AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2025-03-12removed deprecated options osmesa & shared-glapiLone_Wolf
2024-09-11added a condition to prevent conflict=opencl-rusticl-mesa from blocking insta...Lone_Wolf
2024-09-11corrections to provides & conflictsLone_Wolf
2024-09-11updated provides & conflictsLone_Wolf
2024-09-10removed obsolete gallium-omx optionLone_Wolf
2024-09-07switch to license.rst which is included in sourceLone_Wolf
2024-09-07added spirv-tools as runtime dep since vulkan needs itLone_Wolf
2024-09-06remove obsolete patch, also remove obsolete dri3=enabled lineLone_Wolf
2024-08-31use repo glslang & spirv-tools, also added a patch to solve build failLone_Wolf
2024-07-29 breaks vainfo...Lone_Wolf
2024-07-25patch is merged upstream, removedLone_Wolf
2024-07-23replaced deprecated gallium swrast with gallium llvmpipeLone_Wolf
2024-07-23added python-pyaml as new makdep, also added patch for https://gitlab.freedes...Lone_Wolf
2024-06-23removed patch merged by upstreamLone_Wolf
2024-05-22apply patch from
2024-04-27new makedep python-packagingLone_Wolf
2024-04-06corrected makedeps, re-enabled iris & anvLone_Wolf
2024-04-02disabled intel OpenGL & Vulkan, also added vulkan-nouveau to conflicts arrayLone_Wolf
2024-04-02corrected deps, removed no longer needed fpermissive workaroundLone_Wolf
2024-03-30use -fpermissive to workaround build failureLone_Wolf
2024-03-24switch from glslang to glslang-minimal-gitLone_Wolf
2024-03-20added !debug to options=Lone_Wolf
2024-02-24fixed SRCINFOLone_Wolf
2024-02-24disabled lto-build due to runtime errorLone_Wolf
2024-02-17added new dep python-ply,needed for vulkan-intelLone_Wolf
2024-02-03mesa upstream again depends on clang for opencl headers, re-introduce clang-o...Lone_Wolf
2023-12-07build all video-codecsLone_Wolf
2023-11-25updated videocodecsLone_Wolf
2023-11-04embedding opencl headers now so clang opencl headers are no longer needed at ...Lone_Wolf
2023-10-07new dependency for rusticl : clang-opencl-headers-minimal-gitLone_Wolf
2023-09-28forgot to update checksums after removing patch filesLone_Wolf
2023-09-26removed no longer needed patchesLone_Wolf
2023-09-19added patches for llvm-18 build failure, see
2023-09-13adjusted pkgver to work with input files without newline charsLone_Wolf
2023-09-09added xcb-util-keysyms to mesa-minimal-git dependsLone_Wolf
2023-08-05added clang-minimal-git as dep for rusticl so it can build opencl kernels....Lone_Wolf
2023-08-05repo mesa has made changes in naming opencl parts, adjusted PKGBUILD to refel...Lone_Wolf
2023-07-15changed makedeps to reflect change in llvm-libs-minimal-gitLone_Wolf
2023-05-17removed patch that is no longer neededLone_Wolf
2023-05-14adjusted to changes in llvm-minimal-git,rechecked dependenciesLone_Wolf
2023-04-25removed patch that has been upstreamedLone_Wolf
2023-04-15rusticl-mesa-minimal-git now depends on the new clang-libs-minimal-gitLone_Wolf
2023-04-15reworked rusticl dependenciesLone_Wolf
2023-04-12temp fix for building with rust-bindgen 0.65+Lone_Wolf
2023-04-12added llvm-minimal-git as dep to rusticl-minimal-git so opencl kernels can be...Lone_Wolf
2023-03-22one patch has been upstreamed, removed itLone_Wolf
2023-03-21apply patches from
2023-02-23no longer remove _builddir in prepare() as cmake deals with this itself when ...Lone_Wolf
2023-01-31removed obsolete dri-drivers optionLone_Wolf