AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
12 daysUpdated cyberchef-web to 10.17.0bgh
13 daysUpdated cyberchef-web to 10.16.0bgh
2024-04-07Updated cyberchef-web to 10.15.1bgh
2024-04-03Updated cyberchef-web to 10.15.0bgh
2024-04-01Updated cyberchef-web to 10.14.0bgh
2024-03-31Updated cyberchef-web to 10.13.0bgh
2024-03-28Updated cyberchef-web to 10.10.0bgh
2024-03-27Updated cyberchef-web to 10.9.0bgh
2024-02-23Add bsdtar option to have archive subfolders extract (in fakeroot) as 755 per...bgh
2024-02-22Updated cyberchef-web to 10.8.2bgh
2024-02-20Moved licenses in dedicated folder, using bsdtar instead of unzipAlphaJack
2024-02-19Updated cyberchef-web to 10.8.1AlphaJack
2024-02-09Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
2024-02-09Updated cyberchef-web to 10.7.0AlphaJack
2024-02-09Updated cyberchef-web to 10.7.0bgh
2024-02-04Updated cyberchef-web to 10.6.0bgh
2024-01-29Using spdx license identifier and b2sumsAlphaJack
2024-01-29Updated cyberchef-web to 10.5.2AlphaJack
2023-07-16Updated cyberchef-web to 10.5.2bgh
2023-04-03Updated cyberchef-web to 10.4.0AlphaJack
2023-03-25Updated cyberchef-web to 10.2.0AlphaJack
2022-12-29Updated cyberchef-web to 9.55.0AlphaJack
2022-11-23Updated cyberchef-web to 9.49.0AlphaJack
2022-10-18Updated cyberchef-web to 9.48.0AlphaJack
2022-04-12Updated cyberchef-web to 9.37.0AlphaJack
2022-01-29Initial commitAlphaJack