AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
8 daysUsing backup mirror repo until main repo is fixedcorey drew bruce
2023-10-05Crunchyroll 1.0.4-1gameslayer
2023-04-18Crunchyroll 1.0.3-2gameslayer
2023-03-18Crunchyroll 1.0.3-1 -Fixes 404 page on expired login page, goes to home page ...gameslayer
2023-01-24CrunchyRoll 1.0.2-3gameslayer
2023-01-05Added line to automatically replace old bin packagegameslayer
2022-12-24Crunchyroll 1.0.2-1 - Updated login address in the code otherwise you would b...gameslayer
2022-12-21committing PKG file to AURgameslayer