AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-14Fixed some typos - wrong path to Soft Link.MartinVonReichenberg
2024-04-02Added PROVIDES array, modified CONFLICTS array and added a symbolic link the ...MartinVonReich
2024-04-02Added PROVIDES array, modified CONFLICTS array and added a symbolic link the ...MartinVonReich
2024-04-01Updated to the latest stable upstream version + fixed mistakes in PKGBUILD.MartinVonReich
2023-10-12Intial upload - Updated the PKGBUILD file to match Arch Linux' official packa...MartinVonReich
2023-10-12Intial upload - Updated the PKGBUILD file to match Arch Linux' official packa...MartinVonReich
2023-10-12Intial upload - Updated the PKGBUILD file to match Arch Linux' official packa...MartinVonReich