AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-05-07remove unused patcheseDgar
2024-05-07release 0.8.0eDgar
2024-03-13bump versioneDgar
2024-03-13add version to =provides= and =conflicts=eDgar
2024-03-04upd8 SRCINFOeDgar
2024-03-04unpin version (working on main branch)eDgar
2024-02-29pin working version 15b915baeDgar
2024-02-29bump version r1016.3c08815eDgar
2024-01-05upd8 dependseDgar
2024-01-05no need to patch finite_element.heDgar
2023-10-16finite-elment.h now comes with cstdinteDgar
2023-10-16bump to 0.8.0eDgar
2023-10-16There are no -> Skip (tests)eDgar
2023-10-16makedepends nanobindeDgar
2023-09-29from main branch againeDgar
2023-09-28python-scikit-build dependseDgar
2023-09-27back to release branch; robuster way for pkgver; finite_element_h_cstdint.patcheDgar
2023-09-27upd8 SRCINFO (using main branch)eDgar
2023-09-27remove ways to get versions from git & setup.pyeDgar
2023-09-27defer check and python package to python-basix-giteDgar
2023-09-25depend on gcc, blas-openblas; branch=release in source, not prepare; needs ma...eDgar
2023-08-18MIT license (thanks @rmsc)eDgar
2023-06-13upd8 .SRCINFOeDgar
2023-06-13can you live with python build in package()? yes!eDgar
2023-06-13joy without hackeDgar
2023-06-11follow packaging guideline: git clean -dfxeDgar
2023-06-11bump to 0.5.1, disable BLAS_LIBRARIES hackeDgar
2022-08-29build from git release to re-enable https://fenicsproject.dis...eDgar
2022-08-25re-enable Python; add check(); pkgver from tags & commitentschuld
2022-08-24remove python & DXTENSOR_OPTIMIZE (unused), add CXX_STARNDARD=20entschuld
2021-09-12_realname → _baseeDgar
2021-08-30forced cblas in BLAS_LIBRARIES; python/test/* passed (disable numba)entshuld
2021-08-29build basix with C++ and python (using sed hack)entshuld