path: root/oracle-xe.install
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'oracle-xe.install')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 527 deletions
diff --git a/oracle-xe.install b/oracle-xe.install
index 3cb6f3e37bb8..60bbf043043e 100644
--- a/oracle-xe.install
+++ b/oracle-xe.install
@@ -1,539 +1,70 @@
- #Create the corresponding log for the RPM installation
- RPM_LOG_LOCATION=/var/log/oracle-database-xe-18c/results
- mkdir -p $RPM_LOG_LOCATION
- #Start the logging og the installation
- echo '[INFO] Starting the installation process of the Oracle Database...' >> $RPM_LOG_FILE
- echo $(date +%x-%r) >> $RPM_LOG_FILE
- # Do not execute %pre section during upgrade
- RPM_ORCL_USR='oracle'
- RPM_ORCL_USR_ID='54321'
- #Declare the arrays required to validate and create if necessary the required user groups
- declare -a USER_GROUP_NAMES=('oinstall' 'dba' 'oper' 'backupdba' 'dgdba' 'kmdba' 'racdba')
- declare -a USER_GROUP_IDS=('54321' '54322' '54323' '54324' '54325' '54326' '54330')
- #User group data organized for Oracle home owner creation
- SECONDARY_USER_GROUPS_NAMES='dba,oper,backupdba,dgdba,kmdba,racdba'
- # Identify platform on which this script is running, it might happen that it is running
- # on a platform where rpm logic doesn't work as the rpm might have been converted to other
- # installation media.
- if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
- elif [ -f /etc/ubuntu_version ]; then
- elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
- elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then
- DISTRO_NAME=$(lsb_release -si)
- DISTRO="$(tr [a-z] [A-Z] <<< $DISTRO_NAME)"
- else
- DISTRO=$(uname -s)
- fi
- # User must be root
- if [ $(id -u) != "0" ]; then
- echo "[SEVERE] You must be the root user to install the software" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- # ORACLE_BASE must be unset
- if `env | grep -q ORACLE_BASE`; then
- fi
- #check if the required user groups exists, if not then they are created.
- #Declare an array to store the detected remote groups during the pre check installation
- declare -a REMOTE_GROUP_LIST=();
- do
- getent group "${TARGET_USER_GROUP}" >> /dev/null
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
- #In case that the group is there, but not a primary one, then we lastly check locally
- grep "^${TARGET_USER_GROUP}:" -q /etc/group
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
- #group doesn't exist create it
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "[SEVERE] Unable to create group $TARGET_USER_GROUP"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- else
- fi
- done
- #check if rpm_oracle user exist, if not, create it
- id "${RPM_ORCL_USR}" > /dev/null 2>&1;
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
- #user doesn't exist, create it
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "[SEVERE] Unable to create user $RPM_ORCL_USR"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- #If the user does exist then we check for the added groups
- do
- getent group "${TARGET_GROUP_NAME}" | grep -w "${RPM_ORCL_USR}" > /dev/null
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
- #If the user name is not currently part of the determined group,then we add it
- /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G "${TARGET_GROUP_NAME}" "${RPM_ORCL_USR}"
- #Check for operation status
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "[WARNING] Unable to add ${RPM_ORCL_USR} to $TARGET_GROUP_NAME group. Verify and add it manually. Not doing so may cause some features to not work properly due incorrect user privileges on the system."
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- #Verify that all the detected remote user groups were indeed added to the target user. Otherwise we flag the warning
- do
- groups "${RPM_ORCL_USR}" | grep -q "\b${DETECTED_USER_GROUP}\b"
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
- #The target user is not currently part not was added to a given remote group, therefore we need to flag it to the user
- #It can proceed with no issues.
- echo "[WARNING] The ${RPM_ORCL_USR} user couldn't be added to the ${DETECTED_USER_GROUP} group because such group is defined in a remote directory. It is recommended to complete this operation manually, not doing so may cause some features to not work properly due incorrect user privileges on the system."
