AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-06PKGBUILD: update version-scheme, add providesFerdinand Bachmann
2023-04-05copy license because of its copyright lineEric Engestrom
2023-04-05downgrade hwdata to build-only dependencyEric Engestrom
2023-02-27re-enable tests, without edid-decode now that it's no longer usedEric Engestrom
2023-02-17bump pkgver for release 0.1.1Eric Engestrom
2023-02-17simplify pkgver() now that upstream has releasesEric Engestrom
2023-02-17disable tests for now; see upstream issueEric Engestrom
2023-02-04fix check()Eric Engestrom
2022-11-17initial commit - r163.ac857e8985Eric Engestrom