AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
12 daysVersion bump to 8.16.1Jared J (Jenkins)
2024-11-13Version bump to 8.16.0Jared J (Jenkins)
2024-10-18Version bump to 8.15.3Jared J (Jenkins)
2024-09-27Version bump to 8.15.2Jared J (Jenkins)
2024-09-06Version bump to 8.15.1Jared J (Jenkins)
2024-08-09Version bump to 8.15.0Jared J (Jenkins)
2024-07-12Version bump to 8.14.3Jared J (Jenkins)
2024-07-05Version bump to 8.14.2Jared J (Jenkins)
2024-06-13Version bump to 8.14.1Jared J (Jenkins)
2024-06-07Tweak autoUpdate for automated pkgrel bumping.Jared J
2024-06-07Version bump to 8.14.0Jared J
2024-06-07Remove .asc, download official release from githubJared J
2024-06-07Comment removal of files in buildJared J
2024-02-25Use current nodejsJared J
2024-02-25Add autoUpdate for version bumping.Jared J
2024-02-25Version bump to 8.12.2Jared J
2024-02-25Split archive & ascJared J
2024-02-25Revert recent commits. Change of plans.Jared J
2024-02-25Revert recent commits. Change of plans.Jared J
2024-02-25Revert recent commits. Change of plans.Jared J
2024-02-25Revert recent commits. Change of plans.Jared J
2024-02-25Revert recent commits. Change of plans.Jared J
2024-02-25Revert recent commits. Change of plans.Jared J
2024-02-25Add autoUpdate scriptJared J
2024-02-25Version bump to 8.12.2Jared J
2024-02-25Update PKGBUILD with github sourceJared J
2024-02-25Correct b2sum in .SRCINFO for tarballJared J
2024-02-25Use b2sums for hash verification.Jared J
2024-02-25Use elastic's releases from github.Jared J
2022-07-30upgpkg: kibana-xpack 8.3.3-1Dave Wheeler
2022-06-25upgpkg: kibana-xpack 8.2.3-1Dave Wheeler
2022-06-02upgpkg: kibana-xpack 8.2.2-1Dave Wheeler
2022-04-09upgpkg: kibana-xpack 8.1.2-1Dave Wheeler
2022-04-06upgpkg: kibana-xpack 8.0.1-1Dave Wheeler
2022-04-02upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.17.2-1Dave Wheeler
2022-01-27upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.16.3-1Dave Wheeler
2022-01-06upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.16.2-1Dave Wheeler
2021-12-02upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.15.2-2Dave Wheeler
2021-12-02upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.15.2-1Dave Wheeler
2021-10-19upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.15.1-1Dave Wheeler
2021-10-11upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.15.0-1Dave Wheeler
2021-09-13upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.14.1-1Dave Wheeler
2021-08-28upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.14.0-1Dave Wheeler
2021-07-26upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.13.4-1Dave Wheeler
2021-07-25upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.13.3-1Dave Wheeler
2021-06-28upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.13.2-1Dave Wheeler
2021-06-06upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.13.1-1Dave Wheeler
2021-06-06upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.13.0-1Dave Wheeler
2021-05-11upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.12.1-1Dave Wheeler
2021-03-26upgpkg: kibana-xpack 7.12.0-1Dave Wheeler