- fi
- done
- if [ -f '/etc/oraInst.loc' ]; then
- INVENTORY_GROUP_NAME=`cat /etc/oraInst.loc | grep -o ^inst_group=.* | sed -e 's/^inst_group=//'`
- echo "[INFO] Existing Oracle inventory detected. Currently owned by ${INVENTORY_GROUP_NAME}" >> $RPM_LOG_FILE
- #if the user name is not currently part of the determined group,then we add it
- /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G "${INVENTORY_GROUP_NAME}" "${RPM_ORCL_USR}"
- #Check if indeed the user group was added to the oracle user
- groups "${RPM_ORCL_USR}" | grep -q "\b${INVENTORY_GROUP_NAME}\b"
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
- #The user group could not be added using the local command, therefore, we need to confirm that indeed is a remote (LDAP) group
- getent group "${INVENTORY_GROUP_NAME}" >> /dev/null
- if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
- echo "[WARNING] The ${RPM_ORCL_USR} user couldn't be added to the ${INVENTORY_GROUP_NAME} group because such group is defined in a remote directory. Verify and try again to register manually the Oracle home into the existing inventory."
- else
- echo "[WARNING] There was an issue when attempting to register the Oracle home into the existing inventory"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Check and disallow installation of 12.2, if oracle home directory
- # exists and is not empty
- if [ -d /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE ]; then
- if [ X"`ls -A /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE`" != "X" ]; then
- echo "[SEVERE] The install cannot proceed because the directory \"/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE\"
- is not empty. Remove its contents and retry the installation."
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- # Check and disallow if ORACLE_BASE directory /opt/oracle exists and not owned by oracle:oinstall
- if [ -d /opt/oracle ]; then
- if [ "`ls -ld /opt/oracle | grep ^d | awk '{ print $3}'`" != "${RPM_ORCL_USR}" ]; then
- echo
- echo "[SEVERE] The install cannot proceed because ORACLE_BASE directory (/opt/oracle)
-is not owned by \"${RPM_ORCL_USR}\" user. You must change the ownership of ORACLE_BASE
- directory to \"$RPM_ORCL_USR\" user and retry the installation."
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- if [ -d /opt/oracle ]; then
- if [ "`ls -ld /opt/oracle | grep ^d | awk '{ print $4}'`" != "${PRIMARY_USER_GROUP_NAME}" ]; then
- echo
- echo "[SEVERE] The install cannot proceed because ORACLE_BASE directory (/opt/oracle)
-is not owned by \"${PRIMARY_USER_GROUP_NAME}\" group. You must change the ownership of
- ORACLE_BASE directory to \"${PRIMARY_USER_GROUP_NAME}\" group and retry the installation."
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- # Check and change directory permissions to 755 if it is less at all the levels of the Oracle home path.
- if [ -d /opt/oracle ]; then
- if test `stat -c "%a" /opt` -lt 755; then
- chmod 755 /opt
- fi
- fi
- if [ -d /opt/oracle ]; then
- if test `stat -c "%a" /opt/oracle` -lt 755; then
- chmod 755 /opt/oracle
- fi
- fi
- if [ -d /opt/oracle/product ]; then
- if test `stat -c "%a" /opt/oracle/product` -lt 755; then
- chmod 755 /opt/oracle/product
- fi
- fi
- if [ -d /opt/oracle/product/18c ]; then
- if test `stat -c "%a" /opt/oracle/product/18c` -lt 755; then
- chmod 755 /opt/oracle/product/18c
- fi
- fi
- if [ -d /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE ]; then
- if test `stat -c "%a" /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE` -lt 755; then
- chmod 755 /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE
- fi
- fi
- # Check and disallow for the required diskspace is not present on the system
- if [ -d /opt/oracle ]
- then
- diskspace=`df -Pk /opt/oracle | grep % | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f4 | tail -1`
- diskspace=`expr $diskspace / 1024`
- if [ $diskspace -lt 7680 ]
- then
- echo "[SEVERE] You have insufficient diskspace in the destination directory (/opt/oracle)
-to install Oracle Database 18c Express Edition. The installation requires at
- least 7680 MB free on this disk."
