AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-03-28Remove gitignore, not part of Arch packaging guidelinesCaleb Maclennan
The need for git ignore files is better served by a single parent .gitignore in the directory above all one's AUR packages (whether this is just a loose file or part of an `aurpublish` setup or whether `pkgctl` is being used). Each AUR package having its own missmatched ignore rules that behave differently depending on developer preferences is fairly disruptive because tooling doesn't behave the same between packages.
2024-03-26Fix nvchecker file locationCaleb Maclennan
2024-03-25Setup nvcheckerCaleb Maclennan
2022-04-16upgpkg: lua-cldr-git 0.2.0.r0.g51e4760-2Caleb Maclennan
2022-04-16upgpkg: lua-cldr-git 0.1.0.r21.gfc7d81d-1Caleb Maclennan
2022-04-16upgpkg: lua-cldr-git 0.1.0.r15.g253f8d5-1Caleb Maclennan
2020-10-21upgpkg: lua-cldr-git 0.0.0.r8.g0972094-1Caleb Maclennan
Update rockspec name
2020-08-06upgpkg: lua-cldr-git 0.0.0.r6.g090ce28-4Caleb Maclennan
Bump default to Lua 5.4 and add Lua 5.3 split package
2020-05-13Add missing provides for stable package namesCaleb Maclennan
upgpkg: lua-cassowary-git 2.2.r26.g63e91d4-3 upgpkg: lua-cldr-git 0.0.0.r6.g090ce28-3 upgpkg: lua-commonmark-git 0.0.0.r12.ge71d851-2 upgpkg: lua-fluent-git 0.0.4.r69.g690b347-3
2020-05-13Cleanup URLs, upstream tagging format is migrating to 'v' prefixCaleb Maclennan
upgpkg: lua-cassowary-git 2.2.r26.g63e91d4-2 upgpkg: lua-cassowary 2.2-7 upgpkg: lua-cldr-git 0.0.0.r6.g090ce28-2 upgpkg: lua-cldr 0.0.0-7 upgpkg: lua-commonmark-git 0.0.0.r12.ge71d851-1 upgpkg: lua-commonmark 0.0.0-2 upgpkg: lua-fluent-git 0.0.4.r69.g690b347-2 upgpkg: lua-fluent 0.0.4-5
2020-05-13Fix bogus git URLCaleb Maclennan
upgpkg: lua-cassowary-git 2.2.r26.g63e91d4-1 upgpkg: lua-cldr-git 0.0.0.r6.g090ce28-1 upgpkg: lua-fluent-git 0.0.4.r69.g690b347-1
2020-05-13Overhaul Lua dependencies for clean buildsCaleb Maclennan
upgpkg: lua-cassowary 2.2-6 upgpkg: lua-cldr-git 0.0.0.r3.gd6e38e1-4 upgpkg: lua-cldr 0.0.0-6 upgpkg: lua-fluent-git 0.0.4.r64.gcd506ef-3 upgpkg: lua-fluent 0.0.4-4
2020-02-12Cleanup bash shell quoting using shellhardenCaleb Maclennan
2020-02-06Fix Lua packaging to not re-download sourcesCaleb Maclennan
2020-02-06Match conflicts to Lua versions, fix URLCaleb Maclennan
2020-02-06Split packaging for Lua versionsCaleb Maclennan
2019-10-12Document conflicts with non VCS packageCaleb Maclennan
2019-10-12Add initial PKGBUILDCaleb Maclennan