AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2025-01-28make a single package for all BEU driversPhillip Schichtel
2025-01-28include all filesPhillip Schichtel
2025-01-28update to 1.27Phillip Schichtel
2023-06-26update .SRCINFO and LICENSEDaniel Wilhelm
2023-06-26delete url and add file to branch bacause chksum reasons and updatet to 1.25austreanlocal
2021-11-28Update printer driverDaniel Wilhelm
2019-10-30update SRCINFO with new download sourceDaniel Wilhelm
2019-10-30ignore build filesDaniel Wilhelm
2019-10-30replace with alternative download sourceDaniel Wilhelm
2017-06-28initial releaseDaniel Wilhelm