path: root/shader.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'shader.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/shader.h b/shader.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a3340fcce69..000000000000
--- a/shader.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
- * copied from src/compositor/meta-background-content.c
- * see:
- */
-"float \n"\
-"rounded_rect_coverage (vec2 p, vec4 bounds, float clip_radius) \n"\
-"{ \n"\
-" // Outside the bounds \n"\
-" if (p.x < bounds.x || p.x > bounds.z \n"\
-" || p.y < bounds.y || p.y > bounds.w ) { \n"\
-" return 0.0; \n"\
-" } \n"\
-" float center_left = bounds.x + clip_radius; \n"\
-" float center_right = bounds.z - clip_radius; \n"\
-" float center_x; \n"\
-" \n"\
-" if (p.x < center_left) \n"\
-" center_x = center_left; \n"\
-" else if (p.x > center_right) \n"\
-" center_x = center_right; \n"\
-" else \n"\
-" return 1.0; // The vast majority of pixels exit early here \n"\
-" \n"\
-" float center_top = bounds.y + clip_radius; \n"\
-" float center_bottom = bounds.w - clip_radius; \n"\
-" float center_y; \n"\
-" \n"\
-" if (p.y < center_top) \n"\
-" center_y = center_top; \n"\
-" else if (p.y > center_bottom) \n"\
-" center_y = center_bottom; \n"\
-" else \n"\
-" return 1.0; \n"\
-" \n"\
-" vec2 delta = p - vec2 (center_x, center_y); \n"\
-" float dist_squared = dot (delta, delta); \n"\
-" \n"\
-" // Fully outside the circle \n"\
-" float outer_radius = clip_radius + 0.5; \n"\
-" if (dist_squared >= (outer_radius * outer_radius)) \n"\
-" return 0.0; \n"\
-" \n"\
-" // Fully inside the circle \n"\
-" float inner_radius = clip_radius - 0.5; \n"\
-" if (dist_squared <= (inner_radius * inner_radius)) \n"\
-" return 1.0; \n"\
-" \n"\
-" \n"\
-" // Only pixels on the edge of the curve need expensive antialiasing \n"\
-" return outer_radius - sqrt (dist_squared); \n"\
-"} \n"
-"uniform vec4 bounds; // x, y: top left; z, w: bottom right \n"\
-"uniform float clip_radius; \n"\
-"uniform vec4 inner_bounds; \n"\
-"uniform float inner_clip_radius; \n"\
-"uniform vec2 pixel_step; \n"\
-"uniform int skip; \n"\
-"uniform float border_width; \n"\
-"uniform float border_brightness; \n"
-/* used by src/meta_clip_effect.c */
-/* used by src/meta_clip_effect.c */
-"if (skip == 0) { \n"\
-" vec2 texture_coord = cogl_tex_coord0_in.xy / pixel_step; \n"\
-" \n"\
-" float outer_alpha = rounded_rect_coverage (texture_coord, \n"\
-" bounds, \n"\
-" clip_radius); \n"\
-" if (border_width > 0.0) { \n"\
-" float inner_alpha = rounded_rect_coverage (texture_coord, \n"\
-" inner_bounds, \n"\
-" inner_clip_radius); \n"\
-" float border_alpha = clamp (outer_alpha - inner_alpha, 0.0, 1.0) \n"\
-" * cogl_color_out.a; \n"\
-" \n"\
-" cogl_color_out *= smoothstep (0.0, 0.6, inner_alpha); \n"\
-" cogl_color_out = mix (cogl_color_out, \n"\
-" vec4(vec3(border_brightness), 1.0), \n"\
-" border_alpha); \n"\
-" } else { \n"\
-" cogl_color_out = cogl_color_out * outer_alpha; \n"\
-" } \n"\
-"} \n"
-"uniform vec4 bounds; // x, y: top left; w, v: bottom right \n"\
-"uniform float clip_radius; \n"\
-"uniform vec2 pixel_step; \n"\
-"uniform int skip; \n"\
-"uniform float brightness; \n"
-/* used by shell-blur-effect.c */
-/* used by shell-blur-effect.c */
-"if (skip == 0) { \n"\
-" vec2 texture_coord = cogl_tex_coord0_in.xy / pixel_step; \n"\
-" \n"\
-" cogl_color_out *= rounded_rect_coverage (texture_coord, \n"\
-" bounds, \n"\
-" clip_radius); \n"\
-"} \n"\
-"cogl_color_out.rgb *= brightness; \n"