AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-11-09fix(makedepends): disable libvisual, lcevc, musepack, svtjepgxs,kuma
2024-07-11Merge branch 'dev'kuma
2024-07-10fix: compat with ffmpeg 7.0kuma
2024-06-08Squashed commit of the following:kuma
2024-06-08upd: metadatakuma
2024-06-08fix: disable cuda-nvmm, and fix c header 'nvbufsurface.h' not found errorkuma
2024-05-08Merge branch 'dev'kuma
2024-05-08upd: pkg version and .SRCINFOZJX
2024-03-20fix: undefined reference to `vaMapBuffer2' error, we must use libva>=2.21kuma
2024-03-20fix: remove libnice require and disable webrtckuma
2023-12-15update .SRCINFOkuma
2023-12-15Merge branch 'dev'kuma
2023-12-15feat: remove depends of lib32-libkatekuma
2023-12-14feat: remove dep lib32-shaderckuma
2023-12-14feat: remove dep lib32-shaderckuma
2023-07-18update to 1.22.x, rm omx options, rm chromaprint, sidplay, openjpeg deeps, di...kuma
2023-07-17Merge branch 'dev' of zjx/lib32-gstraemer-git into masterzjx
2023-07-18rm: omx flagkuma
2023-07-18disable: gst webrtc support, and remove libnice depkuma
2023-07-17rm: addition chromaprint depskuma
2023-07-17rm: chromaprint depskuma
2023-06-29fix: disable plugins-bad qt6d3d11kuma
2023-06-06fix: mask check failkuma
2023-06-06rm: deps of lib32-libsidplaykuma
2023-02-14fix: disable lib32-svt-av1 supportkuma
2023-02-02fix: disable qt6kuma
2023-01-17fix: deps lib32-libnice>=0.1.20kuma
2022-12-11update: to 1.21.3, fix gst-good qt6kuma
2022-10-12update to 1.21.1kuma
2022-07-10fix(git): build lib32-gstreamer @tag:mainkuma
2022-07-07fix(source): remove tag of git linkkuma
2022-06-26update(SRCINFO): update infokuma
2022-06-26update(*):update to 1.20.3kuma
2022-05-22gstreamer 32-bit, git version, 1.20.2kuma