AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-03-29Bump the version.Damir Jelić
2020-02-27Bump version.Damir Jelić
2020-02-21Bump version.Damir Jelić
2020-02-14Add python-aiofiles to the deps.Damir Jelić
2020-02-14Bump version and remove Python 2 support.Damir Jelić
2019-09-11Bump version.Damir Jelić
2019-09-09Add cachetools to the deps and bump the pkgrel.Damir Jelić
2019-09-09Add updated SRCINFO.Damir Jelić
2019-09-09Bump the version.Damir Jelić
2019-09-09Add aiohttp to the deps of the python 3 version of the lib.Damir Jelić
2019-07-13Bump version.Damir Jelić
2019-07-13Bump version.Damir Jelić
2019-05-25Fix python2 dependencies.Damir Jelić
2019-05-24Initial commit.Damir Jelić