- exit 1
- fi
-elif [ -d /opt ]
- then
- diskspace=`df -k /opt | grep % | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f4 | tail -1`
- diskspace=`expr $diskspace / 1024`
- if [ $diskspace -lt 7680 ]
- then
- echo "[SEVERE] You have insufficient diskspace in the destination directory (/opt) to
-install Oracle Database 18c Express Edition. The installation requires at
- least 7680 MB free on this disk."
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- diskspace=`df -Pk / | grep % | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f4 | tail -1`
- diskspace=`expr $diskspace / 1024`
- if [ $diskspace -lt 7680 ]
- then
- echo "[SEVERE] You have insufficient diskspace to install Oracle Database 18c Express Edition.
- The installation requires at least 7680 MB free diskspace."
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- # Check and disallow install, if RAM is less than 1 GB
- space=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep '^MemTotal' | awk '{print $2}'`
- PhyMem=`expr $space / 1024`
- swapspace=`free -m | grep Swap | awk '{print $4}'`
- if [ $PhyMem -lt 1024 ]
- then
- echo "[SEVERE] Oracle Database 18c Express Edition requires a minimum of 1GB of physical
-memory (RAM). This system has $PhyMem MB of RAM and does not meet minimum
- requirements."
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
+pre_install() {
+ # Oracle Group Names and GIDs
+ ORACLE_GIDS=('54321' '54322' '54323' '54324' '54325' '54326' '54330')
+ ORACLE_GROUP_NAMES=('oinstall' 'dba' 'oper' 'backupdba' 'dgdba' 'kmdba' 'racdba')
+ # Check if All the Users and Groups exist
+ if getent passwd oracle || getent passwd 54321;then
+ echo "The user oracle with uid 54321 exists!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ for ((i = 0; i < ${#ORACLE_GIDS[@]}; ++i));do
+ if getent group ${ORACLE_GROUP_NAMES[i]} || getent group ${ORACLE_GIDS[i]};then
+ echo "The group ${ORACLE_GROUP_NAMES[i]} with gid ${ORACLE_GIDS[i]} exists!" >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ done
+ # Create All Required Users and Groups
+ for ((i = 0; i < ${#ORACLE_GIDS[@]}; ++i));do
+ groupadd --system --gid ${ORACLE_GIDS[i]} ${ORACLE_GROUP_NAMES[i]}
+ done
+ useradd --system --uid 54321 --gid 54321 --home-dir /var/lib/oracle \
+ --groups $(echo ${ORACLE_GROUP_NAMES[@]:1:${#ORACLE_GROUP_NAMES[@]}} | sed 's/ /,/g') oracle
- # Finally, we check for the docker-based installs that we disable the hard memlock parameter for the oracle user
- # to assure that the post installation and database lifecycle in the environment.
- if `env | grep -q ORACLE_DOCKER_INSTALL`
- then
- echo "[INFO] Container installation detected, adjusting corresponding parameters..." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE
- target_security_file=/etc/security/limits.d/oracle-database-preinstall-18c.conf
+post_install() {
+ # Fix Permissions
+ chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/oracle /etc/oratab /var/lib/oracle
- if [ -f $target_security_file ]
- then
- # Proceed to update the corresponding parameter
- target_txt=`cat $target_security_file | grep -e 'oracle *hard *memlock*'`
- `sed -i "/^$target_txt/ c#$target_txt" $target_security_file`
- echo "[INFO] Container related settings updated" >> $RPM_LOG_FILE
- else
- echo "[WARNING] Container parameters not found, skipping parameters modification"
- fi
- fi
+ # Create Default Database Listener
+ su -s /bin/bash oracle -c '/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/bin/netca -silent \
+ -orahome /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE -instype typical -inscomp client,oraclenet,javavm,server,ano \
+ -responseFile /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/network/install/netca_typ.rsp -insprtcl tcp -cfg local \
+ -authadp NO_VALUE -orahnam OraHomeXE -listenerparameters DEFAULT_SERVICE=XE'
- # At the end we need to check that the RPM_ORCL_USR has the required su privilegies for the post install and
- # further configuration actions for the Oracle Database.
