AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-06-02update to 4.5.1Eric Engestrom
2023-04-28update to 4.5.0Eric Engestrom
2023-02-22update to 4.4.1Eric Engestrom
2023-02-08missing .SRCINFO in last commitEric Engestrom
2023-02-08update to 4.4.0Eric Engestrom
2022-10-20update to 4.3.0Eric Engestrom
2022-08-11update to 4.2.0Eric Engestrom
2022-02-28update to v4.0.0Eric Engestrom
2021-12-23bump pkgrel for python 3.10 install path changeEric Engestrom
2021-09-21update to v3.2.1Eric Engestrom
2021-09-02initial commit - v3.2.0Eric Engestrom