sed 's/_-/-/g' | sed 's/^_*\([^_].*[^_]\)_*/\1/g' | sed 's/.*/\u\0/g' | sed 's/^-*//g'
+sanitise_but_keep_non_ascii ()
+ echo "${1}" | perl -MHTML::Entities -alne 'print(decode_entities($_))' | sed 's+^[[:blank:]]*++g' | sed 's+[[:blank:]]*$++g' | sed 's+[[:blank:]]\{1,\}+_+g' | sed 's/[\&"!?;]/_/g' | sed 's/[^[:alnum:]-]/_/g' | sed 's/_\{2,\}/_/g' | sed 's/-\{2,\}/-/g' | sed 's/_-/-/g' | sed 's/^_*\([^_].*[^_]\)_*/\1/g' | sed 's/.*/\u\0/g' | sed 's/^-*//g'
+lowercase ()
+ sed 's/.*/\L\0/g' <<< "${1}"
+uppercase ()
+ sed 's/.*/\U\0/g' <<< "${1}"
+softly_normalisedcase ()
+ sed 's/.*/\u\0/g' <<< "${1}"
+strictly_normalisedcase ()
+ sed 's/.*/\L\u\0/g' <<< "${1}"
+fix_case ()
+ case "${2}" in
+ "L")
+ lowercase "${1}"
+ ;;
+ "U")
+ uppercase "${1}"
+ ;;
+ "S")
+ softly_normalisedcase "${1}"
+ ;;
+ "N")
+ strictly_normalisedcase "${1}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "${1}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+progressfilt ()
+ local line=""
+ local prev_progression=0
+ while read line
+ do
+ progression=$(grep -oE "[0-9.]{1,}%" <<< "${line}" | sed 's/%//g' | awk '{if ($1 ~ /[0-9]/) {printf "%6.2f", $1} else {printf "%6.2f", 0}}')
+ if [[ "${progression}" != "${prev_progression}" && ${#progression} -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ prev_progression=${progression}
+ echo -ne "\e[F" >&2
+ logger info "Progression: ${progression}%"
+ fi
+ done
+month_number ()
+ local month=$(tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "${1}")
+ local nmonth=""
+ case "${1}" in
+ "janvier")
+ nmonth="01"
+ ;;
+ "février"|"fevrier")
+ nmonth="02"
+ ;;
+ "mars")
+ nmonth="03"
+ ;;
+ "avril")
+ nmonth="04"
+ ;;
+ "mai")
+ nmonth="05"
+ ;;
+ "juin")
+ nmonth="06"
+ ;;
+ "juillet")
+ nmonth="07"
+ ;;
+ "aout"|"août")
+ nmonth="08"
+ ;;
+ "septembre")
+ nmonth="09"
+ ;;
+ "octobre")
+ nmonth="10"
+ ;;
+ "novembre")
+ nmonth="11"
+ ;;
+ "décembre"|"decembre")
+ nmonth="12"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ nmonth="00"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "${nmonth}"
+normalise_url ()
+ local line=""
+ local reference_url="${1}"
+ local netloc
+ netloc="$(sed 's+\(https\?://\)\?\([^/]*\).*+\1\2+g' <<< "${reference_url}")"
+ while read line
+ do
+ if [[ "${line:0:4}" == "http" ]]
+ then
+ echo "${line}"
+ elif [[ "${line:0:2}" == ".." ]]
+ then
+ echo "$(dirname "${reference_url}")/${line}"
+ elif [[ "${line:0:1}" == "/" ]] # DM
+ then
+ echo "${netloc}${line}"
+ elif [[ ! "${line}" =~ ^.*"/".*$ ]] # Gulli, LCP
+ then
+ echo "$(dirname "${reference_url}")/${line}"
+ # else
+ # echo "${line}"
+ fi
+ done < /dev/stdin
+# Common variables
+user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/44.0"
+advice_msg="Réessayer plus tard, ou si l'erreur persiste, attendez une mise-à-jour. Si vous êtes dans une zone géographique bloquée, il n'y a rien à faire"
+lock_msg="Cette vidéo semble être verrouillée, il n'y a pas grand chose à faire (à part déplorer l'usage de mécanismes contraignants et restrictifs par les diffuseurs)"
+timestamp=$(date +%s)
+# User settings: display
+columns=$(tput cols)
+if [[ ! ${columns} =~ [0-9] ]]
+ columns=79
+# User settings: video
+accepted_keywords=("%(TITRE)" "%(SOUSTITRE)" "%(JOUR)" "%(MOIS)" "%(ANNEE)" "%(HEURE)" "%(MINUTE)" "%(RUBRIQUE)" "%(SAISON)" "%(EPISODE)" "%(QUALITE)" "%(URL)" "%(ID)")
+# Command line parsing
+ fmt -w ${columns} -p" " << EOF
+usage: $(basename $0) [OPTIONS] [-u|--url] URL
+-u|--url STR adresse de la vidéo
+-d|--directory STR dossier de destination
+-o|--output STR nom du fichier (sans extension). À la priorité sur le nommage automatique
+--name-format formatage du nom des fichiers [défaut: ${naming_convention}]
+ Mots-clefs acceptés: %(TITRE), %(SOUSTITRE), %(JOUR), %(MOIS), %(ANNEE), %(HEURE), %(MINUTE), %(RUBRIQUE), %(SAISON), %(EPISODE)
+ Vous pouvez appliquer un modificateur sur un mot-clef afin de contrôler la casse. Les modificateurs sont 'L' (basse casse intégrale), 'U' (haute casse intégrale), 'N' (haute casse pour la première lettre, basse casse pour le reste). Exemple d'utilisation pour avoir le titre en haute casse : %(TITRE:U)
+--keep-non-ascii garde les caractères non-ASCII dans le nom du fichier [défaut: false]
+--no-cleaning garde le fichier en cas d'échec [défaut: false]
+-q|--quality qualité de la vidéo, si pertinent (best, standard, worst) [défaut: best]
+--video-codec STR spécifie le codec video (copy, libx264) [défaut: copy]
+ il est conseillé de garder la valeur par défaut. Tout autre choix est encore expérimental. Si vous choisissez un codec autre que 'copy', la création de la vidéo sera plus longue (les réglages actuels peuvent aider à réduire la taille pour une qualité comparable)
+--audio-codec STR spécifie le codec audio (aac, mp3, copy) [défaut: aac]
+--subtitle-codec STR spécifie le codec de sous-titre (ass, srt, subrip) [défaut: ass]
+--video-container STR spécifie le conteneur vidéo (mkv, mp4) [défaut: mkv]
+--subtitle-lang STR spécifie la langue des sous-titres, si disponible (vf, vf-ad) [défaut: vf]
+ vf-ad fournit la version française avec audiodescription
+--colored-subtitles garde la couleur dans les sous-titre, si disponible [défaut]
+ activé pour les sous-titres avec audiodescription
+--subtitle-mode STR mode de sauvegarde des sous-titres (srt, ass, mux)
+ [défaut: srt]
+ 'srt' ou 'ass' active la sauvegarde des sous-titres dans un fichier séparé au format srt ou ass
+ 'mux' est un mode expérimental qui permet de multiplexer la piste de sous-titres avec les autres pistes et de n'avoir qu'un seul fichier à la fin (mkv uniquement)
+--vo requiert la langue originale, si disponible
+-f|--ffmpeg utilise ffmpeg [défaut: avconv]
+--log conserve le journal de la conversion
+--no-color désactive la coloration du terminal
+-v|--verbose mode bavard
+-V|--version affiche la version du script
+-h|--help affiche cette aide
+-m OBSOLÈTE (conservée pour compatibilité,
+ utilisez --audio-codec)
+ convertit l'audio en MP3
+Les étoiles indiquent l'endroit à partir duquel vos urls peuvent différer
+[La vidéo sera en allemand]
+[La vidéo sera en allemand]
+[Il est important que l'adresse se termine par une chaîne similaire à '?video_id=123abcd'. Sur, depuis votre navigateur, il faut faire un clique droit sur les miniatures des vidéos (les photos avec l'icône de lecture) et copier l'adresse.]
