AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-10-11Update .SRCINFOs7hoang
2022-10-11Merge branch 'fix-integrity-check-fail-on-install-file's7hoang
2022-10-11Fix Integrity Check Fail On Install Files7hoang
2022-07-17update .SRCINFOs7hoang
2022-07-17Merge branch 'filepath-differences's7hoang
2022-07-17Add Modification To Requirements.Txt For Protobufs7hoang
Should be an upstream change but will have to see what happens...
2022-07-17Move Back To Roots7hoang
2022-07-17Switch From 'default' (develop) Branch To 'main' Branchs7hoang
In hopes of having a more stable branch.
2022-02-04Update .SRCINFOs7hoang
2022-02-04Add Patch By "clarfonthey" For mkchrootpkg Builds7hoang
2022-01-23Update .SRCINFOs7hoang
2022-01-23Clarify Instructions7hoang
2022-01-23Remove Old Lines7hoang
2022-01-23Merge branch 'change-upholds-to-wants's7hoang
Way nicer and easier to manage now; no fancy. Couple of ways to do it: 1. stop nginx, update ssl key paths, restart anki-sync-server 2. update ssl key paths, restart nginx Whereas previously, you run into an error trying to restart nginx and restarting anki-sync-server didn't restart nginx. Yay~
2022-01-23Change Restart On Failure Triess7hoang
Was originally causing some problems with nginx but now they're unlinked.
2022-01-23Upholds to Wants and remove Propagations7hoang
2022-01-23Change Service Unit Upholds Setting To Wantss7hoang
== The original idea was that you could use: 1. Upholds 2. PropagatesReload 3. PropagatesStop In order to have the convenience of controlling only this service while propagating the same commands to the nginx service. It turns out that _Reload_ and _Restart_ mean two different things. Nginx doesn't support reload and there is no propagation of restart. Since Upholds makes restarting nginx.service difficult (you have to stop-and-start anki-sync-server.service instead). It doesn't make sense to use upholds anymore (plus it would probably be a pain for people who actually use nginx independently). So the goal is to move from Upholds to Wants and remove propagation altogether.
2022-01-22Merge branch 'remove-nginx-from-pkgbuild-backup's7hoang
2022-01-22Remove Nginx.Conf From Backup In PKGBUILDs7hoang
2022-01-22Fix Warning Regarding nginx.confs7hoang
== Since /etc/nginx/nginx.conf is modifed from this package and even branched on in the post install, it could've made sense that the file should've been added to the backup. However it turns out that this package gets a warning for including it since this package is not the package that supplies the file. It turns out that the nginx package already does this anyway so it doesn't really matter for this package. By removing it, this package can avoid the warning and work normally anyways.
2022-01-22Merge branch 'fix-service-modified's7hoang
2022-01-22Change File To Cp Within Packaging From post-install Symlinks7hoang
2022-01-22Change Service From Symlink To Hard Copys7hoang
== Following our pivot from symlinks to hard copies because of pacman's ability to keep track of changes and whether to delete or not delete these files. This file needed to be changed from a symlink to hardcopy and was missed from an earlier branch. These changes should hopefully remove the status of the file from modified to unmodified within pacman -Qii.
2022-01-22Merge branch 'post-remove-sites-enabled-leftovers's7hoang
2022-01-22Add Remove Commands For post_removal()s7hoang
Removes the servers from nginx and, if the directories are empty afterwards, removes the directories as well. Sites-available should be already handled by pacman.
2022-01-22Remove Leftover Symlinks From Sites-Enableds7hoang
== Since we do sometimes make a symlink as part of the install, I think it's probably a good idea to clean it up as well. sites-available and sites-enable can also have a check for empty dir prior to removal.
2022-01-22Merge branch 'https-manpage's7hoang
2022-01-22Add Minor Correction To SSL Key Paths7hoang
2022-01-22Remove Redundant Liness7hoang
2022-01-22Add Front Matters7hoang
2022-01-22Add SubSectionss7hoang
2022-01-22Add Information About HTTPSs7hoang
2022-01-22Add Major Section And Subsectionss7hoang
2022-01-22Add Instructions For Https Servers7hoang
== This package defaults to using the http server which doesn't require anything extra to get working. However, for use with something like the android version of ankiDroid requires the use of an https server instead of an http server. AnkiDroid in particular will simply refuse to work otherwise. It is pretty simple to get nginx working with it and only requires a little bit of: 1. manual server switching (which is already provided) and 2. cert creation (which pacman already has a self-signed local cert generator tool)
2022-01-22Merge branch 'remove-symlinks's7hoang
2022-01-22Remove Database Files From Backup + Add Service Files7hoang
The database files are never actually created when installing (or updating or removing) the package so there's no need to back them up. On the otherhand the service file (and the other files in the backuplist) are modifed or directly created by our package so it makes sense to back these up.
2022-01-22Change Restart Limits7hoang
nginx is getting itself banned by systemctl. I don't know if the upholds is just super quickly restarting or if it's mirroring the settings set for anki-sync-server.service but I figure it's worth a shot changing these settings anyway.
2022-01-22Remove Unnecessary Liness7hoang
All the manual symlinking other than the one for sites-enabled has been removed. Some extra and also unnecessary stuff related to nginx or systemd have also been removed.
2022-01-22Remove Symlinkss7hoang
== Originally, symlinks were used because it seemed like a good idea to keep all the files in one place. Then when it came time to uninstall, there would be no left over remnants. However it seems that the package manager knows to remove extra files created by the package when it comes time to uninstall it. It's useful then to just use cp instead since upgrading this package could cause the original config files to change and therefore any modifications it them.
2022-01-20Merge branch 'nginx-separate-files's7hoang
2022-01-20Move Setting Site-Enabled Server To Only Happen On Fresh Installs7hoang
Before it was going to set the http server to sites-enabled without exception, which could break existing installations that are just upgrading the package. Moving it to the conditional will cause it to only happen on a fresh install.
2022-01-20Change Anki-Sync-Server Default Ip To Be
Learned that refers to any ip which is a bit nicer than forcing one particular ip only.
2022-01-20Add 4 Spaces To Include Lines7hoang
Just so it matches up with the default nginx config.
2022-01-20Reconfigure Build Scripts Use Sites Directory Methods7hoang
_/etc/nginx_ should contain _sites-enabled_ and _sites-available_. The config file will then just wildcard include all sites-enabled. sites-enabled are just symlinks to site-available so servers are easily enabled and disabled via symlinks.
2022-01-20Update PKGBUILD For Both Server Filess7hoang
2022-01-20Add Nginx Server Filess7hoang
2022-01-20Move Nginx Config To Separate Filess7hoang
== Adding two versions of the nginx server for anki-sync-server: 1. http 2. https https requires an ssl certificate for which there will be instructions for included in the manpage. This means that we'll need to reconfigure our build scripts to copy the two files to the right /opt directory, make the right directories in /etc/nginx and add the appropriate lines to nginx config. A good idea would probably be to default to enabling the http one so that it works immediately as opposed to having the user wonder why they're getting cryptic errors that just show up as a garbled mess when sending https requests to an http server.
2022-01-20Merge branch 'systemd-upholds-nginx's7hoang
2022-01-20Add Reload Propagation To Nginxs7hoang
Testing out how upholds works without being annoying about it. Currently with the default nginx.service file, the service will fail and restart really really rapidly causing systemctl to ban it and prevent it from starting ever again. This is obviously a problem and resetting it requires you to not just give it a restart but to infact turn off anki-sync-server completely so it doesn't try to immediately auto restart nginx.