AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-09update to 'v2.1.5: Charge limit for the Ally'antheas
2024-04-07update to 'v2.1.4: Legion Go Charge Limit'antheas
2024-04-04update to 'v2.1.3: Lenovo Limit fix'antheas
2024-03-25update to 'v2.1.2: ACPI Call Requirement hotfix'antheas
2024-03-19update to 'v2.1.1: Ally fixes'antheas
2024-03-17update to 'v2.1.0: Bespoke Ally Driver + Fan curves'antheas
2024-03-15update to 'v2.0.1: TDP Tuning + ACPI call fix'antheas
2024-03-13update to 'v2.0.0: Instant TDP Updates'antheas
2024-02-23update to 'v0.3.0: Automatic Control'antheas
2024-02-21update to 'v0.2.0: Platform Profile Standardization + extra CPU support'antheas
2024-02-20update to 'v0.1.1: manifest hotfix'antheas
2024-02-20update to 'v0.1.0: Initial Release'antheas
2024-01-13manual update from actionsantheas