+(1) En cas d'échec, veuillez réessayer plus tard avant d'invoquer un possible bogue
+(2) Notez que le nom du fichier sera automatiquement nettoyé de certains caractères non recommendés (en particulier, les espaces, certains signes de ponctuations…)
+(3) L'objectif de ce programme n'étant pas la conversion audio/vidéo, les options concernant les codecs/conteneurs resteront extrêmement basiques. Vous pouvez toujours utiliser avconv/ffmpeg par la suite
+(4) Selon votre version de ffmpeg/avconv, certains codecs peuvent ne pas être disponibles
+(5) Des cookies de session sont sauvegardés dans un fichier dont le nom ressemble à 'wget-1234567.cookies'. Ce fichier est effacé lorsque le programme se termine normalement. Sinon, vous pouvez les effacer manuellement
+(6) Il est possible, pour certaines chaînes, de mettre en pause les opérations avec la touche p. Un nouvel appui sur la touche p relance les opérations. Attention, cette fonction est expérimentale ; il se peut que la reprise échoue
+if [[ $# == 0 ]]
+ usage
+ exit 1
+while test -n "${1}"
+ case "${1}" in
+ "--no-color")
+ shift
+ exit
+ is_coloured=false
+ black_fgc=""
+ red_fgc=""
+ green_fgc=""
+ yellow_fgc=""
+ blue_fgc=""
+ magenta_fgc=""
+ cyan_fgc=""
+ white_fgc=""
+ default_fgc=""
+ ;;
+ "-v"|"--verbose")
+ shift
+ is_verbose=true
+ ;;
+ "-V"|"--version")
+ shift
+ echo -e "${default_fgc}$(basename ${0} .sh): v. ${version}${default_fgc}" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ "-h"|"--help")
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ "-u"|"--url")
+ shift
+ url="${1}"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-d"|"--directory")
+ shift
+ directory="${1}"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "-o"|"--output")
+ shift
+ forced_filename_root="${1}"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--name-format")
+ shift
+ naming_convention="$(sed 's/\%(\([^)]*\))/%(\U\1)/g' <<< "${1}")"
+ for tag in $(grep -oE "%\([^\)]*\)" <<< "${naming_convention}")
+ do
+ if [[ ! $(grep -G "${tag/:*/)}" <<< "${accepted_keywords[@]}") ]]
+ then
+ logger critical "Ce mot-clef ${tag} est inconnu"
+ fi
+ done
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--keep-non-ascii")
+ shift
+ keep_non_ascii=true
+ sanitise ()
+ {
+ sanitise_but_keep_non_ascii "${1}"
+ }
+ ;;
+ "--no-cleaning")
+ shift
+ clean_if_failure=false
+ ;;
+ "-q"|"--quality")
+ shift
+ video_quality="$(tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "${1}")"
+ case "${video_quality}" in
+ "best"|"standard"|"worst")
+ :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Qualité non prise en charge"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--video-codec")
+ shift
+ video_codec="$(tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "${1}")"
+ video_codec_is_changed_by_user=true
+ case "${video_codec}" in
+ "copy"|"libx264")
+ :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Codec video non pris en charge"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--audio-codec")
+ shift
+ audio_codec="$(tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "${1}")"
+ audio_codec_is_changed_by_user=true
+ case "${audio_codec}" in
+ "aac"|"mp3"|"copy")
+ :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Codec audio non pris en charge"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--subtitle-codec")
+ shift
+ subtitle_codec="$(tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "${1}")"
+ subtitle_codec_is_changed_by_user=true
+ case "${subtitle_codec}" in
+ "ass"|"srt"|"subrip")
+ :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Codec de sous-titres non pris en charge"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--video-container")
+ shift
+ video_container="$(tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "${1}")"
+ case "${video_container}" in
+ "mkv"|"mp4")
+ :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Conteneur vidéo non pris en charge"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--subtitle-lang")
+ shift
+ want_subtitles=true
+ subtitle_lang="$(tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "${1}")"
+ case "${subtitle_lang}" in
+ "vf"|"vf-ad")
+ :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Langue de sous-titres non prise en charge"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--colored-subtitles")
+ shift
+ colored_subtitles=true
+ ;;
+ "--subtitle-mode")
+ shift
+ subtitle_mode="$(tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "${1}")"
+ case "${subtitle_mode}" in
+ "srt")
+ keep_srt=true
+ keep_ass=false
+ mux_subtitles=false
+ ;;
+ "ass")
+ keep_ass=true
+ keep_srt=false
+ mux_subtitles=false
+ ;;
+ "mux")
+ mux_subtitles=true
+ keep_srt=false
+ keep_ass=false
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Mode de sauvegarde des sous-titres non pris en charge"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ ;;
+ "--vo")
+ shift
+ want_vo=true
+ ;;
+ "-f"|"--ffmpeg")
+ shift
+ want_ffmpeg=true
+ avconv_exec="ffmpeg"
+ ;;
+ "--log")
+ shift
+ conversion_log=true
+ ;;
+ "-m")
+ shift
+ want_mp3=true
+ ;;
+ "--keep-srt") # Private
+ shift
+ keep_srt=true
+ ;;
+ "--keep-ass") # Private
+ shift
+ keep_srt=true
+ ;;
+ "-"*)
+ logger critical "Option inconnue"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ url="${1}"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Main: functions
+# Sanity checks: url
+case "${url}" in
+ http*://*|http*://*|http*://*)
+ tvg="ftv-legacy"
+ ;;
+ http*://*)
+ tvg="ftv"
+ ;;
+ http*://*|http*://*)
+ tvg="arte"
+ ;;
+ http*://*)
+ tvg="lcp"
+ ;;
+ http*://*|http*://*)
+ tvg="ps"
+ ;;
+ http*://*|http*://*|http*://*|http*://*|http*://*|http*://*)
+ tvg="c+-legacy"
+ ;;
+ http*://*)
+ tvg="c+"
+ ;;
+ http*://*)
+ tvg="m6"
+ ;;
+ http*://*|http*://*)
+ tvg="nrj"
+ ;;
+ http*://*)
+ tvg="gulli"
+ ;;
+ http*://*)
+ tvg="e21"
+ ;;
+ http*://*video_id*)
+ tvg="n23"
+ ;;
+ http*://*)
+ tvg="tv5"
+ ;;
+ http*://*)
+ tvg="tv5-afrique"
+ ;;
+ http*://*)
+ tvg="dm"
+ ;;
+ http*://*)
+ tvg="rtbf"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Chaîne non prise en charge ou url incorrecte"
+ ;;
+# Sanity checks: avconv/ffmpeg
+if [[ ! $(which ${avconv_exec}) ]]
+ logger critical "${avconv_exec} n'est pas présent sur votre machine"
+# Sanity checks: codec availability
+case "${video_codec}" in
+ "libx264")
+ video_codec_test=$(${avconv_exec} -codecs 2> /dev/null | grep ".EV... h264 .*encoder.* libx264[^[:alnum:]]")
+ ;;
+ "copy")
+ video_codec_test="copy"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Erreur inconnue"
+ ;;
+# exit_if_empty "${video_codec_test}" "Codec video (${video_codec}) non pris en charge par votre version de ${avconv_exec}"
+case "${audio_codec}" in
+ "aac")
+ audio_codec_test=$(${avconv_exec} -codecs 2> /dev/null | grep ".EA... aac .*encoder.* aac[^[:alnum:]]")
+ ;;
+ "mp3")
