path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-08-09Update Arch package info for AUR for v0.3.1renyuneyun (Rui Zhao)
2019-04-18Update .SRCINFOrenyuneyun (Rui Zhao)
2018-07-01Update AUR scripts for v0.2.3Rui Zhao (renyuneyun)
2018-07-01Update AUR scriptsRui Zhao (renyuneyun)
2018-03-20update .SRCINFORui Zhao (renyuneyun)
2018-02-22update AUR scripts (removed the complaint of file not existing)renyuneyun (Rui Zhao)
2018-01-31Update license to correctly match the descriptionRui Zhao (renyuneyun)
2017-06-27update ot v0.2.1Rui Zhao (renyuneyun)
2017-05-28update to v0.2.0Rui Zhao (renyuneyun)
2017-05-25update to 0.1.5Rui Zhao (renyuneyun)
2017-05-24init aurRui Zhao (renyuneyun)