AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
3 daysUpdate to 0.23.1Ali Molaei
9 daysDon't use checksum for git as pamac seems to have problems with itAli Molaei
11 daysAdd checksumAli Molaei
11 daysAdd git to make-deps, add checksumAli Molaei
2024-04-15Update to 0.22.3Ali Molaei
2024-03-08Use tags instead of commits, Update to 0.21.0Ali Molaei
2024-01-26Update to 0.20.3Ali Molaei
2023-12-09Update to 0.20.2Ali Molaei
2023-11-07Remove python-psutil from dependenciesAli Molaei
2023-11-06Revert to commitAli Molaei
2023-11-06Use tag againAli Molaei
2023-11-04Use commit as reference to version instead of tags as tags are being removed ...Ali Molaei
2023-11-01Initial commitAli Molaei