+ audio_codec_test=$(${avconv_exec} -codecs 2> /dev/null | grep ".EA... mp3 .*encoder.* libmp3lame[^[:alnum:]]")
+ ;;
+ "copy")
+ audio_codec_test="copy"
+ ;;
+# exit_if_empty "${audio_codec_test}" "Codec audio (${audio_codec}) non pris en charge par votre version de ${avconv_exec}"
+case "${subtitle_codec}" in
+ "ass")
+ subtitle_codec_test=$(${avconv_exec} -codecs 2> /dev/null | grep ".ES... ssa\|ass" | head -n 1)
+ ;;
+ "srt")
+ subtitle_codec_test=$(${avconv_exec} -codecs 2> /dev/null | grep ".ES... srt")
+ ;;
+ "subrip")
+ subtitle_codec_test=$(${avconv_exec} -codecs 2> /dev/null | grep ".ES... subrip")
+ ;;
+ "copy")
+ subtitle_codec_test="copy"
+ ;;
+# exit_if_empty "${subtitle_codec_test}" "Codec de sous-titres (${subtitle_codec}) non pris en charge par votre version de ${avconv_exec}"
+# Sanity checks: container
+if [[ "${video_container}" == "mp4" ]]
+ logger warning "Avec ce conteneur (mp4), il faudra attendre le téléchargement complet avant de pouvoir commencer la lecture. Préférez le conteneur mkv pour une lecture immédiate"
+# Sanity checks: video codec
+if ${video_codec_is_changed_by_user} && [[ "${video_codec}" != "copy" ]]
+ logger warning "Vous avez requis un recodage de la piste vidéo. Cette fonction est expérimentale et engendrera un traitement plus long"
+# Sanity checks: audio codec
+if ${want_mp3} && ${audio_codec_is_changed_by_user} && [[ "${audio_codec}" != "mp3" ]]
+ logger critical "Options '-m' et '--audio-codec aac' incompatibles. '-m' est obsolète, préférez-y '--audio-codec mp3'"
+if ${want_mp3} && ! ${audio_codec_is_changed_by_user}
+ audio_codec="mp3"
+ logger warning "L'option '-m' est obsolète, préférez-y '--audio-codec mp3'"
+# Sanity checks: subtitles
+if ${want_subtitles}
+ if [[ "${subtitle_lang}" == "vf-ad" ]]
+ then
+ colored_subtitles=true
+ fi
+ if ! ${keep_srt} && ! ${keep_ass} && ! ${mux_subtitles}
+ then
+ keep_srt=true
+ fi
+ if ${mux_subtitles} && [[ "${video_container}" == "mp4" ]]
+ then
+ keep_srt=true
+ keep_ass=false
+ mux_subtitles=false
+ logger warning "Avec ce conteneur (mp4), les sous-titres seront dans un fichier séparé (srt). Préférez le conteneur mkv pour avoir un seul fichier"
+ fi
+ if ${mux_subtitles}
+ then
+ logger warning "Le multiplexage des sous-titres est expérimental. Il peut échouer selon la version de avconv/ffmpeg disponible sur votre machine"
+ fi
+# Sanity checks: destination
+if [[ ${#directory} -eq 0 ]]
+ directory="${HOME}"
+ directory="$(readlink -f "${directory}")"
+ if [[ ! -d "${directory}" ]]
+ then
+ logger critical "Le dossier de destination n'existe pas"
+ fi
+# Main: functions
+vtt2srt ()
+ local srt_subtitle_filename="${1}"
+ # sed -i 's+^[^[:print:][:blank:]]*<c[^>]*>\(.*\)</c>[^[:print:][:blank:]]*$+\1+g' "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ sed -i 's+^[^[:print:]]*[[:blank:]]*$++g' "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ sed -i 's+[^[:print:]]$++g' "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ sed -i 's+^[^[:print:][:blank:]]*<c.\([^>]*\)>\(.*\)</c>[^[:print:][:blank:]]*$+<font color="\1">\2</font>+g' "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ sed -i '/^[[:blank:]]*[0-9:.]\{3,\}/ s/\([0-9][0-9]\):\([0-9][0-9]\):\([0-9][0-9]\)\(\.\([0-9]*\)\)/\1:\2:\3,\5/g' "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ sed -i '/^WEBVTT/d' "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+srt2ass ()
+ local srt_subtitle_filename="${1}"
+ local ass_subtitle_filename="${2}"
+ ${avconv_exec} -y -i "${srt_subtitle_filename}" "${ass_subtitle_filename}" 2> /dev/null
+check_desc ()
+ if [[ $(grep "${2}" <<< "${1}") == "" ]]
+ then
+ logger critical "Impossible d'obtenir les informations\n${advice_msg}"
+ fi
+build_filenames ()
+ local rules="${1}"
+ if [[ ${#forced_filename_root} -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ filename_root="${rules}"
+ for subchain in $(grep -oE "%\([^)]*\)" <<< "${filename_root}")
+ do
+ _match=""
+ _tag="$(sed -n 's/%(\([^:]*\)\(\:\(.\)\)\?)/\1/p' <<< "${subchain}")"
+ _case="$(sed -n 's/%(\([^:]*\)\(:\(.\)\)\?)/\3/p' <<< "${subchain}")"
+ case "${_tag}" in
+ "TITRE")
+ _match="${video_title1:-}"
+ ;;
+ _match="${video_title2:-}"
+ ;;
+ "JOUR")
+ _match="${video_date_day:-}"
+ ;;
+ "MOIS")
+ _match="${video_date_month:-}"
+ ;;
+ "ANNEE")
+ _match="${video_date_year:-}"
+ ;;
+ "HEURE")
+ _match="${video_date_hour:-}"
+ ;;
+ _match="${video_date_minute:-}"
+ ;;
+ _match="${video_code:-}"
+ ;;
+ _match="${video_season:-}"
+ ;;
+ _match="${video_episode:-}"
+ ;;
+ "URL")
+ _match="${video_uname:-}"
+ ;;
+ # _match="${video_quality:-}"
+ case "${video_quality}" in
+ "best")
+ _match="HQ"
+ ;;
+ "standard")
+ _match="MQ"
+ ;;
+ "worst")
+ _match="LQ"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ "ID")
+ _match="${video_id:-}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ _match="$(fix_case "${_match}" "${_case}")"
+ # filename_root="$(sed 's/'"${subchain}"'/'"${_match}"'/' <<< "${filename_root}")"
+ filename_root="${filename_root/"${subchain}"/"${_match}"}"
+ done
+ # Deprecated. Delete at next release
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(TITRE)/${video_title1:-}}"
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(SOUSTITRE)/${video_title2:-}}"
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(JOUR)/${video_date_day:-}}"
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(MOIS)/${video_date_month:-}}"
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(ANNEE)/${video_date_year:-}}"
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(HEURE)/${video_date_hour:-}}"
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(MINUTE)/${video_date_minute:-}}"
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(RUBRIQUE)/${video_code:-}}"
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(SAISON)/${video_season:-}}"
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(EPISODE)/${video_episode:-}}"
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(URL)/${video_uname:-}}"
+ # filename_root="${filename_root/\%(QUALITE)/${video_quality:-}}"
+ else
+ filename_root="${forced_filename_root}"
+ fi
+ # Sanitise
+ filename_root="$(sanitise "${filename_root}")"
+ filename_root="$(sed 's/^\(.\{245\}\).*/\1/g' <<< "${filename_root}")"
+ case "${video_container}" in
+ "mkv")
+ video_filename="${directory}/${filename_root}.mkv"
+ ;;
+ "mp4")
+ video_filename="${directory}/${filename_root}.mp4"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ files_to_clean[$((${#files_to_clean[@]}+1))]="${video_filename}"
+ srt_subtitle_filename="${directory}/${filename_root}.srt"
+ files_to_clean[$((${#files_to_clean[@]}+1))]="${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ ass_subtitle_filename="${directory}/${filename_root}.ass"
+ files_to_clean[$((${#files_to_clean[@]}+1))]="${ass_subtitle_filename}"
+ if ${conversion_log}
