AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-06-14Fixed python hashbang regexDaniel Peukert
2020-02-11Small PKGBUILD fixesDaniel Peukert
2020-01-20Renamed Mailpile/print archive to be consistent with other packagesDaniel Peukert
2020-01-19Make sure that we replace the print plugin folder correctlyDaniel Peukert
2020-01-18Add trailing slashesDaniel Peukert
2020-01-18Added install instructionsDaniel Peukert
2020-01-15Updated mailpile dependenciesDaniel Peukert
2020-01-14Added mailpileDaniel Peukert
2018-06-06Update to 1.0.0rc3Maxim Andersson
2018-02-02Update to 1.0.0rc2-1Maxim Andersson
2017-11-19Update to 1.0.0rc1-1Maxim Andersson
2015-09-07Change dependency to gnupg 1.4Maxim Andersson
2015-09-07Add homedir checkMaxim Andersson
2015-08-15Update to 0.5.2-1Maxim Andersson
2015-07-29Remove Apache from license arrayMaxim Andersson
2015-07-29Update to 0.5.1-1Maxim Andersson
2015-07-29Remove userdel and groupdelMaxim Andersson
2015-06-08Initial importMaxim Andersson