AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-03Clone depot_tools only if not already cloned from pkgbuild sources.Patrick Northon
2024-04-01Lock cache directory while building.Patrick Northon
2023-12-08Better handle build failure and move runtime dependencies.Patrick Northon
2023-11-29Revamp: the engine will be compiled and cached in the user cache directory pe...Patrick Northon
2023-11-27Revert back version to 3.13.9 and it is no longer necessary to use $flutter_s...Patrick Northon
2023-11-17No longer disable telemetry and fix flutter complaining about local engine host.Patrick Northon
2023-11-16Update version.Patrick Northon
2023-10-31Prevent use of prebuilt dart sdk and force use of system python.Patrick Northon
2023-10-26Update version.Patrick Northon
2023-10-18Update version.Patrick Northon
2023-09-27Update version.Patrick Northon
2023-09-23Initial commit.Patrick Northon