+ then
+ log_filename="${directory}/${filename_root}.log"
+ files_to_clean[$((${#files_to_clean[@]}+1))]="${log_filename}"
+ else
+ log_filename="/dev/null"
+ fi
+parse_parent_m3u8 ()
+ local tvg="${1}"
+ local video_parent_m3u8="${2}"
+ video_parent_m3u8_content=($(wget -q -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${video_parent_m3u8}" -O - | sed 's/[^[:print:]]//g' | sed 's/^[[:blank:]]\+//g' | sed 's/[[:blank:]]\+//g'))
+ exit_if_empty "${video_parent_m3u8_content}" "Échec à cause d'une erreur inattendue (zone géographique bloquée, perte de connexion…)\n${advice_msg}"
+ counter=-1
+ slist=$(
+ _resolutions=""
+ for line in ${video_parent_m3u8_content[@]}
+ do
+ counter=$((counter+1))
+ case "${line}" in
+ sbw=$(sed 's+.*\(BANDWIDTH\)[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*\([0-9]*\).*+\2+g' <<< "${line}")
+ surl="${video_parent_m3u8_content[$((counter+1))]}"
+ if [[ "${surl:0:1}" == "#" || "${surl}" == '' || "${surl:0:1}" == ' ' ]]
+ then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [[ "${surl:0:4}" != "http" ]]
+ then
+ surl="$(dirname "${video_parent_m3u8}")/${surl}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "$(grep "r=${sbw:--1};" <<< "${_resolutions}")" == "" ]]
+ then
+ echo "AV.|VF|${sbw:--1}|${surl}"
+ if [[ ${sbw:--1} != -1 ]]
+ then
+ _resolutions="${_resolutions}r=${sbw};"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ case "${tvg}" in
+ "ftv")
+ svourl="$(grep -Ei "^.*#EXT-X-MEDIA:.*TYPE=AUDIO.*LANGUAGE=.qaa." <<< "${line}" | sed -n 's+.*URI=\"\([^\"]*.m3u8\)\".*+\1+p')"
+ if [[ ${#svourl} -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ if [[ "${surl:0:4}" != "http" ]]
+ then
+ svourl="$(dirname "${video_parent_m3u8}")/${svourl}"
+ fi
+ echo "A..|VO|-1|${svourl}"
+ fi
+ ssvfurl="$(grep -Ei "^.*#EXT-X-MEDIA:.*TYPE=AUDIO.*NAME=.Audio *Fran.ais..*" <<< "${line}" | sed -n 's+.*URI=\"\([^\"]*.m3u8\)\".*+\1+p')"
+ if [[ ${#ssvfurl} -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ if [[ "${surl:0:4}" != "http" ]]
+ then
+ ssvfurl="$(dirname "${video_parent_m3u8}")/${ssvfurl}"
+ fi
+ echo "A..|SVF|-1|${ssvfurl}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ :
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done | sort -t\| -k1d,1d -k3n,3n
+ )
+ if [[ "$(grep "|SVF|" <<< "${slist[@]}")" != "" ]]
+ then
+ ssvfurl="$(grep "|SVF|" <<< "${slist[@]}" | awk -F '|' '{print $4}')"
+ akey="$(sed 's/.*\(-audio[^=]*=[0-9]\+\).m3u8.*/\1/g' <<< "${ssvfurl}")"
+ _slist=$(
+ for line in ${slist[@]}
+ do
+ if [[ "$(grep -E "^AV..VF.[0-9]" <<< "${line}")" != "" ]]
+ then
+ if [[ "$(grep -E -- "-audio" <<< "${line}")" == "" ]]
+ then
+ sed 's/-video/'"${akey}"'-video/g' <<< "${line}"
+ else
+ echo "${line}"
+ fi
+ elif [[ "$(grep -E "|SVF|" <<< "${line}")" == "" ]]
+ then
+ echo "${line}"
+ fi
+ done
+ )
+ slist="${_slist}"
+ fi
+get_dm_video ()
+ local video_id1="${1}"
+ local video_id2="${2}"
+ if [[ "${video_id2}" == "" ]]
+ then
+ video_id2="${video_id1}"
+ fi
+ video_desc="$(wget -q -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${video_id2}?fields=id,duration,owner.screenname,title,uri,description,created_time" | sed 's+\\/+/+g' | sed 's/\\u\(....\)/\\x{\1}/g' | ascii2uni -q -a C)"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_desc}" "Impossible d'obtenir les informations\n${advice_msg}"
+ check_desc "${video_desc}" "${video_id1}"
+ _video_date=$(sed -n 's+.*\"created_time\":\([0-9]*\).*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")
+ _video_date=($(date -d"@${_video_date}" +"%d %m %Y %H %M"))
+ video_date="$(sed 's/\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)/\3\/\2\/\1 \4:\5/g' <<< "${_video_date[@]}")"
+ video_date_day=${_video_date[0]}
+ video_date_month=${_video_date[1]}
+ video_date_year=${_video_date[2]}
+ video_date_hour=${_video_date[3]}
+ video_date_minute=${_video_date[4]}
+ video_code=""
+ video_title1="$(sed -n 's+.*\"title\":\"\([^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_title2=""
+ video_season=""
+ video_episode=""
+ video_method="http-m3u8"
+ video_parent_m3u8="$(get_dm_video_url "${video_id2}" "http-m3u8")"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_parent_m3u8}" "Impossible d'obtenir la vidéo\n${advice_msg}"
+ parse_parent_m3u8 "${tvg}" "${video_parent_m3u8}"
+ video_subtitles=""
+get_dm_video_url ()
+ local video_id="${1}"
+ local video_method="${2}"
+ local json_content=""
+ local dm_urls=""
+ # get_dm_video_url "x4uvf9z"
+ # get_dm_video_url "x4usn5f"
+ # get_dm_video_url "x1a8ecs"
+ # get_dm_video_url "x31f1qq"
+ # json_content="$(wget -q -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${video_id}?fields=video_id,title,stream_h264_ld_url,stream_h264_url,stream_h264_hq_url,stream_h264_hd_url,stream_h264_hd1080_url,stream_hls_url" | sed 's+\\/+/+g')"
+ # grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*H264-176x144-2[^\"]*" <<< "${json_content}"
+ # grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*H264-320x240[^\"]*" <<< "${json_content}"
+ # grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*H264-512x384[^\"]*" <<< "${json_content}"
+ # grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*H264-848x480[^\"]*" <<< "${json_content}"
+ # grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*H264-1280x720[^\"]*" <<< "${json_content}"
+ # grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*H264-1920x1080[^\"]*" <<< "${json_content}"
+ # grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*H264-2560x1440[^\"]*" <<< "${json_content}"
+ # grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*H264-3840x2160[^\"]*" <<< "${json_content}"
+ json_content="$(wget -q -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${video_id}" | sed 's+\\/+/+g')"
+ dm_urls="$((grep -a -oE "qualities.:.*" | grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*(m3u8|H264-)[^\"]*" | grep -v "&include=[0-9]*") <<< "${json_content}")"
+ if [[ "${video_method}" == "http-m3u8" ]]
+ then
+ (grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*m3u8[^\"]*") <<< "${dm_urls}"
+ elif [[ "${video_method}" == "http-mp4" ]]
+ then
+ (grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*H264-[^\"]*") <<< "${dm_urls}"
+ else
+ echo ""
+ fi
+# Main: misc
+# Main: get infos
+logger debug "Exécutable: ${script_path}"
+logger debug "Version: ${version} (${script_md5})"
+logger info "Obtention des information pour ${url}"
+url_content="$(wget -q -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${url}" | perl -MHTML::Entities -CS -alne 'print(decode_entities($_))')"
+exit_if_empty "${url_content}" "Impossible d'obtenir la page\n${advice_msg}"
+case "${tvg}" in
+ "ftv-legacy")
+ video_uname="$(basename "${url}" .html | sed 's/_\?,\([0-9]*\)[^0-9]*.*/_\1/g')"
+ video_id=$(grep -a -oE "data-diffusion=.[0-9]*." <<< "${url_content}" | head -n 1 | grep -a -oE "[0-9]+")
