AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-12Change from paraview to vtk packageBenjamin Radel
2023-07-11Change build from mpi to autoBenjamin Radel
2023-07-11Fix patching/compilation errorsBenjamin Radel
2022-05-16Use recent liggghts from gitBenjamin Radel
2021-06-21Anpassung für VTKBenjamin Radel
2018-03-06Update to 3.8.0xpt
2017-07-15Update to 3.7.0-1xpt
2017-04-03Update to 3.6.0-1xpt
2016-09-12Update to 3.5.0-1xpt
2016-09-12Update to 3.5.0-1xpt
2016-06-29Added git as makedependsxpt
2016-06-12Update to 3.4.0-1xpt
2016-06-12Update to 3.4.0-1xpt
2016-03-16Update to 3.3.1-1xpt
2016-02-16Update to 3.3-1xpt
2015-07-17Initial importxpt