AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-06-07Remove unneeded makedependsAdrian Perez de Castro
2016-06-07Install manual pages and documentation in their proper locationsAdrian Perez de Castro
2016-06-07Use a directory ending in "depot_tools"Adrian Perez de Castro
2016-06-07Update .SRCINFOAdrian Perez de Castro
2016-06-07Fix PKGBUILD so the package builds againYen Chi Hsuan
2015-07-23Add script to fix all Python script shebangsAdrian Perez de Castro
2015-06-15depot-tools-git: Fix yet more scriptsAdrian Perez de Castro
2015-06-15depot-tools-git: Patch python executable name in gclientAdrian Perez de Castro
2015-06-15depot-tools-git: Initial importAdrian Perez de Castro