- su $RPM_ORCL_USR -c "echo Testing..." >> /dev/null
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]
- then
- echo "[SEVERE] The su command is not configured properly or the $RPM_ORCL_USR user does not have the required privileges to install the Oracle database. If you are running in a Docker environment, ensure to set the environment variable ORACLE_DOCKER_INSTALL=true and try again.";
- exit 1
- fi
+ # Create Default Pluggable Database
+ cat <<- 'EOF'
- RPM_LOG_FILE=/var/log/oracle-database-xe-18c/results/oraInstall.log;
- if [ -f '/etc/oraInst.loc' ]; then
- INVENTORY_LOC=`cat /etc/oraInst.loc | grep -o ^inventory_loc=.* | sed -e 's/^inventory_loc=//'`;
- echo "[INFO] Inventory located at: ${INVENTORY_LOC}" >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- else
- INVENTORY_LOC='/opt/oracle/oraInventory';
- fi
- INVENTORY_FILE="${INVENTORY_LOC}/ContentsXML/inventory.xml";
- SEQ=1;
- MAX_VAL=0;
- if [ -f "${INVENTORY_FILE}" ]; then
- LAST_ORA_HOME_NAME=`cat ${INVENTORY_FILE} | grep -o 'NAME=['"'"'"][^"'"'"']*['"'"'"]' | sed -e 's/^NAME=["'"'"']//' -e 's/["'"'"']$//' | sort | uniq | tail -n 1`;
- if [ ! -z "${LAST_ORA_HOME_NAME}" ]; then
- MAX_VAL="${LAST_ORA_HOME_NAME//[!0-9]/}";
- if [ -z "${MAX_VAL}" ]; then
- fi
- SEQ="$(($MAX_VAL + 1))"
- fi
- echo "[INFO] Oracle home name defined as: ${NEW_ORA_HOME_NAME}" >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- fi
- chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/oracle
- echo "[INFO] Registering Oracle home to the Oracle inventory..." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- su -c "/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/oui/bin/ -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -detachHome ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracle ORACLE_HOME_NAME=${NEW_ORA_HOME_NAME} INVENTORY_LOCATION=${INVENTORY_LOC} " >> /dev/null -m oracle
- su -c "/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/oui/bin/ -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -attachHome ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracle ORACLE_HOME_NAME=${NEW_ORA_HOME_NAME} INVENTORY_LOCATION=${INVENTORY_LOC} " >> /dev/null -m oracle
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "[SEVERE] An error occurred while registering the Oracle home. Verify logs in ${RPM_LOG_FILE} and ${INVENTORY_LOC} for more details and try again."
