AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-08-25Updated to version 0.18.2tammert
2022-07-04Updated to version 0.18.0tammert
2021-07-24Updated to 0.16.0tammert
2021-02-19Updated to version 0.15.0tammert
2021-01-27Updated to version 0.14.1tammert
2020-12-20Typo in PKGBUILD headertammert
2020-12-20Updated SRCINFO, PKGBUILD headertammert
2020-12-20Updated to version 0.13.1tammert
2020-07-28Update to 0.12.5David Birks
2020-05-27Update to 0.12.4David Birks
2019-10-31[security] Update pkg to 0.9.3Stefan Cocora
2019-10-31[security] Update pkg to 0.9.1Stefan Cocora
2019-08-20[security] Pkg update to v0.8.1Stefan Cocora
2019-08-20[security] Pkg update to v0.8.0Stefan Cocora
2019-03-27[feature] Add initial package manifest for kubeseal v0.7.0Stefan Cocora