AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-03-31Working, without OMOptimElMastro
2019-03-31Working, without OMOptimElMastro
2016-08-11Removed omedit.patch file, added gnuplot dependency and DH5_USE_18_API compil...Xwang
2016-08-11Removed omedit patch commandXwang
2016-05-03Added qt5-tools to dependenciesXwang
2016-04-30Added omedit.patch to solve OMEdit crash bug and upgrade release versionXwang
2016-04-09New version upstreamXwang
2015-12-12Updated dependenciesXwang
2015-10-27Updated dependenciesXwang
2015-06-27Added --without-omc option (it compiles the omc however)Xwang
2015-06-27Better clone managementXwang
2015-06-27Modified package function and added iconsXwang
2015-06-27Modified to avoid cloning the complete repository if the package is rebuiltXwang
2015-06-20Forced to clone openmodelica repositoryXwang
2015-06-20Deleted source and md5sums and added logic to clone only if git not presentXwang
2015-06-20Deleted source and forced full download from gitXwang
2015-06-20Initial importXwang