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "[INFO] Oracle home registered to the Oracle inventory." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- echo "[INFO] Executing post installation scripts...">> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- echo "[INFO] Executing post installation scripts...";
- if [ "$INVENTORY_SETUP_ALREADY" = "false" ]; then
- echo "[INFO] Setting up inventory as it has not been setup on this machine." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- if [ -f "${INVENTORY_LOC}/" ]
- then
- ${INVENTORY_LOC}/ >> /dev/null
- fi
- fi
- /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/ >> /dev/null
- chmod 6751 /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/bin/oracle >> /dev/null
- if [ "$INVENTORY_SETUP_ALREADY" = "false" ]; then
- if [ -f "/etc/oratab" ]
- then
- chown -R oracle:oinstall /etc/oratab
- fi
- fi
- echo "[INFO] Configuring ADR directories..." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- su -c "/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/bin/diagsetup clustercheck=false basedir=/opt/oracle oraclehome=/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE " >> /dev/null -m oracle
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "[SEVERE] An error occurred while configuring the ADR directories for the Oracle home. Verify the execution of the following command: /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/bin/diagsetup clustercheck=false basedir=/opt/oracle oraclehome=/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE "
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "[INFO] ADR directories configured." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- echo "[INFO] Post installation scripts executed successfully." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
+ [Info] Use the following with root command to set password and create default pluggable database:
+ su -s /bin/bash oracle -c '/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/bin/dbca -silent \
+ -createDatabase -gdbName XE -templateName XE_Database.dbc -characterSet AL32UTF8 \
+ -createAsContainerDatabase true -numberOfPDBs 1 -sid XE -pdbName XEPDB1 \
+ -J-Doracle.assistants.dbca.validate.ConfigurationParams=false -emConfiguration DBEXPRESS \
+ -emExpressPort 5500 -J-Doracle.assistants.dbca.validate.DBCredentials=false -sampleSchema true \
+ -customScripts /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/assistants/dbca/postdb_creation.sql'
- echo "[INFO] Oracle home installed successfully and ready to be configured." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- echo "[INFO] Oracle home installed successfully and ready to be configured.";
- echo "To configure Oracle Database XE, optionally modify the parameters in '/etc/sysconfig/oracle-xe-18c.conf' and then execute '/etc/init.d/oracle-xe-18c configure' as root."
- RPM_LOG_FILE=/var/log/oracle-database-xe-18c/results/oraInstall.log;
- echo "[INFO] Performing uninstall actions on Oracle home..." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- echo "$(date +%x-%r)" >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- TMP_FOLDER='/tmp';
- FOLDER_NAME_FRM="deinstall_rsp_";
- SEQ=1;
- IS_ENV_CLEAN=false;
- SEARCH_RES=`find $TMP_FOLDER -maxdepth 1 -type d -name $FOLDER_NAME_FRM* | sort -t'_' -n -k3 | tail -n 1`;
- if [ ! -z "$SEARCH_RES" ]; then
- MAX_VAL="${SEARCH_RES//[!0-9]/}";
- SEQ="$(($MAX_VAL + 1))";
- fi
- chmod -R 777 "$TMP_FOLDER"
- echo "[INFO] Discovering configuration in Oracle home ..." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- if [ -f "/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/deinstall/deinstall" ]; then
- su -c "/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/deinstall/deinstall -silent -checkonly -tmpdir $TMP_FOLDER/$DEINST_FOLDER > /dev/null" -m oracle
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "[SEVERE] An error occured while discovering the configuration of the Oracle home. Verify the deinstall logs for more details."
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "[INFO] Configuration discovering completed ..." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- DEINST_SPEC_FILE=`find $TMP_FOLDER/$DEINST_FOLDER -type f -name *.rsp`;
- if [ ! -z "$DEINST_SPEC_FILE" ]; then
- LISTENERS_VALUE=`awk -F= -v key="NETCA_LOCAL_LISTENERS" '$1==key {print $2}' $DEINST_SPEC_FILE`;
- DBS_VALUE=`awk -F= -v key="DB_UNIQUE_NAME_LIST" '$1==key {print $2}' $DEINST_SPEC_FILE`;
- if [ -z "$LISTENERS_VALUE" ] && [ -z "$DBS_VALUE" ]
- then
- IS_ENV_CLEAN=true;
- fi
- else
- echo "[SEVERE] Deinstall parameter file not found. Automatic deinstallation cannot proceed.";
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ "$IS_ENV_CLEAN" = true ]; then
- echo "[INFO] Proceeding with RPM deinstallation ..." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE;
- su -c "/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/oui/bin/ > /dev/null" -m oracle
- if [ $? -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "[SEVERE] An error occured while detaching the Oracle home from the inventory. Verify and try again."
