AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-20upstream update, new modelGaetan Bisson
2023-12-30Merge branch 'master' of ssh://aur/katago-avx2Gaetan Bisson
2023-12-30upstream updateGaetan Bisson
2023-09-26update to latest strong modelGaetan Bisson
2023-05-27upstream updateGaetan Bisson
2023-04-06just name the file model.gz and remove symlinkGaetan Bisson
2023-04-06new model, include symlink to current model for ease of useGaetan Bisson
2023-03-15upstream update, new neural net!Gaetan Bisson
2022-06-29avoid copying more than intendedGaetan Bisson
2022-05-31Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'Gaetan Bisson
2022-05-31mprovementsGaetan Bisson
2022-05-19remove unused argumentGaetan Bisson
2022-05-18initial commitGaetan Bisson