AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
39 hoursBump versionPatschke
6 daysBump pkgrelease to force reinstall for python 3.12Patschke
2024-03-28Bump versionPatschke
2024-03-06Bump versionPatschke
2023-10-26Add dependency for buildPatschke
2023-09-29Bump version to 0.6.0Patschke
2023-08-31Don't use anymorePatschke
2023-08-30Update versionPatschke
2023-06-21Update versionPatschke
2023-05-30Update version to 0.4.2Patschke
2023-05-08Increment number to force rebuild for pyhton 3.11Patschke
2022-10-10Update version and switch from pypi to githubPatschke
2022-09-19Update versionPatschke
2022-07-08Bump version to 0.1.4Patschke
2022-05-27Bump version to 0.1.3Patschke
2022-04-26Bump version to 0.1.1Patschke
2022-02-25Bump versionPatschke
2022-01-26Bump version to 0.0.42Patschke
2021-12-03Bump VersionPatschke
2021-11-11Update version to 0.0.39Patschke
2021-10-05Release 0.0.38Patschke
2021-09-13Update to 0.0.37Patschke
2021-08-27Bump version to 0.0.36Patschke
2021-08-23initial commitPatschke