AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-03-06Fixed a bug, switched to masterDarks
2021-03-06Updated VSC, switch to cmakeDarks
2021-02-03Updated to 2.3.1Eldeberen
2020-05-10Added mkg3a as optionnal dependencyDarks
2020-05-08Added gint as optionnal dependanceDarks
2020-05-08Corrected a bug at installation processDarks
2020-05-08Modified installation process to use --prefixDarks
2020-05-08Updated to last version of fxsdkDarks
2018-04-25r10 -> r14Louise
2017-01-23Added provideJules Roumieux
2017-01-23First commitJules Roumieux