+ video_idc="Pluzz"
+ if [[ "${video_id}" == "" ]]
+ then
+ video_id=$((grep -a -oE "\?id-video=[^@]*@[^\"]*" | sed 's/.*id-video=//g') <<< "${url_content}")
+ video_idc=${video_id##*@}
+ video_id=${video_id%%@*}
+ fi
+ if [[ "${video_id}" == "" ]]
+ then
+ video_id=$((grep -a -oE "[^@]*@[^\"]*" | sed 's/.*video\///g') <<< "${url_content}")
+ video_idc=${video_id##*@}
+ video_id=${video_id%%@*}
+ fi
+ exit_if_empty "${video_id}" "Impossible d'obtenir l'ID\n${advice_msg}"
+ video_desc="$(wget -q -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${video_id}&catalogue=${video_idc}&callback=webserviceCallback_${video_id}" -O - | sed 's+\\/+/+g' | sed 's/\\u\(....\)/\\x{\1}/g' | ascii2uni -q -a C)"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_desc}" "Impossible d'obtenir les informations\n${advice_msg}"
+ check_desc "${video_desc}" "${video_id}"
+ video_date="$(sed -n 's+.*\"date_debut..\"\(\([0-9]*\)/\([0-9]*\)/\([0-9]*\) *\([0-9]*\):\([0-9]*\)\)\".*+\4/\3/\2 \5:\6+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ _video_date=($(date -d "${video_date}" +"%d %m %Y %H %M"))
+ video_date_day=${_video_date[0]}
+ video_date_month=${_video_date[1]}
+ video_date_year=${_video_date[2]}
+ video_date_hour=${_video_date[3]}
+ video_date_minute=${_video_date[4]}
+ video_code="$(sed -n 's+.*\"code_programme..\"\([^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_title1="$(sed -n 's+.*\"titre..\"\([^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_title2="$(sed -n 's+.*\"sous_titre..\"\([^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_season="$(sed -n 's+.*\"saison..\([[0-9]]*\).*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_episode="$(sed -n 's+.*\"episode..\([[0-9]]*\).*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_method="http-m3u8"
+ video_parent_m3u8="$(sed -n 's+.*url..\"\(http[^\"]*m3u8[^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ if [[ "${video_parent_m3u8}" =~ ^.*"".*$ ]]
+ then
+ logger critical "Cette vidéo n'est pas encore disponible, veuillez réessayer dans un moment"
+ fi
+ exit_if_empty "${video_parent_m3u8}" "Impossible d'obtenir la vidéo\n${advice_msg}"
+ parse_parent_m3u8 "${tvg}" "${video_parent_m3u8}"
+ if [[ "${slist}" =~ ^.*"cartons/carton".*$ ]]
+ then
+ logger critical "${lock_msg}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${video_parent_m3u8}" =~ ^.*"media-secure".*$ ]]
+ then
+ logger warning "Cette vidéo est peut-être verrouillée. Si c'est le cas, il n'y a rien à faire"
+ fi
+ video_subtitles="$(sed -n 's+.*\"url..\"\(http[^\"]*vtt\)\".*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ ;;
+ "ftv")
+ video_uname="$(basename "${url}" .html | sed 's/_\?,\([0-9]*\)[^0-9]*.*/_\1/g')"
+ # video_id=$(grep -a -oE "data-main-video=.[0-9]*." <<< "${url_content}" | head -n 1 | grep -a -oE "[0-9]+")
+ if [[ "$(grep -a -oEi "> *indisponible *<" <<< "${url_content}")" != "" ]]
+ then
+ logger critical "Cette vidéo n'est plus disponible"
+ fi
+ video_id=$(grep -a -oE "videoId[^:]?: *[\"'][0-9a-z\-]*[\"']" <<< "${url_content}" | head -n 1 | sed 's/videoId[^:]\?: *.\(.*\)./\1/g')
+ if [[ ${video_id} =~ ^[0-9]*$ ]]
+ then
+ video_idc="Pluzz"
+ video_idcc="webserviceCallback_${video_id}"
+ else
+ video_idc=""
+ video_idcc=""
+ fi
+ if [[ "${video_id}" == "" ]]
+ then
+ video_id=$((grep -a -oE "\?id-video=[^@]*@[^\"]*" | sed 's/.*id-video=//g') <<< "${url_content}")
+ video_idc=${video_id##*@}
+ video_id=${video_id%%@*}
+ fi
+ if [[ "${video_id}" == "" ]]
+ then
+ video_id=$((grep -a -oE "[^@]*@[^\"]*" | sed 's/.*video\///g') <<< "${url_content}")
+ video_idc=${video_id##*@}
+ video_id=${video_id%%@*}
+ fi
+ if [[ ${video_idc} == "" ]]
+ then
+ video_idc=""
+ video_idcc="webserviceCallback_${video_id}"
+ fi
+ exit_if_empty "${video_id}" "Impossible d'obtenir l'ID\n${advice_msg}"
+ video_desc="$(wget -q -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${video_id}&catalogue=${video_idc}&callback=${video_idcb}" -O - | sed 's+\\/+/+g' | sed 's/\\u\(....\)/\\x{\1}/g' | ascii2uni -q -a C)"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_desc}" "Impossible d'obtenir les informations\n${advice_msg}"
+ # check_desc "${video_desc}" "${video_id}"
+ video_date="$(sed -n 's+.*\"date_debut..\"\(\([0-9]*\)/\([0-9]*\)/\([0-9]*\) *\([0-9]*\):\([0-9]*\)\)\".*+\4/\3/\2 \5:\6+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ _video_date=($(date -d "${video_date}" +"%d %m %Y %H %M"))
+ video_date_day=${_video_date[0]}
+ video_date_month=${_video_date[1]}
+ video_date_year=${_video_date[2]}
+ video_date_hour=${_video_date[3]}
+ video_date_minute=${_video_date[4]}
+ video_code="$(sed -n 's+.*\"code_programme..\"\([^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_title1="$(sed -n 's+.*\"titre..\"\([^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_title2="$(sed -n 's+.*\"sous_titre..\"\([^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_season="$(sed -n 's+.*\"saison..\([[0-9]]*\).*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_episode="$(sed -n 's+.*\"episode..\([[0-9]]*\).*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_method="http-m3u8"
+ video_parent_m3u8="$(sed -n 's+.*url..\"\(http[^\"]*m3u8[^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ if [[ "${video_parent_m3u8}" != "" ]] # Check availability
+ then
+ video_parent_m3u8="$(wget -q -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "$(wget -q -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies -O - "${video_id}?country_code=FR&w=840&h=472&version=5.18.0&" | sed 's+\\++g; s/u0026/\&/g' | grep -oE "https...hdf[^\"]*.m3u8[^\"]*")" -O - | grep -oE "http[^\"]*")"
+ else
+ video_parent_m3u8="" # Not available no need to query
+ fi
+ if [[ "${video_parent_m3u8}" =~ ^.*"".*$ ]]
+ then
+ logger critical "Cette vidéo n'est pas encore disponible, veuillez réessayer dans un moment"
+ fi
+ exit_if_empty "${video_parent_m3u8}" "Impossible d'obtenir la vidéo\n${advice_msg}"
+ parse_parent_m3u8 "${tvg}" "${video_parent_m3u8}"
+ if [[ "${slist}" =~ ^.*"cartons/carton".*$ ]]
+ then
+ logger critical "${lock_msg}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${video_parent_m3u8}" =~ ^.*"media-secure".*$ ]]
+ then
+ logger warning "Cette vidéo est peut-être verrouillée. Si c'est le cas, il n'y a rien à faire"
+ fi
+ video_subtitles="$(sed -n 's+.*\"url..\"\(http[^\"]*vtt\)\".*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ ;;
+ "arte")
+ video_uname="$(basename "${url}" .html | sed 's/_\?,\([0-9]*\)[^0-9]*.*/_\1/g')"
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+ fi
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+ case "${url}" in
+ **)
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+ ;;
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+ esac
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+ ;;
+ "lcp")
