path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-05-06:(Thomas Schneider
2020-05-06goind to sleep... modeThomas Schneider
2020-05-06I'm soooo tiredThomas Schneider
2020-05-06failed to add the .SRCINFO oO WTF is happening today?Thomas Schneider
2020-05-05Obviously he didn't...Thomas Schneider
2020-05-05did this guy even try to build his shit before commiting? jeeze luiseThomas Schneider
2020-05-05svt versionsThomas Schneider
2020-05-05foo depsThomas Schneider
2020-05-05screw this I forgot the SRCINFOThomas Schneider
2020-05-05bumped the version and made it compile againThomas Schneider
2019-04-04libaom because of segfaultsThomas Schneider
2019-03-30vp9 is too broken so removed it to only leave av1 functionalityThomas Schneider
2019-03-08added conflicts array so that ffmpeg gets replacedThomas Schneider
2019-03-08ffmpeg with svt patches appliedThomas Schneider