AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-04-26update srcingoTsingv
2022-04-26update to 0.2.3Tsingv
2022-03-29updated sha512sum, but why it changed?Tsingv
2022-03-29add commentTsingv
2022-02-28add more arch, fix same name's bugTsingv
2022-02-28update to 0.2.2Tsingv
2022-01-25upgrade to 0.2.1Tsingv
2022-01-25upgrade to 0.2.1Tsingv
2022-01-25add binTsingv
2021-06-20update srcinfoTsingv
2021-06-20update pkgrelTsingv
2021-06-20fixed soft link, but not thr correct way I think.Tsingv
2021-06-20update .srcingoTsingv
2021-06-20add softlink into PATH's directoryTsingv
2021-06-20bin file, version 0.1.0Tsingv