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+ ;;
+ "ps")
+ case "${url}" in
+ http*://*)
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+ video_subtitles=""
+ ;;
+ http*://*)
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+ "c+")
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+ "m6")
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+ "nrj")
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+ "gulli")
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+ video_date_minute=${_video_date[4]}
+ video_code=""
+ video_title1="$((grep -a -B10 "mediaid: *.${video_id}" | grep -a "playlist_titleHTML:" | head -n1 | sed -n 's+.*playlist_titleHTML: *\"\([^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' | sed -n 's/<p> *\([^<]*\) *<.p> *\(.*\) *<span> *\([^<]*\) *<.span>.*/\1/p') <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_title2="$((grep -a -B10 "mediaid: *.${video_id}" | grep -a "playlist_titleHTML:" | head -n1 | sed -n 's+.*playlist_titleHTML: *\"\([^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' | sed -n 's/<p> *\([^<]*\) *<.p> *\(.*\) *<span> *\([^<]*\) *<.span>.*/\3/p') <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_season="$((grep -a -B10 "mediaid: *.${video_id}" | grep -a "playlist_titleHTML:" | head -n1 | sed -n 's+.*playlist_titleHTML: *\"\([^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' | sed -n 's/<p> *\([^<]*\) *<.p> *\(.*\) *<span> *\([^<]*\) *<.span>.*/\2/p' | sed -n 's+.*[Ss]aison *\([0-9]*\).*+\1+p') <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_episode="$((grep -a -B10 "mediaid: *.${video_id}" | grep -a "playlist_titleHTML:" | head -n1 | sed -n 's+.*playlist_titleHTML: *\"\([^\"]*\)\".*+\1+p' | sed -n 's/<p> *\([^<]*\) *<.p> *\(.*\) *<span> *\([^<]*\) *<.span>.*/\2/p' | sed -n 's+.*[EeÉé]pisode *\([0-9]*\).*+\1+p') <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_method="http-m3u8"
+ video_parent_m3u8="$((grep -a -B10 "mediaid: *.${video_id}" | grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*${video_id/VOD/}[^\"]*.m3u8[^\"]*" | head -n1) <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_parent_m3u8}" "Impossible d'obtenir la vidéo\n${advice_msg}"
+ parse_parent_m3u8 "${tvg}" "${video_parent_m3u8}"
+ video_subtitles=""
+ ;;
+ "e21")
+ video_uname="$((sed 's+.*/\(.*\)/\(.\{7\}\)$+\1+g') <<< "${url}")"
+ video_id="$((sed 's+.*/\(.*\)/\(.\{7\}\)$+\2+g') <<< "${url}")"
+ embed_dm_url=$((grep -a -oE "<iframe.*src=.*dailymotion.*" | head -n 1 | grep -a -oE "www.dailymotion[^\"]*" | sed 's+^.*www+http://www+g') <<< "${url_content}")
+ video_dm_id=$(sed -n 's+.*video/\([^/_?]*\)\(_.*\)\?\(?.*\)\?+\1+p' <<< "${embed_dm_url}")
+ exit_if_empty "${video_id}" "Impossible d'obtenir l'ID\n${advice_msg}"
+ get_dm_video "${video_id}" "${video_dm_id}"
+ ;;
+ "n23")
+ video_uname="$(basename "${url%%/?video_id*}" .html)"
+ video_id=$(grep -a -oE "<div * *data-video-id=.*" <<< "${url_content}" | sed -n 's/.*data-video-id=.\([^\"]\+\).*/\1/p')
+ exit_if_empty "${video_id}" "Impossible d'obtenir l'ID\n${advice_msg}"
+ get_dm_video "${video_id}" "${video_dm_id}"
+ ;;
+ "tv5")
+ video_uname="$(basename "${url}" .html)"
+ video_id=$(grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*m3u8[^\"]*" <<< "${url_content}" | sed -n 's/.*\/\([0-9]\+\)_,.*/\1/p')
+ _video_method="http-m3u8"
+ if [[ "${video_id}" == "" ]]
+ then
+ video_id=$(grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*mp4[^\"]*" <<< "${url_content}" | sed -n 's/.*\/\([0-9]\+\).mp4.*/\1/p')
+ _video_method="http-mp4"
+ fi
+ exit_if_empty "${video_id}" "Impossible d'obtenir l'ID\n${advice_msg}"
+ video_desc="${url_content}"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_desc}" "Impossible d'obtenir les informations\n${advice_msg}"
+ check_desc "${video_desc}" "${video_id}"
+ _video_date=($(grep -a -E "meta_uploadDate" <<< "${video_desc}" | head -n 1 | sed -n 's+.*content=\"\(\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)T\([0-9]*\):\([0-9]*\).*\)\".*+\4 \3 \2 \5 \6+p'))
+ video_date="$(sed 's/\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)/\3\/\2\/\1 \4:\5/g' <<< "${_video_date[@]}")"
+ video_date_day=${_video_date[0]}
+ video_date_month=${_video_date[1]}
+ video_date_year=${_video_date[2]}
+ video_date_hour=${_video_date[3]}
+ video_date_minute=${_video_date[4]}
+ video_code="$(grep -a -E "<div class=.label label--type.>" <<< "${video_desc}" | sed -n 's+.*>\([^\"^<]*\)<.a><.div>.*+\1+p')"
+ video_title1="$(grep -a -E "<h3" <<< "${video_desc}" | sed -n 's+.*>\([^\"^<]*\)<.h3>.*+\1+p')"
+ video_title2="$(grep -a -E "<p" <<< "${video_desc}" | sed -n 's+.*>\([^\"^<]*\)<.p>.*+\1+p')"
+ video_season=""
+ video_episode=""
+ if [[ "${_video_method}" == "http-m3u8" ]]
+ then
+ video_method="http-m3u8"
+ video_parent_m3u8="$(grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*m3u8[^\"]*" <<< "${url_content}" | sed 's/\\\//\//g')"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_parent_m3u8}" "Impossible d'obtenir la vidéo\n${advice_msg}"
+ parse_parent_m3u8 "${tvg}" "${video_parent_m3u8}"
+ elif [[ "${_video_method}" == "http-mp4" ]]
+ then
+ video_method="http-mp4"
+ video_final_url="$(grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*mp4[^\"]*" <<< "${url_content}" | sed 's/\\\//\//g')"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_final_url}" "Impossible d'obtenir la vidéo\n${advice_msg}"
+ slist="AV.|VF|-1|${video_final_url}"
+ fi
+ video_subtitles=""
+ ;;
+ "tv5-afrique")
+ video_uname="$(basename "${url}" .html)"
+ video_id=$(grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*embed[^\"]*" <<< "${url_content}" | sed -n 's/.*_\([0-9]\+\)/\1/p')
+ exit_if_empty "${video_id}" "Impossible d'obtenir l'ID\n${advice_msg}"
+ video_desc="${url_content}"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_desc}" "Impossible d'obtenir les informations\n${advice_msg}"
+ check_desc "${video_desc}" "${video_id}"
+ _video_date=($(grep -a -E "meta_uploadDate" <<< "${video_desc}" | head -n 1 | sed -n 's+.*content=\"\(\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)T\([0-9]*\):\([0-9]*\).*\)\".*+\4 \3 \2 \5 \6+p'))
+ _video_date=("01" "01" "1970" "00" "00")
+ video_date="$(sed 's/\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)/\3\/\2\/\1 \4:\5/g' <<< "${_video_date[@]}")"
+ video_date_day=${_video_date[0]}
+ video_date_month=${_video_date[1]}
+ video_date_year=${_video_date[2]}
+ video_date_hour=${_video_date[3]}
+ video_date_minute=${_video_date[4]}
+ video_code="$(grep -a -E "title inTopHeader" <<< "${video_desc}" | sed -n 's/.*class=.parent..\([^<]*\)>.*/\1/p')"
+ video_title1="$(grep -a -E "title inTopHeader" <<< "${video_desc}" | sed -n 's/.*class=.current..\([^<]*\)<.*/\1/p')"
+ video_title2="$(grep -a -E "title JQCTE" <<< "${video_desc}" | sed -n 's/.*>\([^<]*\)<.*/\1/p')"
+ video_season=""
+ video_episode=""
+ video_method="http-m3u8"
