AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-06-08fixed path again, i have to test more carefully...hfte
2017-06-08fixed path do PKDAdapterUSBhfte
2017-06-08fixes: less binarieshfte
2017-06-08rolled back to more binaries, bugs detectedhfte
2017-06-08little fixhfte
2017-06-08less binarieshfte
2017-06-08less binarieshfte
2017-06-08removed binaries in OneWireViewer, binaries only remain in the APIhfte
2017-06-08different logohfte
2017-06-06fixes againhfte
2017-06-06created udev rule and changes srcinfohfte
2017-06-06created udev rule to allow users to use the 1wirestickhfte
2017-06-06still using binaries but it works for nowhfte