AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-07Update source package paths to new versionsSchorsch
2023-09-01copy license file from source packageSchorsch
2023-07-31Update source package paths to new versionsSchorsch
2023-07-31Update source package paths to new versionsSchorsch
2023-07-31Update source package paths to new versionsSchorsch
2023-07-31Update source package paths to new versionsSchorsch
2023-05-11Update source package paths to new versionsGabriel P
2022-05-14Update source package paths to new versionsGabriel P
2022-04-14Update source package paths to new versionsGabriel P
2022-02-13updated to latest versionGabriel Pregger
2022-02-07cleaned up creditsGabriel Pregger
2022-02-06cleaned up package descriptionsGabriel Pregger
2022-02-06initial commitGabriel Pregger