AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
13 daysFinetuned PKGBUILDNikos Toutountzoglou
2024-01-09Github sunsetting Subversion support.Nikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-03Update to Release 2023-12.1Nikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-03update to latest upstream commitNikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-03update to latest upstream commitNikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-03update to latest upstream commitNikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-02Update to latest upstreamNikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-02Update to latest commit from upstreamNikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-02Update to version 1.3Nikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-01Update to version 1.2Nikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-01Added upgrade sites option in iptvorg-epg.shNikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-01Update to version 1.1, site updatesNikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-01Fixes in scriptNikos Toutountzoglou
2023-12-01Fixed typo in scriptNikos Toutountzoglou
2023-11-30Initial version 1.0Nikos Toutountzoglou