AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-02-20fixing granite depends i thinkSolomon Choina
2020-10-05libhandy update to libhandySolomon Choina
2020-08-16forgot libhandy as a depend/makedependSolomon Choina
2020-08-16forgot libhandy as a depend/makedependSolomon Choina
2020-08-13nicer pkgver and libhandy patchingSolomon Choina
2018-08-24Round of updatesMaxime Gauduin
2018-08-22upstream since it uses ubuntu added compatibility with the patched vt… (#80)SolarAquarion
2018-08-21More updatesMaxime Gauduin
2018-08-13The usual round of updatesMaxime Gauduin
2018-08-10Bump versionsMaxime Gauduin
2018-07-23Push version updatesMaxime Gauduin
2018-06-24Remove vte patchMaxime Gauduin
2018-05-26pantheon-terminal-git r1696.3f84363-1Maxime Gauduin
2018-03-27Switch to mesonMaxime Gauduin
2017-12-22No more i686Maxime Gauduin
2017-05-01Add replacesMaxime Gauduin
2017-04-30Add pantheon-terminal-gitMaxime Gauduin