AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
9 daysUpdate to version in [extra]. Ready for deleting from AURNebulosa
2024-04-20Update dependenciesNebulosa
2024-03-30New Release 0.1.4, add quotes, spicify a name of packagesNebulosa
2024-03-13Update to 0.1.3-2Nebulosa
2024-03-09Update to 0.1.3-1Nebulosa
2024-02-17Update to 0.1.2-2Nebulosa
2024-02-17Update to 0.1.2-1Nebulosa
2024-02-08Update to 0.1.1-3Nebulosa
2024-02-03Update to 0.1.1-2Nebulosa
2024-02-03Update to 0.1.1-1Nebulosa
2024-01-28Update to 0.1.0-3Nebulosa
2024-01-28Init 0.1.0-2Nebulosa