AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-11-08New upstream version 5.13.1; update download URLChristopher Arndt
2019-06-10* New upstream version 5.12Christopher Arndt
2019-01-18Add 'sip' to dependsChristopher Arndt
2019-01-15New upstream version 5.11.3; remove obsolete patchChristopher Arndt
2018-08-12Add fix for broken scriptChristopher Arndt
2018-08-07New upstream version 5.11.2; new AUR package maintainer; restructured PKGBUILDChristopher Arndt
2017-08-20add qt5-charts dependencySebastian Frysztak
2017-08-18add missing .SRCINFOSebastian Frysztak
2017-08-18update to 5.9Sebastian Frysztak
2017-07-03Initial importoslik