AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
5 daysAdd more missing dependenciesDaniel Peukert
2024-04-03Update ocaml-js_of_ocaml to 5.7.2 (closes #489)Daniel Peukert
2024-03-05Update ocaml-js_of_ocaml to 5.7.1Daniel Peukert
2024-02-23Bump ocaml-js_of_ocaml as the upstream tag changedDaniel Peukert
2024-02-19Update ocaml-js_of_ocaml to 5.7.0Daniel Peukert
2024-01-28Sync pkgbuilds repo with AURDaniel Peukert
2024-01-03Update ocaml-js_of_ocaml to 5.6.0Daniel Peukert
2023-12-09Update ocaml-js_of_ocaml to 5.5.2Daniel Peukert
2023-12-02Update ocaml-js_of_ocaml to 5.5.0Daniel Peukert
2023-08-11Add ocaml-js_of_ocamlDaniel Peukert