+ _video_parent_m3u8="$(grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*embed[^\"]*" <<< "${url_content}")"
+ exit_if_empty "${_video_parent_m3u8}" "Impossible d'obtenir la vidéo\n${advice_msg}"
+ video_parent_m3u8="$(wget -q -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${_video_parent_m3u8}" | grep -a -oE "http[^\"]*m3u8[^\"]*" | sed 's/\\\//\//g')"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_parent_m3u8}" "Impossible d'obtenir la vidéo\n${advice_msg}"
+ parse_parent_m3u8 "${tvg}" "${video_parent_m3u8}"
+ video_subtitles=""
+ ;;
+ "dm")
+ video_uname="$(basename "${url}" .html)"
+ video_id=$(grep -a -E "DM_CurrentVideoXID" <<< "${url_content}" | sed -n "s/.*=.\([^']*\).*/\1/p")
+ exit_if_empty "${video_id}" "Impossible d'obtenir l'ID\n${advice_msg}"
+ get_dm_video "${video_id}" "${video_dm_id}"
+ ;;
+ "rtbf")
+ video_uname="$(basename "${url%%?id=*}" .html)"
+ video_id=$(grep -a -oE "data-id=.[0-9]+." <<< "${url_content}" | head -n 1 | sed -n 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/p')
+ exit_if_empty "${video_id}" "Impossible d'obtenir l'ID\n${advice_msg}"
+ video_desc="$(tr '\n' ' ' <<< "${url_content}")"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_desc}" "Impossible d'obtenir les informations\n${advice_msg}"
+ check_desc "${video_desc}" "${video_id}"
+ video_alt_desc="$(wget -q -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${video_id}" | sed 's+\\/+/+g' | sed 's/&quot;/"/g')"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_alt_desc}" "Impossible d'obtenir les informations\n${advice_msg}"
+ check_desc "${video_alt_desc}" "${video_id}"
+ _video_date=($((grep -a -oE "<time class=.www-time www-time--inline. datetime=\"[^\"]*\"" | head -n 1 | sed 's/.*datetime=.\(.*\)./\1/g' | sed -n 's+\(\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)T\([0-9]*\):\([0-9]*\).*\)+\4 \3 \2 \5 \6+p') <<< "${video_desc}"))
+ video_date="$(sed 's/\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)/\3\/\2\/\1 \4:\5/g' <<< "${_video_date[@]}")"
+ video_date_day=${_video_date[0]}
+ video_date_month=${_video_date[1]}
+ video_date_year=${_video_date[2]}
+ video_date_hour=${_video_date[3]}
+ video_date_minute=${_video_date[4]}
+ video_code=""
+ video_title1="$(sed -n 's+.*h1 class=\"rtbf-media-item__title..[[:blank:]]*\([^<]*[^[:blank:]]\)[[:blank:]]*<.*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_title2="$(sed -n 's+.*h2 class=\"rtbf-media-item__subtitle..[[:blank:]]*\([^<]*[^[:blank:]]\)[[:blank:]]*<.*+\1+p' <<< "${video_desc}")"
+ video_season=""
+ video_episode=""
+ _video_season="$((grep -a -oE "[^[:alnum:]]?S[0-9]+" | sed -n 's/[^[:digit:]]*\([0-9]\+\)/\1/p') <<< "${video_title1}")"
+ if [[ "${_video_season}" != "" ]]
+ then
+ video_season=${_video_season}
+ fi
+ _video_episode="$((grep -a -oiE ".pisode[[:space:]]+[0-9]+" | sed -n 's/[^[:digit:]]*\([0-9]\+\)/\1/p') <<< "${video_title2}")"
+ if [[ "${_video_episode}" != "" ]]
+ then
+ video_episode=${_video_episode}
+ fi
+ if [[ ${#video_episode} -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ _video_episode="$((grep -a -oE "[0-9]+ .*" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]\+\) [^[:digit:]]*/\1/p') <<< "${video_title2}")"
+ if [[ "${_video_episode}" != "" ]]
+ then
+ video_episode=${_video_episode}
+ fi
+ fi
+ video_method="http-m3u8"
+ video_parent_m3u8="$(grep -a -oE "http[^\"']*.m3u8[^\"']*" <<< "${video_alt_desc}")"
+ exit_if_empty "${video_parent_m3u8}" "Impossible d'obtenir la vidéo\n${advice_msg}"
+ parse_parent_m3u8 "${tvg}" "${video_parent_m3u8}"
+ video_subtitles=""
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Erreur inconnue"
+ ;;
+exit_if_empty "${slist}" "Impossible d'obtenir la vidéo\n${advice_msg}"
+if [[ ${#video_date} -eq 0 ]]
+ video_date=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
+if [[ "${video_title1}" == "${video_title2}" ]]
+ video_title2=""
+# if [[ "${video_title2}" == "" ]]
+# then
+# video_title2="${video_title1}"
+# fi
+# if [[ "${video_code}" == "" ]]
+# then
+# video_code="${video_uname}"
+# fi
+case "${number_format}" in
+ %[0-9]*d)
+ video_season=$(awk '{printf "'"${number_format}"'", $1}' <<< "${video_season:-0}")
+ video_episode=$(awk '{printf "'"${number_format}"'", $1}' <<< "${video_episode:-0}")
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Format de nombre refusé"
+ ;;
+logger info "URL: ${url}"
+logger info "Titre par défaut: ${video_uname}"
+logger info "Titre (1) : ${video_title1}"
+logger info "Titre (2, si pertinent) : ${video_title2:-null}"
+logger info "Date de diffusion : ${video_date}"
+logger info "Saison (si pertinent) : ${video_season:-null}"
+logger info "Épisode (si pertinent) : ${video_episode:-null}"
+logger info "Code : ${video_code:-null}"
+nqualities=$(wc -l <<< "${slist}")
+if [[ ${nqualities} == 1 ]]
+ logger warning "Une seule qualité est disponible pour cette vidéo. '-q worst', '-q standard' et '-q best' auront le même effet"
+ if [[ "${video_quality}" != "best" ]]
+ then
+ video_quality="best"
+ fi
+elif [[ ${nqualities} == 2 ]]
+ logger warning "Deux qualités sont disponible pour cette vidéo. '-q worst' et '-q standard' auront le même effet"
+ if [[ "${video_quality}" == "worst" ]]
+ then
+ video_quality="standard"
+ fi
+build_filenames "${naming_convention}"
+if ${want_vo}
+ video_vo="$(grep -E "^A..\|VO" <<< "${slist}" | head -n 1 | awk -F '|' '{print $NF}')"
+ if [[ ${#video_vo} -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ want_vo=false
+ logger warning "Vous avez requis la langue originale (si autre que française) mais elle n'est pas disponible pour cette vidéo"
+ fi
+if ${want_subtitles}
+ if [[ ${#video_subtitles} -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ want_subtitles=false
+ logger warning "Vous avez requis les sous-titres mais ils ne sont pas disponibles pour cette vidéo"
+ else
+ case "${tvg}" in
+ "ftv")
+ wget -q -U "${user_agent}" "${video_subtitles}" -O "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ vtt2srt "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ case "${subtitle_lang}" in
+ "vf-ad")
+ :
+ ;;
+ "vf")
+ sed -i 's/^<font color=.magenta..*//g' "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ sed -i 's/^<font*//g' "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ sed -i '/^[0-9]*:[0-9]*.*/ {N; s/^[0-9]*:[0-9]*.*\n$//g}' "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ if ! ${colored_subtitles}
+ then
+ sed -i 's+^[^[:print:][:blank:]]*<font color=\([^>]*\)>\(.*\)</font>[^[:print:][:blank:]]*$+\2+g' "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ srt2ass "${srt_subtitle_filename}" "${ass_subtitle_filename}"
+ logger warning "Vous avez requis les sous-titres. Si vous constatez un décalage entre les sous-titres et l'audio, il n'y a malheureusement rien à faire… À part corriger le fichier srt à la main!"
