AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-11-25Remove SVN keywordsOlivier Mehani
2010-08-05[gnuplot-cvs-pdflib] Updated to match gnuplot-cvs more closely.shtrom
2010-02-03Some updates and bumps.shtrom
2009-09-18[gnuplot-cvs-pdflib] CVS version bump.shtrom
2008-12-05[gnuplot-cvs-pdflib] New version.shtrom
2008-04-02[archpkg] Info- and conflicts- related cleanup for GNUPlot.mehani
2008-03-20[arclinux pkgs] Clearer description for GNUPlot w/ PDFLib.mehani
2008-03-20[archlinux pkgs] Added empty source and md5sums fields for GNUPlot.mehani
2008-03-20[archlinux] Changed email address for GNUPlot.mehani
2008-03-20[archlinux pkg] Cleanup in the PKGBUILD of GNUPlot, and added licensemehani
2008-03-14[archpkg] New arch for gnuplot+pdfmehani
2008-01-04Added/modified some licenses.mehani
2007-06-06added archsmehani
2007-03-20New package version.mehani
2007-02-20Maintainer and Id tagsmehani
2007-02-19Working GNUPlot-cvs with PDFlibmehani