AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
11 daysadopt and upgrade to 2.8.0jazztickets
2022-12-10Update to 2.6.2Eduardo Bart
2022-07-26Update to 2.6.1Eduardo Bart
2020-05-12Fix linkage with latest mingw environmentEduardo Bart
2018-10-31Replace smpeg with libmpg123Eduardo Bart
2018-10-31Update to 2.0.4Eduardo Bart
2018-01-08Updated .SRCINFOLinus Probert
2017-12-20Updated to version 2.0.2Linus Probert
2016-01-05Updated .SRCINFOLinus Probert
2016-01-05Updated version to 2.0.1Linus Probert
2015-08-21Removed a redundant build lineLinus Probert
2015-08-21Initial commit, working PKGBUILDLinus Probert