+ ;;
+ "c+")
+ :
+ ;;
+ "nrj"|"cherie")
+ :
+ ;;
+ "gulli")
+ :
+ ;;
+ "tv5")
+ :
+ ;;
+ "tv5-afrique")
+ :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Erreur inconnue"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [[ "${video_container}" == "mp4" ]]
+ then
+ logger warning "Avec ce conteneur (mp4), les sous-titres seront dans un fichier séparé (srt ou ass). Préférez le conteneur mkv pour avoir un seul fichier"
+ fi
+ fi
+case "${video_quality}" in
+ "worst")
+ video_final_url="$(grep -E "^AV.\|VF" <<< "${slist}" | head -n 1 | awk -F '|' '{print $NF}')"
+ ;;
+ "standard")
+ video_final_url="$(grep -E "^AV.\|VF" <<< "${slist}" | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | awk -F '|' '{print $NF}')"
+ ;;
+ "best")
+ video_final_url="$(grep -E "^AV.\|VF" <<< "${slist}" | tail -n 1 | awk -F '|' '{print $NF}')"
+ ;;
+# Main: conversion options
+case "${video_codec}" in
+ "copy")
+ vcodec_opts=("-vcodec" "copy")
+ ;;
+ "libx264")
+ vcodec_opts=("-vcodec" "libx264")
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Codec video non pris en charge"
+ ;;
+case "${audio_codec}" in
+ "copy")
+ acodec_opts=("-acodec" "copy")
+ ;;
+ "aac")
+ acodec_opts=("-strict" "experimental" "-acodec" "aac" "-ar" "44100" "-ac" "2" "-ab" "192k")
+ ;;
+ "mp3")
+ acodec_opts=("-acodec" "mp3" "-ar" "44100" "-ac" "2" "-ab" "192k")
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Codec audio non pris en charge"
+ ;;
+if ${want_vo}
+ case "${tvg}" in
+ "ftv")
+ istreams=$((istreams+1))
+ ostreams=$((ostreams+1))
+ vo_stream=("-i" "${video_vo}")
+ vo_map=("-map" "${istreams}")
+ vo_opts=("-metadata:s:${ostreams}" "language=und")
+ ;;
+ "c+"|"nrj"|"cherie")
+ :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Erreur inconnue"
+ ;;
+ esac
+if ${want_subtitles} && ${mux_subtitles} && [[ "${video_container}" == "mkv" ]]
+ case "${tvg}" in
+ "ftv")
+ istreams=$((istreams+1))
+ ostreams=$((ostreams+1))
+ subtitles_stream=("-i" "${ass_subtitle_filename}")
+ subtitle_map=("-map" "${istreams}")
+ subtitles_opts=("-scodec" "ass" "-metadata:s:${ostreams}" "language=fra")
+ ;;
+ "c+"|"nrj"|"cherie"|"gulli"|"tv5"|"tv5-afrique")
+ :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Erreur inconnue"
+ ;;
+ esac
+case "${video_method}" in
+ "http-m3u8")
+ special_opts=("-f" "mpegts" "-copyts" "-dump")
+ # flist="$(wget -q -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${video_final_url}" | grep "^[^#].*.ts*" | sed 's/[^[[:print:]]//g' | normalise_url "${video_final_url}")"
+ plist="$(wget -q -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${video_final_url}" | sed 's/[^[[:print:]]//g')"
+ flist="$((grep "^[^#].*.ts*" | normalise_url "${video_final_url}") <<< "${plist}")"
+ exit_if_empty "${flist}" "Échec à cause d'une erreur inattendue (zone géographique bloquée, perte de connexion…)\n${advice_msg}"
+ craes=false
+ if [[ "$(grep -E "^#EXT-X-KEY: *METHOD=" <<< "${plist}")" != "" ]]
+ then
+ craes=true
+ crurl="$((grep -E "^#EXT-X-KEY: *METHOD=" | sed 's/.*URI=.\(http[^\"]*\).*/\1/g' | normalise_url "${video_final_url}") <<< "${plist}")"
+ exit_if_empty "${crurl}" "Échec à cause d'une erreur inattendue (zone géographique bloquée, perte de connexion…)\n${advice_msg}"
+ crk="$(wget -q -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${crurl}" | hexdump -e '16/1 "%02X"')"
+ exit_if_empty "${crurl}" "Échec à cause d'une erreur inattendue (zone géographique bloquée, perte de connexion…)\n${advice_msg}"
+ cri="00000000000000000000000000000001"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "http-mp4")
+ flist="${video_final_url}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ logger critical "Erreur inconnue"
+ ;;
+logger info "Téléchargement…"
+logger info "Destination (sauf si modifiée par le GUI): ${video_filename}"
+counter_end=$(wc -l <<< "${flist}")
+progression=$(awk '{printf "%6.2f", $1 / $2 * 100}' <<< "${counter} ${counter_end}")
+logger info "Progression: ${progression}%"
+# while read furl
+for furl in ${flist}
+ wget_success=false
+ counter=$((counter+1))
+ progression=$(awk '{printf "%6.2f", $1 / $2 * 100}' <<< "${counter} ${counter_end}")
+ case "${video_method}" in
+ "http-m3u8")
+ if ! ${craes}
+ then
+ wget -q -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${furl}" && wget_success=true
+ else
+ wget -q -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${furl}" | openssl aes-128-cbc -d -K "${crk}" -iv "${cri}" -nosalt 2> /dev/null && wget_success=true
+ fi
+ read -n1 -rs -t 0.1 pause_actions
+ if [[ "${pause_actions}" == 'p' ]]
+ then
+ pause_warning=false
+ while true
+ do
+ echo -en "\r\e[K" 1>&2
+ if ! ${pause_warning}
+ then
+ logger warning "Opérations en pause. Appuyez sur la touche p pour reprendre (fonction expérimentale disponible pour certaines chaînes seulement)"
+ pause_warning=true
+ fi
+ read -n1 -rs -t 0.1 pause_actions
+ if [[ "${pause_actions}" == 'p' ]]
+ then
+ echo -en "\r\e[K" 1>&2
+ echo -en "\e[1A\e[K" 1>&2
+ _n=$(echo "131 / $(tput cols)" | bc)
+ for k in $(seq 1 ${_n})
+ do
+ echo -en "\e[1A\e[K"
+ done 1>&2
+ break
+ fi
+ sleep 1s
+ done
+ pause_actions=''
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "http-mp4")
+ wget --progress=dot:default -O - -U "${user_agent}" --save-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --load-cookies "${cookies_filename}" --keep-session-cookies "${furl}" 2> >(progressfilt) && wget_success=true
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if ! ${wget_success}
+ then
+ if [[ ${counter} -eq ${counter_end} ]]
+ then
+ logger warning "Potentielle erreur à la toute fin du téléchargement. Vérifier le fichier manuellement\n"
+ wget_success=true
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! ${wget_success}
+ then
+ logger critical "Échec à cause d'une erreur inattendue (zone géographique bloquée, perte de connexion…)\n${advice_msg}"
+ else
+ echo -ne "\e[F" >&2
+ logger info "Progression: ${progression}%"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${progression}" == "100.00" ]]
+ then
+ logger info "Patientez quelques instants…"
+ fi
+# done <<< "${flist}" | ${avconv_exec} -y "${special_opts[@]}" -i - "${vo_stream[@]}" "${subtitles_stream[@]}" -map 0 -map -0:d "${vo_map[@]}" "${subtitle_map[@]}" "${vcodec_opts[@]}" "${acodec_opts[@]}" -metadata:s:1 language=fra "${vo_opts[@]}" "${subtitles_opts[@]}" "${video_filename}" 2> "${log_filename}" && avconv_success=true
+done | ${avconv_exec} -y "${special_opts[@]}" -i - "${vo_stream[@]}" "${subtitles_stream[@]}" -map 0 -map -0:d "${vo_map[@]}" "${subtitle_map[@]}" "${vcodec_opts[@]}" "${acodec_opts[@]}" -metadata:s:1 language=fra "${vo_opts[@]}" "${subtitles_opts[@]}" "${video_filename}" 2> "${log_filename}" && avconv_success=true
+rm "${cookies_filename}"
+if ! ${keep_srt} && [[ -e "${srt_subtitle_filename}" ]]
+ rm "${srt_subtitle_filename}"
+if ! ${keep_ass} && [[ -e "${ass_subtitle_filename}" ]]
+ rm "${ass_subtitle_filename}"
+if ${avconv_success}
+ logger info "Succès !"
+ exit 0
+ # logger warning "Une ou des erreurs ont eu lieu mais étaient non bloquantes. Vérifier le fichier"
+ # exit 2
+ logger critical "Échec !"
+ exit 1