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- echo "[SEVERE] Database or a listener exists. To delete the database and the listener run '/etc/init.d/oracle-xe-18c delete' as root.";
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- echo "[INFO] Oracle home software not found ..." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE
- fi
- echo "[INFO] Oracle home software removed successfully." >> $RPM_LOG_FILE
+pre_remove() {
+ # Terminate All Processes
+ PIDs=$(ps aux | grep -E '^oracle' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
+ if [ "$PIDs" ];then
+ kill -SIGKILL $PIDs
+ fi
- if [ -f '/etc/oraInst.loc' ]; then
- #Existing inventory found!!
- INVENTORY_LOCATION=`cat /etc/oraInst.loc | grep -o ^inventory_loc=.* | sed -e 's/^inventory_loc=//'`;
- #First validate if the inventory is already empty
- if `grep -q '<HOME *NAME=' $INVENTORY_FILE`; then
- #Registered homes found
- if `grep -v '<HOME *NAME=.*LOC=\"/opt/oracle/.*REMOVED=\"T\"' $INVENTORY_FILE | grep -q '<HOME *NAME=.*LOC=\"/opt/oracle/'`; then
- #Remove everything under RPM home;
- rm -rf /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE >> /dev/null;
- grep -v '<HOME *NAME=.*LOC=\"/opt/oracle/product/18c.*REMOVED=\"T\"' $INVENTORY_FILE | grep -q '<HOME *NAME=.*LOC=\"/opt/oracle/product/18c'
- if [ $? != 0 ];then
- #Remove up to version location since there are no more homes registered to that product version
- rm -rf /opt/oracle/product/18c >> /dev/null;
- fi
- else
- #Cleaning oracle base with exception of oraInventory
- rm -rf /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE >> /dev/null;
- ADMIN_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/admin;
- if [ -d "$ADMIN_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $ADMIN_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $ADMIN_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- AUDIT_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/audit;
- if [ -d "$AUDIT_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $AUDIT_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $AUDIT_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- CFGTOOLLOGS_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/cfgtoollogs;
- if [ -d "$CFGTOOLLOGS_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $CFGTOOLLOGS_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $CFGTOOLLOGS_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- CHECKPOINTS_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/checkpoints;
- if [ -d "$CHECKPOINTS_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $CHECKPOINTS_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $CHECKPOINTS_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- DIAG_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/diag;
- #Using files to assure cross console env compatibility
- if [ -d "$DIAG_FOLDER" ]; then
- DIAG_EMPTY_LOG=/tmp/diag_empty_folders.tmp;
- DIAG_FOLDER_LOG=/tmp/diag_folders.tmp;
- find $DIAG_FOLDER/* -type d -empty > $DIAG_EMPTY_LOG;
- find $DIAG_FOLDER/* -type d > $DIAG_FOLDER_LOG;
- if [ -z "$(diff $DIAG_EMPTY_LOG $DIAG_FOLDER_LOG)" ]; then
- rm -rf $DIAG_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- rm -rf $DIAG_EMPTY_LOG >> /dev/null;
- rm -rf $DIAG_FOLDER_LOG >> /dev/null;
- fi
- FRA_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/fast_recovery_area;
- if [ -d "$FRA_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $FRA_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $FRA_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- ORADATA_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/oradata;
- if [ -d "$ORADATA_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $ORADATA_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $ORADATA_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- PRODUCT_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/product;
