path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-20Fix makedependsRhinoceros
2020-06-07Update to 0.16.1.r54.gef7e9d8-1Rhinoceros
2018-03-15PKGBUILD: Updating depends. Simplifying package().David Runge
2017-10-24PKGBUILD: Ordering fields. Moving setuputils build to build(). Using --skip-b...David Runge
2017-10-17PKGBUILD: Removing davcontroller.David Runge
2017-10-17PKGBUILD: Bumping version string.David Runge
2016-09-25PKGBUILD: Updating to version > 0.11.3. Including python-setuptools in makede...David Runge
2016-07-27PKGBUILD: Updating to version post 0.11. Updating to Python3 (be aware, that ...David Runge
2016-05-06PKGBUILD: Updating to khard > 0.9.David Runge
2016-01-31PKGBUILD: Updating to khard > 0.8.1, adding python2-atomicwrites as dependenc...David Runge
2015-12-30PKGBUILD, .SRCINFO: Adding python2-yaml to runtime dependencies.David Runge
2015-12-30khard-git.install: Updating to reflect new templating possibilities. PKGBUILD...David Runge
2015-10-16PKGBUILD: Updating to post 6.2 version, including zsh completion and new conf...David Runge
2015-10-06khard-git.install: Correcting output to new example file location. PKGBUILD: ...David Runge
2015-09-21PKGBUILD: Upgrading to post 0.6 releaseDavid Runge
2015-09-12.SRCINFO: Updating to post 0.5 release. PKGBUILD: Updating to post 0.5 version.David Runge
2015-07-31PKGBUILD: Removing unneeded dependency (python2-argparse). khal-git.install: ...David Runge
2015-07-27khard-git/PKGBUILD, .SRCINFO: Removing license (because it is included in com...David Runge
2015-07-27PKGBUILD,.SRCINFO: Updating to version git version post 0.4.1.David Runge
2015-07-07khard-git.install, PKGBUILD, .SRCINFO: Adding first commit-.David Runge