- #Using files to assure cross console env compatibility
- if [ -d "$PRODUCT_FOLDER" ]; then
- PRODUCT_EMPTY_LOG=/tmp/product_empty_folders.tmp;
- PRODUCT_FOLDER_LOG=/tmp/product_folders.tmp;
- find $PRODUCT_FOLDER/* -type d -empty > $PRODUCT_EMPTY_LOG;
- if [ -z "$(diff $PRODUCT_EMPTY_LOG $PRODUCT_FOLDER_LOG)" ]; then
- rm -rf $PRODUCT_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- rm -rf $PRODUCT_EMPTY_LOG >> /dev/null;
- rm -rf $PRODUCT_FOLDER_LOG >> /dev/null;
- fi
- fi
- else
- #Can wipe everything
- rm -rf /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE >> /dev/null;
- ADMIN_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/admin;
- if [ -d "$ADMIN_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $ADMIN_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $ADMIN_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- AUDIT_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/audit;
- if [ -d "$AUDIT_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $AUDIT_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $AUDIT_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- CFGTOOLLOGS_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/cfgtoollogs;
- if [ -d "$CFGTOOLLOGS_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $CFGTOOLLOGS_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $CFGTOOLLOGS_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- CHECKPOINTS_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/checkpoints;
- if [ -d "$CHECKPOINTS_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $CHECKPOINTS_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $CHECKPOINTS_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- DIAG_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/diag;
- #Using files to assure cross console env compatibility
- if [ -d "$DIAG_FOLDER" ]; then
- DIAG_EMPTY_LOG=/tmp/diag_empty_folders.tmp;
- DIAG_FOLDER_LOG=/tmp/diag_folders.tmp;
- find $DIAG_FOLDER/* -type d -empty > $DIAG_EMPTY_LOG;
- find $DIAG_FOLDER/* -type d > $DIAG_FOLDER_LOG;
- if [ -z "$(diff $DIAG_EMPTY_LOG $DIAG_FOLDER_LOG)" ]; then
- rm -rf $DIAG_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- rm -rf $DIAG_EMPTY_LOG >> /dev/null;
- rm -rf $DIAG_FOLDER_LOG >> /dev/null;
- fi
- FRA_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/fast_recovery_area;
- if [ -d "$FRA_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $FRA_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $FRA_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- ORADATA_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/oradata;
- if [ -d "$ORADATA_FOLDER" ] && [ -z "$(ls -A $ORADATA_FOLDER)" ]; then
- rm -rf $ORADATA_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- PRODUCT_FOLDER=/opt/oracle/product;
- #Using files to assure cross console env compatibility
- if [ -d "$PRODUCT_FOLDER" ]; then
- PRODUCT_EMPTY_LOG=/tmp/product_empty_folders.tmp;
- PRODUCT_FOLDER_LOG=/tmp/product_folders.tmp;
- find $PRODUCT_FOLDER/* -type d -empty > $PRODUCT_EMPTY_LOG;
- if [ -z "$(diff $PRODUCT_EMPTY_LOG $PRODUCT_FOLDER_LOG)" ]; then
- rm -rf $PRODUCT_FOLDER >> /dev/null;
- fi
- rm -rf $PRODUCT_EMPTY_LOG >> /dev/null;
- rm -rf $PRODUCT_FOLDER_LOG >> /dev/null;
- fi
- rm -rf $INVENTORY_LOCATION >> /dev/null;
+post_remove() {
+ # Oracle Group Names and GIDs
+ ORACLE_GROUP_NAMES=('oinstall' 'dba' 'oper' 'backupdba' 'dgdba' 'kmdba' 'racdba')
- ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracle;
- if [ -z "$(ls -A $ORACLE_BASE)" ]; then
- rm -rf $ORACLE_BASE >> /dev/null;
- fi
- fi
- fi
+ # Remove Oracle Users and Groups
+ userdel oracle
+ for gp in ${ORACLE_GROUP_NAMES[@]};do
+ groupdel $gp
+ done
- #Also remove the corresponding RPM log location
- rm -rf /var/log/oracle-database-xe-18c >> /dev/null
- rm -fr /usr/share/doc/oracle-xe-18c >> /dev/null
+ # Remove Database Files
+ rm -rf /opt/oracle /var/lib/oracle